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Presentation on theme: "Dott. Antonio Botrugno Ph.D. course UNIVERSITY OF LECCE (ITALY) DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Above nucleon emission threshold. The state of the emitted nucleon is not observed. Charge Current Neutral Current Inclusive cross section for neutrino scattering off nuclei:

3 A many-body theory to calculate nuclear-responses at low and intermediate transferred energy (10 - 300 MeV) SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF NUCLEAR RESPONSE:

4 Neutrinos are an ideal probe to investigate nuclear structure moreover they are able to excite nuclear modes not accessible to the electomagnetic probes. We need an accurate knowledge of the neutrino-nucleus cross sections to better understand detector response. WHY NEUTRINO - NUCLEUS ? NUCLEUS USED AS A DETECTOR OF NEUTRINOS NEUTRINOS USED AS PROBE TO STUDY NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Neutrino fluxes are sometimes not well known: - source uncertainty (solar, supernova, and geophysic neutrinos) - oscillation phenomena

5 Cross Section:

6 Nuclear Models: 1.Mean Field (MF) 2.Continuum Random Phase Approximation (RPA) 3.Final State Interaction (FSI) Microscopic Models Phenomenological Model

7 Single particle excitations E r Transferred Energy 1) Mean Field Model This model is inadequate in the Giant Resonance Region where collective excitations are important.

8 INPUT 1 Wood-Saxon Potential:

9 E x Transferred Energy 2) Continuum Random Phase Approximation Collective excitations

10 INPUT 2 Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction: Landau-Migdal Type 1 (LM1) Landau-Migdal Type 2 (LM2) Polarization Potential (PP) CC Processes

11 APPROXIMATION 3) Final State Interaction

12 Nuclear Response in a microscopic model: 1p-1h Correlations: np-nh Correlations:

13 APROXIMATION 3) Final State Interaction INPUT 3

14 Constraints and Prediction Power of the Models Photo-absorption. to set the FSI parameters Electron scattering. to test the prediction power of the model Sum rules to test the consistence of the calculation

15 Photo-absorption Data: J. Ahrens et al., Nucl. Phys. A 251, (1975), 479

16 Constraints and Prediction Power of the Models Photo-absorption. to set the FSI parameters Electron scattering. to test the prediction power of the model Sum rules to test the consistence of the calculation

17 Energy Region: I) Quasielastic Peak FSI RPA

18 Energy Region: II) Giant Resonance FSI RPA

19 Constraints and Prediction Power of the Models Photo-absorption. to set the FSI parameters Electron scattering. to test the prediction power of the model Sum rules to test the consistence of the calculation

20 Comparison between electron and neutrino scattering: In electron scattering the value of the cross section decreases with increasing incoming energy and/or scattering angle In neutrino scattering the value of the cross section increases with increasing incoming energy (and/or scattering angle in giant resonance region). The shapes of the neutrino cross sections are very different to those of the electron cross sections because: 1) the axial vector part of the weak current dominates in neutrino scattering. 2) the particle-hole transitions in CC processes are different to those of the electron scattering.

21 I) Giant ResonanceII) Quasielastic Peak CRPA Calculation

22 Comparison between electron and neutrino scattering: In electron scattering the value of the cross section decreases with increasing incoming energy and/or scattering angle In neutrino scattering the value of the cross section increases with increasing incoming energy (and/or scattering angle in giant resonance region). The shapes of the neutrino cross sections are very different to those of the electron cross sections because: 1) the axial vector part of the weak current dominates in neutrino scattering. 2) the particle-hole transitions in CC processes are different to those of the electron scattering.

23 Comparison between electron and neutrino scattering: I) Giant Resonance II) Quasielastic Peak CRPA calculationMF calculation

24 Conparison between electrons ed neutrinos scattering: In electron scattering the value of cross section decrease with increasing incoming energy and/or scattering angle In neutrino scattering the value of cross section increase with increasing incoming energy (and/or scattering angle in giant resonance region). Shapes of neutrinos cross sections are very different to electron cross section because: 1) the axial vector part of the weak current dominates in neutrino scattering. 2) the particle-hole transition in CC processes are different to electron scattering. Caution in testing the prediction accuracy of neutrino scattering using electron scattering. Caution in using the response function extracted from electron scattering to calculate neutrino cross sections.

25 Comparison between various models FG: Model of Smith e Monitz. Nuclear Models should be used only in their range of applicability. CRPA has a large energy range of applicability.

26 Angular distribution CRPA Calculation

27 The sensitivity of the cross section to the nucleon-nucleon interaction is 10-12 % in giant resonance region. Total cross section including FSI effect Landau-Migdal 1 Landau-Migdal 2 Polarization Potential

28 The effect of FSI Model is a reduction of the cross section of about 10 – 15 % on all neutrino processes.

29 Some important proposals for the future Implementing the formalism for other nuclei. Application for know or expected neutrino fluxes: solar, atmospheric, supernova, pion decay, beta-beam. Other processes at low energy: Main results The sensitivity of the cross section to the nucleon-nucleon interaction is 10-12 % in giant resonance region. The effect of FSI Model is a reduction of the cross section of about 10 – 15 % on all neutrino processes.

30 Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rules:

31 Total cross section including FSI effect. Landau-Migdal 1 Landau-Migdal 2 Polarization Potential

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