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Chapter 4. 1. Author (Acts 12:25?) John Mark??? Likely didn’t know Jesus during his ministry Jewish background 2. Audience Gentile Christians Suffering.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4. 1. Author (Acts 12:25?) John Mark??? Likely didn’t know Jesus during his ministry Jewish background 2. Audience Gentile Christians Suffering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4

2 1. Author (Acts 12:25?) John Mark??? Likely didn’t know Jesus during his ministry Jewish background 2. Audience Gentile Christians Suffering persecution for their faith

3 3. Date Likely between 65-70 C.E. 4. Framework Geographical Jordan River  Galilee  Jerusalem Jesus is always on the move (“Gospel on the Go”) 5. Symbol Winged lion

4 6. Purpose Encourage persecuted Christians to stay faithful 7. Theme Undergo suffering before eternal reward (difficulty of discipleship) 8. Image of Jesus Teacher with great authority Suffering Son of Man

5 9. 2 Key Questions 1. Who is this person? Read the following passages and record the various answers to this question. 3:21-22, 8:27-29, 10:17, 14:61, 15:26, 15:39 “Messianic Secret” – Jesus instructed those who knew he was the messiah NOT to tell anyone. He was not going to be the type of messiah they expected. 2. Will you follow Jesus?

6 1. Answers the question of Jesus’ identity Jesus himself IS the Good News Christ/Messiah, Son of God  Gives the readers an advantage over the characters 2. Baptism & Temptation (1:9-13) What’s different from Matthew & Luke?

7 1. Authority “author” = originator/creator Jesus offers new perspectives 2. Students Disciple = learner; follower of Jesus Jesus called the disciples “backwards” for his time Disciples left everything behind to follow Jesus

8 3. Conflicts/Controversies Read the passage assigned to your row and answer the following questions: With whom does Jesus have a conflict? What is the conflict about? How is the conflict resolved? Row A 2:1-12 Row B 2:13-17 Row C 2:18-20 Row D 2:23-28 Row E 3:1-6

9 4. Parables Source of encouragement for believers There may be struggle now, but in God’s own mysterious way, the Kingdom will win out. How does the parable in 4:26-29 convey this message? ( What everyday image(s) does it use?)

10 1. Pattern of Miracle Accounts Introduction Display of Faith Jesus Responds Result Reaction  Read 1:21-28 and identify each of the 5 parts by writing the verse numbers in your notes

11 2. The Kingdom of God Jesus’ miracles are intimately related to his proclamation of the KoG. Miracles show that the power of God has broken into human history in a unique way Power over: nature, evil, sickness, death Miracles show that salvation is taking place right now through Jesus

12 3. Faith 3 different connections between faith & miracles: 1. Faith of the person enables the miracle Example: 2. Miracle increases the faith of the person Example: 3. Lack of faith results in no miracle Example:  Read the following passages and match them with the type of connection they demonstrate 5:1-20 5:25-34 6:1-6

13 * Mark presents the most vivid portrait of the human Jesus*  Read each of the listed verses, & record in your notes the human characteristic or emotion attributed to Jesus. 4:136:34 10:14 10:21 13:32

14  See back of Mark worksheet for detailed info. Discipleship is an important idea in Mark (ch. 1) Jesus calls ordinary people to be his disciples Discipleship isn’t easy; must be willing to leave things behind Can’t let anything get in the way of being a disciple (example: wealth) Jesus’ disciples are “blind”; they don’t “get it” Discipleship includes a willingness to suffer

15 Jesus is the model of discipleship  Flip through Mark’s Gospel and list THREE specific examples of Jesus himself living out discipleship Jesus’ obedience to God causes suffering but leads to eternal reward. Jesus’ example gives strength and hope to his followers

16 Re-read Mark 10:17-31 and record your own answers to the following questions: How does the passage make you feel? Does Jesus mean what he says? Can we be disciples if we don’t give up everything? How? How would your life be different if you lived out the meaning of this passage?

17 Personal Discipleship Reflection How important is discipleship to you? List priorities that come before/after discipleship What characteristics do you possess that would make you a good disciple? What gets in the way of your discipleship? What might you have to give up? When might you be “ashamed” to be a disciple? How can you live as a servant to others?

18 Written Reflection: Write two paragraphs about people who live out the meaning of discipleship. The first paragraph should be about a well-known person. The second paragraph should be about someone you know personally. Both paragraphs should make specific connections to our notes.

19  See the chart worksheet for information * Key point: Jesus’ teaching & actions upset those with authority

20 1. Definition – The life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Suffering service results in new (eternal) life Reveals God’s love and salvation Commemorated during Holy Week Initiated into this mystery in Baptism Made present in the Eucharist

21 2.Why did the authorities see Jesus as a threat to be eliminated? Accused of blasphemy Example: Accused of breaking Jewish Law Example: Taught new ideas/perspectives Example: Associated with sinners/outcasts Example:

22 2.Why did the authorities see Jesus as a threat to be eliminated? (continued) Jesus’ unique attitude toward the Temple Jesus’ “cleansing” of the Temple showed him claiming special authority over it Jesus implied that he was the new, restored Temple TempleJesus Forgiveness of Sin Presence of God

23 3. The Passion Narratives Oldest stories about Jesus The climax of Mark’s Gospel 4 Gospels agree on the essentials, each presents the story in a unique way Mark emphasizes that everyone abandoned Jesus Examples: 14:33 & 40, 14:43, 14:50-52, 14:66-68  See the WORKSHEET for detailed info.


25 Re-read Mark 10:17-31 and record your own answers to the following questions: How does the passage make you feel? Does Jesus mean what he says? Can we be disciples if we don’t give up everything? How? How would your life be different if you lived out the meaning of this passage?

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