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Microwaves and Radar Institute Distributed Imaging with TSX and TDX Pau Prats, Paco López-Dekker, Francesco De Zan, Steffen Wollstadt,

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Presentation on theme: "Microwaves and Radar Institute Distributed Imaging with TSX and TDX Pau Prats, Paco López-Dekker, Francesco De Zan, Steffen Wollstadt,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microwaves and Radar Institute Distributed Imaging with TSX and TDX Pau Prats, Paco López-Dekker, Francesco De Zan, Steffen Wollstadt, Markus Bachmann, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Rolf Scheiber, Andreas Reigber, Gerhard Krieger Microwaves and Radar Institute (HR) German Aerospace Center

2 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 2 Microwaves and Radar Institute Motivation Future SAR missions will exploit bi- and multistatic SAR systems. Such systems increase the potential, reliability and flexibility of future SAR missions. Potential: frequent monitoring, wide-swath imaging, single-pass interferometry, enhanced products (e.g. in terms of resolution). Perform new experiments! ;c) G. Krieger and A. Moreira, “Spaceborne bi- and multistatic SAR: potential and challenges”, IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., vol. 153, no. 3, June 2006.

3 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 3 Microwaves and Radar Institute VU 3 > Alberto Moreira SAR Interferometer Close formation Global DEM (HRTI-3) TerraSAR-X add on for Digital Elevation Measurements

4 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 4 Microwaves and Radar Institute VU 4 > Alberto Moreira Bistatic SAR Imaging Super Resolution Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Ground Moving Target Indication SAR Tomography Sea ice monitoring Double Differential Interferometry Digital Beamforming B1B1 B2B2 B3B3 TanDEM-X: Secondary Mission Objectives Crossed-orbitsCrossed-orbits

5 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 5 Microwaves and Radar Institute Some Experiments with Distributed Imaging Demonstration of distributed imaging with the following experiments: Range-resolution enhancement Azimuth-resolution enhancement Quad-pol synthesis with dual-pol acquisitions Digital beamforming Elaborated manual commanding of each experiment Experiments performed during the monostatic commissioning phase: 20 km ~ 3 s TSXTDX Baseline needs to be compensated

6 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 6 Microwaves and Radar Institute TanDEM-X Commissioning Phase June‘10July‘10Aug‘10Sep‘10Oct‘10Nov‘10Dec‘10 Early Orbit Phase Grg Segment Checkout Bi-static Commissioning Phase 20 km Formation TDX Orbit Drift 16.000 km  20 km Close Helix-Formation 300-400 m Launch 21 June DEM Acquisition First SAR Image 24 June (MET +3.6) First DEM 16 July (MET +25) TDX Monostatic Comm. Phase 6 Months Commissioning Phase First close formation DEM 19 October (MET +124) First bi-static SAR image 8 August (MET +48) First single-pass bi-static DEM 2 October (MET +107)

7 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 7 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Step-Frequency with TSX and TDX f 0 -  f f 0 +  f f0f0 frfr frfr frfr  TSX TDX Limitation: RF filter allows maximum band of 300 MHz Advantages within limitation: Increased SNR Data rate distributed among satellites Baseline compensation for proper coherent combination Negligible spectral shift for current configurations (but nevertheless considered) 300 MHz

8 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 8 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Step-Frequency with TSX and TDX Coregistration Common-band spectrum interferogram

9 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 9 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Experimental Setup Data takes over Sydney, Australia, on August 15 and 26, 2010

10 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 10 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Experimental Results azimuth  range 

11 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 11 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Experimental Results (II) azimuth  range  Common-band interferogram

12 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 12 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Experimental Results (III) azimuth  range 

13 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 13 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Experimental Results (IV) azimuth  range 

14 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 14 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Experimental Results (V) azimuth  range 

15 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 15 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Range: Experimental Results (VI) azimuth  range  Interferometric coherence between synthesized images Interferometric phase between synthesized images

16 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 16 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth f DC,1 f DC,2 f DC,mean fafa fafa fafa  TSX TDX

17 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 17 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth: Experimental Setup Data take over Neustrelitz, Germany, on September 20, 2010

18 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 18 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth: DTAR Analysis TDX DTAR: -21.67 dB TSX DTAR: -21.04 dB Maximum bandwidth DTAR: -19.91 dB Twice the resolution DTAR: -21.42 dB

19 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 19 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth: Experimental Results (I) azimuth  range 

20 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 20 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth: Experimental Results (II) azimuth  range  Common-band interferogram

21 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 21 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth: Experimental Results (III) azimuth  range 

22 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 22 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth: Experimental Results (IV) azimuth  range 

23 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 23 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth: Experimental Results (V) azimuth  range  azimuth  range 

24 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 24 Microwaves and Radar Institute Super Resolution in Azimuth: Experimental Results (VI) Measured resolutions over a corner reflector: TSX: 2.97m TDX: 2.97 m Combined: 1.49 m

25 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 25 Microwaves and Radar Institute Quad-Pol Synthesis with Dual-Pol Acquisitions Each satellite acquires a co-pol and a cross-pol channel, e.g. HH-VH and HV-VV The cross-pol channel is used to estimate the calibration phase Better SNR and DTAR when compared to the experimental quad-pol product using the dual receive antenna (DRA) mode DLR’s E-SAR example: quad-pol synthesis at C-band with repeat-pass dual-pol acquisitions [1] E-SAR [1] R. Scheiber et al., “Radar data processing, quality analysis and level-1b product generation for AGRISAR and EAGLE campaigns,” in AGRISAR and EAGLE Campaigns Final Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Oct. 15-16 2007.

26 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 26 Microwaves and Radar Institute Quad-Pol Synthesis: Experimental Results New acquisitions performed in bistatic mode are on their way. azimuth  range 

27 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 27 Microwaves and Radar Institute Conclusion & Future Work Proof of concept of several experiments with TSX and TDX Range-resolution enhancement Azimuth-resolution enhancement Quad-pol synthesis with dual-pol acquisitions Qual-pol synthesis with dual-pol acquisitions using bistatic data (close formation) Further performance analyses, especially for the azimuth case By doubling the PRF one can obtain simultaneously a resolution improvement in both dimensions Digital beamforming with an interferometric baseline

28 Microwaves and Radar Institute > Februar 2010 July 29 th, 2011 Slide 28 Microwaves and Radar Institute VU 28 > Alberto Moreira Thank you for your attention!

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