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Project Preparation StepWhoHowResult Analyze project scope (What is the point?) PM + teamStrategy meeting Project goals Select product (Scope of investigation.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Preparation StepWhoHowResult Analyze project scope (What is the point?) PM + teamStrategy meeting Project goals Select product (Scope of investigation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Preparation StepWhoHowResult Analyze project scope (What is the point?) PM + teamStrategy meeting Project goals Select product (Scope of investigation and design) PM + teamWorkshopSelection of product Complete project teamPMWorking groups Functioning team Clear up framework conditionsPM + M + team Working groups Organizational structure, budget Draw up project applicationPMProject submitted

2 Life Cycle Thinking StepWhoHowResult Describe phases of product life cycle PM + teamWorkshopScope of consideration Qualitative model of environmental impact Quantitative assessment by I-O analysis TeamInput-output analysis Database Analyses and assessment of environmental impact PM + environ- mental expert(s) ECO- DESIGN Internet Assistent Identification of basic type of product

3 Selection of Strategies and Measures StepWhoHowResult Assessment of possible approaches to product improvement PM + teamCD or internet Potential for improvement Selection of strategy packagePM + teamCDStrategies Work with checklistsPM + teamCD + work- shop Prioritized measures Identify ECODESIGN measuresPM + teamCheck-listsEvaluated measures

4 Implementation in Product Development StepWhoHowResult Defining the task Identifying the problem, Preparing list of requirements PD team PD process List of requirements incorporating ECO- DESIGN principles Find fundamental approach to solution Thinking based on function, Applying principles of action, Evaluating various approaches to solution PD team PD process Environmentally sound approach to solution Formulate solution in detail Break down into realizable modules, Draft, Calculation PD team PD process Environmentally friendly solution

5 Coordination With Existing EMS StepWhoHowResult Ascertain readinessPM + MStrategy meeting Coordination with environmental policy Life cycle thinking, identify basic type PM + teamLife cycle model, I-O analysis,... Coordination with crucial environmental aspects Establish ECODESIGN strategies PM + teamWorkshop, …ECODESIGN integrated in objectives and individual goals Work out ECODESIGN measures PM + teamCDEMS program with ECODESIGN measures Implement ECODESIGN measures PM + team + PD In product development ECODESIGN implemented in product Monitoring and goal setting of ECODESIGN measures PM + teamPeriodical review of success,... Monitoring and corrective measures considering ECODESIGN Keep record of ECO- DESIGN success,... PMInternal audits,... ECODESIGN results integrated in evaluation

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