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Thierry Ernst - MOTOROLA Labs / INRIA Ludovic Bellier - INRIA project PLANETE Claude Castelluccia - INRIA project PLANETE Hong-Yon Lach - MOTOROLA Labs.

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Presentation on theme: "Thierry Ernst - MOTOROLA Labs / INRIA Ludovic Bellier - INRIA project PLANETE Claude Castelluccia - INRIA project PLANETE Hong-Yon Lach - MOTOROLA Labs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thierry Ernst - MOTOROLA Labs / INRIA Ludovic Bellier - INRIA project PLANETE Claude Castelluccia - INRIA project PLANETE Hong-Yon Lach - MOTOROLA Labs Mobile Networks Support in Mobile IPv6 draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network-00.txt

2 48th IETF - draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network- 00.txt - July 2000 2 Mobile Networks: Definition: –Mobile Network = Mobile Router (MR) + its attached Nodes and Routers. Aim of this work: –To provide continuous Internet connectivity to nodes located in the mobile network. –To offer optimal routing between Correspondent Nodes (CNs) and nodes in the mobile network (MNNs). What does the Mobile IPv6 specification say: –Mobile IPv6 nodes may either be mobile hosts or mobile routers. –But no explicit mention of mobile networks.

3 48th IETF - draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network- 00.txt - July 2000 3 Mobile Networks in Mobile IPv6:Experimentation 1/2 Francis Dupont INRIA IPv6 Implementation under FreeBSD 3.3 MR has two interfaces BR: home address of MR is next hop to the mobile network Mobile Network attaches to foreign link : –MR obtains a care-of address on the foreign link –MR registers care-of address with HA. –HA performs proxy NDP on the home link for the MR’s home address. < home address 3ffe:306:1130:100:eui64

4 48th IETF - draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network- 00.txt - July 2000 4 Packets sent from CN to MR: HA intercepts packets addressed to MR HA tunnels packets to MR’s care-of address => No Problems: works fine whether mobile is a HOST or a ROUTER Packets sent from CN to MNN: BR has a route to the mobile network: MR = next hop towards MNN HA intercepts packets addressed to MR HA does not have an entry corresponding to the destination address of MNN Packet is sent by HA to the default route (i.e. BR) BR resends the packet which is intercepted by HA and so on … => Problems: HA does not know how to route packets sent to MNN. How to perform “route optimization” between CN and MNN ? Mobile Networks in Mobile IPv6:Experimentation 2/2

5 48th IETF - draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network- 00.txt - July 2000 5 Mobile IPv6 extensions: Binding Updates with a network scope All nodes in the mobile network have the same network prefix => instruct HA and CNs to route all packets bearing a network prefix corresponding to the prefix of the the mobile network via the MR’s care-of address Means: –A bit “Prefix Scope Registration” in the Binding Update option that tells BU contains a care-of address valid for a mobile network –Mobile Network Prefix Sub-Option to carry prefix of the mobile network (i.e. the prefix of MR’s interface in the mobile network, not MR’s interface on the home link) 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Sub-Option Type| Sub-Option Len| Prefix Length | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | + Mobile Network Prefix + | 3ffe:306:1130:200::/64 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

6 48th IETF - draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network- 00.txt - July 2000 6 Mobile IPv6 extensions: Impact on the current specification Reception at the HA / CN of a Mobile Network Prefix Sub-Option: –add an entry in the binding cache: flag “Prefix scope registration” prefix length = length of the mobile network prefix home address is filled with mobile network prefix care-of address as usual Sending Packets to MNN: –searching the binding cache: for records where flag “Prefix scope registration”is set, only the initial bits are compared instead of the full 128-bits address –packets are sent to the MNN via the care-of address of MR using a Routing Extension Header Security and authentication –no additional problems –BU are not sent on behalf of another node: BUs are sent by the node that obtains the care-of address, i.e. the Mobile Router –the sender of the BU is authenticated –we assume that the Mobile Router is certified as an authorized router to send network scope BUs.

7 48th IETF - draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network- 00.txt - July 2000 7 Mobile Networks in Mobile IPv6: Summary Future needs require to consider (potentially large) mobile networks in IPv6. Problem: –Communication between CN and MNN is not possible. –No optimal route between the CN and MNN This draft proposes minor Mobile IPv6 extensions to support mobile networks efficiently. –we propose to send BUs with a network scope – the care-of address carried in the BU is used for all destination address that share the same network prefix. –means: a new Sub-Option recording a prefix in the binding cache searching the binding cache for a prefix

8 48th IETF - draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network- 00.txt - July 2000 8 For more information: draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network-00.txt Thierry Ernst - MOTOROLA LABS / INRIA at INRIA Rhône-Alpes - project PLANETE

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