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COMMON ANEMIAS Haematology Dr. Janis Bormanis Common anemias 4 Iron deficiency 4 Megaloblastic anemias 4 Secondary anemias to chronic diseases Anemia.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMON ANEMIAS Haematology Dr. Janis Bormanis Common anemias 4 Iron deficiency 4 Megaloblastic anemias 4 Secondary anemias to chronic diseases Anemia."— Presentation transcript:


2 COMMON ANEMIAS Haematology Dr. Janis Bormanis

3 Common anemias 4 Iron deficiency 4 Megaloblastic anemias 4 Secondary anemias to chronic diseases Anemia of chronic disease 4 Hemolytic anemias Spherocytic fragmentation


5 STAGES OF IRON DEPLETION Loss of body stores Fall in serum iron Anemia develops Microcytosis Hypochromasia

6 ASSESSMENT OF IRON STATUS 4 Identify high risk groups 4 Children 4 Menstruation 4 Pregnancy - Lactation 4 Frequent Blood Donors 4 Chronic GI loss 4 Malabsorption 4 Diet

7 SOURCES OF IRON ; Heme Iron –Meat –10-15% absorbed ; Non-Heme –Vegetables, Fruit, Cereal –Major source in Third World

8 IRON BALANCE ; Ingest 10-20 mg. per day ; Absorb 1-3 mg. per day ; Lose 1 + mg per day –menstrual loss 30-50 ml ; Total iron 35-50 mg/kg ; Stores 1 gram ; Easy to achieve negative balance

9 Dx of IRON DEFICIENCY ; Symptoms and signs ; CBC - Anemia - microcytosis - Hypochromia ; Blood Film - Oval - pencil - Tear ; Serum Fe and TIBC Fe low TIBC high ; Serum Ferritin ; Cause of Iron Deficiency

10 Microcytic, hypochromic

11 INVESTIGATION OF CAUSE ; Investigate when cause not Clear ; Symptoms of cause often unreliable ; Upper GI cause higher Yield ; If upper GI lesion found then a colonic lesion unlikely ; TESTS - Radiologic, Endoscopic Biopsy, Angiographic.

12 THERAPY Replace iron

13 Anemia of Chronic disease 4 Usually mild to moderate anemia 4 normocytic normochromic 4 low retic count 4 Low serum Fe and low TIBC sat % 15-20 4 Ferritin normal or high 4 A responsible disease is present 4 Usually a systemic disorder

14 Megaloblastic Anemias Vitamin B12 Folic Acid

15 Reasons for measuring B12 4 Investigation of macrocytic anemia 4 Investigation of any anemia 4 Investigation of fatigue 4 Routine Geriatric Screen 4 Investigation of neurologic symptoms

16 Symptom Complex 4 Classic presentation uncommon 4 Often a screen in older patients 4 Memory loss prominent 4 Neuropathy 4 Changes in evoked potential 4 Non specific symptoms of anemia


18 Causes Pernicious anemia 4 10 % of all cobalamin deficiencies 4 Majority are due to malabsorption

19 Causes of Low Serum B12 Malabsorption of free cobalamin 4 Pernicious anemia 4 Post gastrectomy state 4 Small bowel diseases

20 Causes of Low Serum B12 Malabsorption of food cobalamin 4 Atrophic gastritis 4 Postgastrectomy state 4 Chronic nonspecific gastritis (H pylori ?) 4 H2 receptor blocking agents

21 Tests 4 CBC - RBC indices –Most are macrocytic 4 Blood film –Macro-ovalocytes - hypersegmented polys 4 Biochemical abnormalities –LDH bilirubin 4 Serum B12 4 Schilling test

22 Oval Macrocytes Hypersegmented neutrophils

23 Folic acid deficieny 4 Dietary source is vegetables 4 Absorption no specific carrier 4 Deficiency mainly dietary. 4 Alcoholism a risk 4 Anemia macrocytic 4 No neurologic symptoms 4 Measure RBC folate

24 Therapy Replace B12 - folic acid

25 Hemolytic anemias 4 History of jaundice and anemia 4 May have splenomegaly 4 May have a family history 4 anemia with reticulocytosis 4 specific morphologic changes 4 serum bilirubin and LDH as markers 4 Specific tests follow morphology

26 Spherocytosis

27 G6PD deficiency - Oxidative hemolysis

28 Fragmentation Prosthetic heart valves

29 Which anemia is this ?

30 Hemoglobinopathies and Thalassemias

31 These are just some of the anemias which illustrate principles of diagnosis

32 Approach to anemia 4 Anemia is not a disease 4 There is usually a cause 4 investigation should be logical 4 Start with CBC and Blood film 4 Leads to other tests –non specific –specific 4 Guides therapy

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