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Slide 3 | First, allow sts to try to name the relationships between the people in the pictures. Then, click to reveal prompts and.

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13 Slide 3 | First, allow sts to try to name the relationships between the people in the pictures. Then, click to reveal prompts and elicit the number of the picture(s) in which those relationships are shown. More than one picture could be correct for some of the prompts. Click to reveal questions. Foster conversation (in pairs, small groups or whole group at the discretion of the teacher). Encourage students to expand on their answers. Slide 4 | Encourage discussion. Allow for different answers and justifications. Slide 5 | Elicit the relationships that can be seen in the pictures. Encourage conversation. Slide 6 | Click to reveal answers one by one. Encourage sts to come up with sentences using the expressions. Slide 7 | Encourage conversation and use of the target expressions. Slide 8 | Before asking sts to categorise the adjectives in pairs, drill pronunciation of words. Click for each adjective to move to the correct side of the chart. Make sure sts know the meaning of the adjectives.

14 Slide 10 | Elicit ideas about the meaning of the expression and then explain and drill pronunciation. Slide 11 (Tablet or BYOD) | Bring a set of tablets to class or ask sts to use their mobiles/tablets. Working in teams, students will conduct a brief web search for information on the unsung heroes on the slide. Explain that the aim is just to find out who they are/were and the reason why they could be considered unsung heroes (they do not need to take extensive notes or read their biographies for detail). Have teams report their findings back to the whole group. For each character, vary the order in which teams report so that all teams have a chance to start. Then allow the other teams to add information. Click for a new question to appear. Encourage discussion. If not possible to use tablets / mobiles, click the names to go to Wikipedia entries for the people on the page. For each of them allow some time for students to read for gist and elicit the reason why the character is an unsung hero. Click to reveal question. Encourage discussion. Slide 12 | Encourage discussion in groups. Have groups present their ideas and vote on the unsung hero or heroine who should get the award.

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