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Matthew 22-28. Matthew 22:1-14 The Parable of the Wedding Banquet A.Who are the original invited guests? B.How did they respond? C.Who is invited instead?

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 22-28. Matthew 22:1-14 The Parable of the Wedding Banquet A.Who are the original invited guests? B.How did they respond? C.Who is invited instead?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 22-28

2 Matthew 22:1-14 The Parable of the Wedding Banquet A.Who are the original invited guests? B.How did they respond? C.Who is invited instead? D.How do they respond? - 2 Kinds

3 Matthew 22:15-40 Three Questions used to “Trap” Jesus 1- Is it right to pay taxes to a pagan government? 2- What happens at the Resurrection? 3- What is the greatest commandment?

4 Matthew 22:15-22 Paying taxes to Caesar? A.Jesus answers:

5 Matthew 22:23-33 Marriage in Heaven? A.Jesus Answers:

6 Matthew 22:34-40 What is the Greatest Commandment? A.Jesus Answers:

7 Matthew 22:41-46 Now Jesus has a Question A.Who is the Christ? B.Why does David call his own son “Lord”?

8 Matthew 23 7 “woes” 1- You actually make it hard for those who love God 2- You get people to follow you, but they become worse! 3- You don’t keep your word (using ‘oaths’ as an excuse) 4- You are really in to the small stuff, ignoring the big 5- You look good on the outside but inside are putrid 6- You look good on the outside but are dead inside 7- Your fathers killed the Prophets, you are no different

9 Matthew 24

10 Matthew 25:1-13 The Parable of the Ten Virgins A.What it means: Virgins = Groom= Falling Asleep= Lacking Oil= Locked out of the Banquet=

11 Matthew 25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents A.What it means: Master= Servants= Long time= Talents (money)= Good use of the $= Bad or Un-use of the $=

12 Matthew 25:31-46 The Sheep and the Goats A.What is this a vision of?

13 Matthew 26:1-5 Setting the Scene: A.What was the occasion? B.What is prediction? C.What is the plan?

14 Matthew 25:6-13 Jesus is Anointed A.Anointing looks back B.Anointing looks forward

15 Matthew 26:14-16 Judas Betrays Jesus A.Zechariah 11:12

16 Matthew 26:17-30 The Last Supper A.Where/When? (looking back) B.Who? He knew!!! C.Why? (verse 24) D.Looking forward (verse 29)

17 Matthew 26:31-35 Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial A.Peter’s Denial (Zechariah 13:7)

18 Matthew 26:36-46 The Garden of Gethsemane A.His “disciples” B.His humanity C.His mission

19 Matthew 26:47-56 Jesus Arrested A.Where Jesus was (predictable) B.What he says (pacifist)

20 Matthew 26:57-68 The Jewish Trial A.The Climax of the Confrontation B.The False accuser’s accusation C.The High Priests Logical Question D.Jesus’ Answer

21 Matthew 26:69-75 Peter Disowns Jesus A.Compare with Jesus

22 Matthew 27:1-10 Judas Hangs Himself A.Compare with Jesus and Peter B.The Pharisees’ role

23 Matthew 27:11-26 The Roman Trial A.The Accusation B.The Charge The Responsibility

24 Matthew 27:27-31 Roman Soldiers Mock Jesus A. Both Jews and Gentiles reject Jesus

25 Matthew 27:32-44 The Crucifixion A.What it means B.Countercultural and Counterintuitive

26 Matthew 27:45-56 The Death of Jesus A.How he died B.The Curtain C.The Resurrection D.The Soldier’s Confession

27 Matthew 27:57-61 The Burial of Jesus A.Where he was buried

28 Matthew 27:62-66 The Guard A.The Certainty of Jesus’ Death

29 Matthew 28:1-10 Resurrection A.What it means B.Contradictions?

30 Matthew 28:11-15 The Guard’s Report A.What it took B.Why

31 Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission A.Go where? B.Do what? C.By what power?

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