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Published byDwain Hawkins Modified over 9 years ago
Public Opinion in Serbia Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal SMMRI July, 2003 Belgrade Centre for Human Rights
SMMRI 2 Methodology Realization:Field work realized from 19 –22 July, 2003 Target population: 18+ / Serbia without Kosmet Sample - size:1545 Sample - type: Three-stage stratified sample Sample - stages: – Units of the first stage: Electoral places territory (PPS) – Units of the second stage: Households (SRSWoR – random walk) – Units of the third stage: Respondents within a household (SRSWoR – Kish scheme) Type of research: Omnibus, face to face survey Poststratification: By gender, age and region Error: +/-1% for phenomena with incidence of 3%
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 3 Contents Political environment Attitudes towards international community institutions – Does the Hague Tribunal threaten the security of Serbia Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Prosecutor and judges Confidence in the Hague Tribunal Influence of the trials on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and towards the guilt of the indicted Potential for change of the attitudes
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 4 Political environment Political environment After the optimism during the emergency state, all indicators of the attitudes towards general situation in the country have decreased, and returned to the level from February, before the assassination of Prime Minister Djindjić: evaluation of direction in which Serbia is heading (45% of citizens perceive it as bad), personal living standard since the change of regime (only 24% feel it as being better), expectations for the next 6 months (30% expect improvement). Rating of Democratic Party constantly decreases, G17+, DSS and SRS increase 40% of population would not entrust to any of the politicians the position of the President of Serbia; the most trusted with this respect are Koštunica and Labus, but the former by only 17%, and the latter by 15% of population
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 5 Political environment In which direction is Serbia headed... Basic indicator of general situation which, as a rule, is parallel with confidence in regime, and which used to be parallel with rating of the assassinated Prime Minister Djindjić, started to decrease abruptly after the state of emergency was over. In July, this indicator is back to the level from before the Djindjic’s assassination.
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 6 Political environment Since elections in December 2000, have your personal standard been... During the period of optimism which characterized the state of emergency, personal living standard was perceived as better, but, with decrease of optimism the same standard is perceived as less favorable
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 7 Political environment Standard, expectations for the next 6 months In the period of optimism expectations for the future were much higher; in July they were below the level recorded before the assassination of Zoran Djindjić
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 8 Political environment Support of political parties Political environment : Support of political parties Right after the assassination of Prime Minister Djindjić, the rating of Democratic Party abruptely increased, but, with the overall fall of optimism and confidence, it has been constantly decreasing. Party they would vote for if elections were held on Sunday
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 9 Political environment Whom they would assign as the President of the Republic Political environment : Whom they would assign as the President of the Republic More than 40% of the citizens do not trust any politician enough to entrust him the position of the President of the Republic %
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 10 Attitudes towards international community institutions Does the Hague Tribunal threaten the safety of Serbia Right until the assassination of Zoran Djindjić, the Hague Tribunal, besides NATO, and even in somewhat higher percentage, was the only international institution which was perceived as threatening for the safety of Serbia by more than one half of population After the state of emergency, in May, percent of population which perceived the Hague Tribunal as threatening decreased to 40%, but still, together with NATO, it kept its convincing first position as the most threatening international institution The strongest feeling of Serbia being threated by Hague Tribunal was found among the supporters of SRS and SPS; the same feeling was found among more than half of DSS supporters, and the least among DS and G17+ supporters (however, even among them somewhat above ¼ perceive the Hague Tribunal as threatening for Serbia)
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 11 Attitudes towards international community institutions Does the Hague Tribunal threaten the safety of Serbia Citizens feel the Hague Tribunal as even more threating for Serbia than NATO % EU OSCE UNSC NATO The Hague Tribunal December 00 December 01 January 03 May 03
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 12 Attitudes towards international community institutions Does the Hague Tribunal threaten the safety of Serbia The feeling of being threatened by the Hague Tribunal was found the most among the supporters of SRS and SPS, and the least among the supporters of DS and G17+ Feeling of being threatened by political commitment
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 13 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Just 6% of population consider themselves well informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal The best known are the Chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte and judge Richard May 45% of population are aware that UN is the founder of the Hague Tribunal, but less than ¼ are aware of the fact that Slobodan Milošević was the one who agreed to cooperate in the name of Yugoslavia
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 14 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal 64% 6% Majority of the citizens consider their knowledge about the Hague Tribunal as small or very small
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 15 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Just 7% of population knew the full name of the Hague Tribunal, specifying that this is a Tribunal for War Crimes in Former Yugoslavia 45% of population know that UN is the founder of the Hague Tribunal, but just 17% know that this is the UN Security Council 45% What is the full name of the Hague Tribunal? Who is the founder of the HT?
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 16 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Majority of population know the name of the chief judge in trial against Milošević, but even higher percentage of them know the function of Carla del Ponte What is the name of chief judge in trial against Slobodan Milošević? What is the function of Carla del Ponte?
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 17 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal The level of being informed about the institution of the Hague Tribunal Just one in four or five adult citizens of Serbia know that Slobodan Milošević agreed to cooperation with the Hague Tribunal in name of Yugoslavia Who is our politician who agreed in name of Yugoslavia to cooperation with the Hague after its establishment?
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 18 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal When talking spontaneously about major problems in Serbia at this moment, the citizens rarely mention the Hague Tribunal (1%), but, on the other hand, around 60% consider it as an important problem when asked directly Majority of population support cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, and this percent has considerably increased over the past two years, however, only 15% think that the reason for cooperation should be justice More than one half of population think that Serbia should not cooperate in locating Karadžić and Mladić: 20% of population think that they are not guilty, while 15% think that trial in The Hague Tribunal wouldn’t be fair
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 19 Just 1% of the citizens spontaneously mention cooperation with the Hague Tribunal as one of the main problems which Serbia is faced with at this moment. Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal What are the main problems which Serbia is facing at this moment? Spontaneous answers (possibility of 3 answers) % %
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 20 Majority of citizens consider cooperation with the Hague Tribunal as important for their future, but in a much lesser percentage than other important problems. Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal is considered as the most important factor for admission in EU. Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Rated importance of the mentioned problems for citizens’ near future UnimportantImportant Rated importance of cooperation with the HT for other problems in Serbia UnimportantImportant % %
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 21 85% of population think that it is necessary to cooperate, but just 15% find the reason for cooperation in justice, while as much as 41% support minimum of cooperation, just to the extent necessary to avoid sanctions Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal WE SHOULD COOPERATE WE SHOULDN’T COOPERATE MOTIVES FOR COOPERATION 85% JUSTICE 70% UTILITARIAN REASONS 15%
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 22 During the past 2 years the percent of people accepting the necessity of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal have increased: Although utilitarian reasons influenced the change of attitude of 35% of people in the direction of accepting the necessity of extradition of the accused, another 35% in May 2001 still thought that the accused Serbs shouldn’t be extradited even at the cost of new sanctions, while only 14% in July 2003 are of this opinion Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Importance and attitudes towards cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Should Serbia extradite the indicted Serbs to the Hague? If Serbia had two possibilities, which one would you chose? 1. It should not extradite the indicted Serbs to the Hague even if it were again exposed to sanctions 2. It should extradite the indicted Serbs to the Hague and avoid sanctions MAY 2001
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 23 Just one in 6 or 7 citizens thinks that the accused should be extradited because they are guilty, while one in 3 or 4 citizens thinks that they shouldn’t be extradited because the Hague Tribunal wouldn’t be fair Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards guilt of the accused and their extradition Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards guilt of the accused and their extradition Should the accused voluntarily surrender to the Hague Tribunal?
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 24 More than one half of population think that at least one accused from the list should not have been extradited, while one in 3 or 4 citizens believes that at least one of them is not a war criminal 57% 57% of population mention at least one of the accused from the mentioned list Why shouldn’t they have been extradited? Answers of 57% of population who mentioned at least 1 accused from the list 28% Of total population 12% Of total population 13% Of total population Are there any accused who shouldn’t have been extradited to the Hague Tribunal? Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards guilt of the accused and their extradition Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards guilt of the accused and their extradition
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 25 More than one half of population think that Serbia should not cooperate in locating Karadžić and Mladić Should Serbia cooperate in locating Karadžić and Mladić? Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards guilt of the accused and their extradition Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards guilt of the accused and their extradition
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 26 Just 8% of population think that we should cooperate in locating Karadžić and Mladić because they are guilty for war crimes, while 20% of population think that we shouldn’t cooperate because they are not guilty One in 6 or 7 citizens thinks that we shouldn’t cooperate in extradition because trial in the HT will not be fair Attitudes towards guilt of the accused and their extradition Why Serbia should / shouldn’t cooperate in locating Karadžić and Mladić? Attitudes towards guilt of the accused and their extradition Why Serbia should / shouldn’t cooperate in locating Karadžić and Mladić? Answers of 22% of population who think that Serbia should cooperate in extradition shouldn’t cooperate in extradition Answers of 59% of population who think that Serbia shouldn’t cooperate in extradition 14% Of total population 8% Of total population 16% Of total population 15% Of total population 20% Of total population
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 27 Although majority of the citizens consider themselves as badly informed, just a slight percent of them didn’t have an attitude on the Hague Tribunal or refused to express it Majority of population have an expressively negative attitude towards the Hague Tribunal, even more so towards the Prosecutor Carla del Ponte The Hague Tribunal is criticized for biasness, and Carla del Ponte for partiality Just one in 10 citizens of Serbia believes that Serbian citizens will have an unbiased trial More than 80% of population believe that the accused Serbs are in more unfavorable position than any other nationality on trial Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Attitudes towards Prosecutor and judges in the Hague Tribunal
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 28 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Attitudes towards Prosecutor and judges in the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Attitudes towards Prosecutor and judges in the Hague Tribunal Majority of population have an expressively negative attitude towards the Hague Tribunal, even more so towards the Prosecutor Appraisal of Tribunal and the Prosecutor – general impression % of negative grades %
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 29 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Attitudes towards Prosecutor and judges in the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Attitudes towards Prosecutor and judges in the Hague Tribunal Supporters of DOS parties and G17+ have a considerably more positive attitude the judges and the Chief Prosecutor, but, even within this segment of population negative attitudes considerably exceed positive attitudes, especially those towards the Chief Prosecutor Appraisal of work of HT judges Appraisal of Carla Del Ponte’s work % Negative% Positive% Negative% Positive
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 30 Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Attitudes towards Prosecutor and judges in the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Attitudes towards Prosecutor and judges in the Hague Tribunal The highesti % of negative grades given to the judges were for impartiality, and to the Prosecutor for objectivity The prosecutor was graded much more negatively than the judges Appraisal of work of HT judges Appraisal of Carla Del Ponte’s work % Negative% Positive % Negative% Positive
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 31 Distrust in impartiality of the Hague Tribunal concerning the accused Serbs exceeds negative grades for general impartiality (69% against 57%) Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Confidence in the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Confidence in the Hague Tribunal Confidence that the trials of the accused Serbs in the Hague Tribunal will be impartial % grades for impartiality in general
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 32 Even among supporters of DOS and G17+, as the segment of population with the highest confidence in the Hague Tribunal, higher percentage of distrust in impartiality is expressed concerning trials of Serb nationals than in impartiality in general Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Confidence in the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Confidence in the Hague Tribunal Confidence that the trials of the accused Serbs in the HT will be impartial DistrustTrust % Grades for impartiality in general NegativePositive
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 33 Around one half of population think that partiality of the Hague Tribunal is best reflected in bigger number of the accused Serbs in comparison to the accused of other nationalities Bigger partiality is attributed to the process of indictment than to the trial process Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Confidence in the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Confidence in the Hague Tribunal What is the best reflection of partiality towards the accused Serbs
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 34 82% of population think that the accused Serbs are in the most unfavorable position, while the most favorable position is attributed to Albanians Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Confidence in the Hague Tribunal Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal: Confidence in the Hague Tribunal Rank of the accused according to favorable – unfavorable position in front of the Hague Tribunal 11% of population think that all the accused are in the same position Average rank
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 35 In contrast to the first appearance of Slobodan Milošević in front of the Hague Tribunal, in February, 2002, when more than 60% of population watched at least a part of the TV broadcast, today much smaller percent watches trial against Milošević in the Hague (11%) Effect of the first Milošević’s appearance was rise of his rating as a politician, and average grade for his appearance was very good, 3.76 (on the scale from 1 to 5). Supporters of SRS and SPS get informed and follow the trial on TV much more than the supporters of other political parties, therefore, it is not unusual that, from the aspect of population, more distrust towards the Hague Tribunal is expressed by citizens who get more informed Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 36 More than one half of population claim that course of trial against Milošević had no influence on change of their attitude towards his guilt, 18% changed the attitude in direction of his innocence, why just 11% in direction of guilt Just 8% of the citizens trust witnesses of the prosecution, 70% don’t trust them at all, or trust them a little Albanian witnesses are the least trusted, but Serbian witnesses are trusted by just slightly above 1/5 of population Just 7% of population state that at least some testimony has influenced the change or their attitude towards the Hague Tribunal in positive direction Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 37 Milošević’s first appearance in the Hague was watched, at least partly, by more than one half of population, which brought to Milošević not only a very good average score for appearance, but also an abrupt rise of positive grades for him as a politician, the first time after the change of regime in 2000. Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije Percentage of population in Serbia who watched at least one direct broadcast of Milošević’s first appearance in the Hague (SMMRI CATI, Feb. 2002) Segment of population who watched at least a part of TV broadcast 2.50 Average score (1 to 5) Milošević as a politician 2.50 3. 76 Average score (1 to 5) for appearance in the Hague 3. 76 Beginning of trial and TV broadcast February 2002 Šešelj’s arrival In the Hague February 2003 % of positive grades for Milošević November 2001-July 2003 (SMMRI monthly Omnibus)
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 38 Majority of people get scantly informed about the trial processes in the Hague, and now they rarely follow the trial process against Slobodan Milošević Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted How much do you get informed / watch the trials in the Hague Tribunal? How much do you watch the trial Against Slobodan Milošević on TV?
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 39 Within the segment of population which gets informed about the Hague trials the most, there exists a higher level of distrust in impartiality of the trials against the accused Serbs, most probably because supporters of SPS and SRS are the most interested in the trials. Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted How much do you get informed about the Hague trials? Confidence that the accused Serbs will be tried fairly How much do you get informed about the Hague trials? 48% Of population 14% Of population 8% Of population 2%
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 40 Within the segment of population who watch trial against Milošević the most, there exists a higher level of distrust in impartiality of the trials against the accused Serbs, most probably because supporters of SPS and SRS watch the trial against Milosevic the most. Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted How much do you get informed about the trial against Milošević on TV? Confidence that the accused Serbs will be tried fairly How much do you follow on TV trial against Milošević? 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 41 Just 11% of population have changed their attitude towards Milošević’s guilt in the direction of being even more convicted about his guilt (7%) or, from conviction that he is not guilty to conviction that he is guilty (4%) Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije Has the trial against Milošević influenced your attitude about his guilt? Summary Total No 51.80% Yes, in direction of guilt 10.60% Yes, in direction of innocence 17.60% Doesn’t know/watch 19.8%
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 42 Majority of the citizens do not trust the truthfulness of the testimonies of the prosecution witnessese Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije How much do you trust witnesses of the prosecution who appeared in court so far, do you trust the truthfulness of their testimony? Trust 8% Distrust 70%
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 43 Witnesses of Albanian nationality are the least trusted, Serbian witnesses are trusted the most, however, even in case of Serbian witnesses public opinion is divided Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije How much do you trust witnesses of the prosecution of various nationalities, do you trust the truthfulness of their testimony? Nationality of witnesses
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 44 On the basis of testimonies just 7% of population (approximately one in 14 citizens) changed their attitude towards the Hague Tribunal in positive sense, while 9% (approximately one in 11 citizens) changed their attitude in negative sense. Influence of the trial process on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal and guilt of the indicted 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije Has any testimony influenced the change of your attitude towards the Hague Tribunal? How did it change your attitude? 9% of population 7% of population Answers of 13% of population who stated that at least onetestimony influenced change of their attitude towards the Hague Tribunal
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 45 Expected objectivity of International Crime Tribunal is usually based on perception of the Hague Tribunal (38%) Somewhat less than 1/3 of population expect that International Crime Tribunal will be more objective than the Hague Tribunal, the biggest part of which (18%) are the citizens who give the Hague negative grades for impartiality Influence of the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal on attitudes towards International Crime Tribunal 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije What will the International Crime Tribunal look like in comparison with the Hague Tribunal? % in population Assessment of impartiality of the HT
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 46 Classification of population based on the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal has shown that it can be divided into 3 classes: 22% with positive attitude, 36% with negative attitude and 41% with ambivalent attitude The highest degree of agreement in the group of ambivalent citizens has the attitude that their opinion about the Hague would change if some more convincing proofs about their guilt were disclosed The highest percentage of citizens with positive attitude is found among supporters of DOS parties and G17+, however, within this group, as well as among indecisive voters and DSS supporters, there is the highest percentage of ambivalent attitudes SPS and SRS supporters have a negative attitude in expressively highest percentage, but, almost one half of DSS supporters also have a negative attitude Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 47 Most ambivalent is the generation between 40 and 50 years, older population express a dominantly negative attitude, while younger than 40, although dominantly ambivalent, express somewhat more positive attitude Message which sentencing of the accused Serbs would be communicated to future generations, for most of the people in the segment with positive attitude is the message of justice – war crimes can not remain unpunished; for segment with the negative attitude the message is a shame that Serbia has betrayed its defenders; the ambivalent are divided between justice and injustice, and shame for Serbia and the world Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 48 On the basis of the attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal population is grouped in 3 classes: those with positive attitude 22%, expressively negative 36% and ambivalent attitude as a potential for change of attitude in positive direction, 41% 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije 9% populacije 7% populacije Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes 22% 36%41% Average score for agreement with the mentioned attitude by clusters* Agreement Disagreement * Cluster centroid – cluster analysis
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 49 In total population, the highest percent of agreement is reached on the attitude that the Hague Tribunal does not care about the truth, but almost half of population agree with the attitude that their opinion about the Hague could change to the better if some more convincing proofs about the guilt of the accused were disclosed 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije 9% populacije 7% populacije Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 50 For segment of population with a positive attitude, sentencing the accused will leave the message of justice being done; for those with negative attitude shame will remain on Serbia for having betrayed its defenders; the ambivalent are divided in their attitudes between justice, injustice, shame for Serbia and shame for the world 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije 7% populacije Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes If the accused Serbs are sentenced, what message will be communicated to future generations?
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 51 Positive attitude, but also a considerable percent of the ambivalent is characteristic for supporters of DOS and G17+ Considerable percent of the ambivalent is found among the indecisive citizens and DSS supporters, although the ones with a negative attitude are prevalent 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije 7% populacije Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes Political inclination of population cluster according to attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 52 Female population, more than male, has an ambivalent attitude, and they also have less negative attitude than male population Younger segment of population, aged 18 to 39, have more positive attitude than population aged 40 + Generation between 40 and 50 years is the most ambivalent, while generation 50+ have a dominantly negative attitude 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije 7% populacije Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes Demographic characteristics of population cluster according to their attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal - Gender and age
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 53 The least educated are also the least ambivalent, negative attitude is dominant. The most educated have a positive attitude to a somewhat higher percentage than those with secondary education, but they are almost equally ambivalent as those with secondary education 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije 7% populacije Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes Demographic characteristics of population cluster according to attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal - Education
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights SMMRI 54 Within urban population positive attitude is prevalent, but there are more of the ambivalent than in other parts of populations. More ambivalent are present in Belgrade, and citizens with negative attitude twice exceed those with positive attitude. In Central Serbia majority of population have negative attitude, and slightly less ambivalent. In Vojvodina ambivalent attitudes are prevalent, but the number with positive and negative attitudes is almost identical. 43% populacije 19% populacije 7% populacije 7% populacije Attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal Potential for change of attitudes Demographic characteristics of population cluster according to attitudes towards the Hague Tribunal-Type of settlement and region
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