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SECOND EGEE CONFERENCE The Hague, November 2004 GRNET Input NA2 Networking Activity SECOND EGEE CONFERENCE The Hague, November 2004 Hara Biba Greek Research.

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Presentation on theme: "SECOND EGEE CONFERENCE The Hague, November 2004 GRNET Input NA2 Networking Activity SECOND EGEE CONFERENCE The Hague, November 2004 Hara Biba Greek Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECOND EGEE CONFERENCE The Hague, November 2004 GRNET Input NA2 Networking Activity SECOND EGEE CONFERENCE The Hague, November 2004 Hara Biba Greek Research & Technology Network (GRNET/ΕΔΕΤ), The Hague, November 2004

2 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting2 PRESS RELEASES  EGEE-related: EGEE kick-off press release (in Greek) WCIT press release - World Conference on Information Technology, Athens, 18 May, 2004 (in English) GRNET Grid node integrated in EGEE (in Greek) GRNET Third parties induction course, Athens, 27-28 May, 2004 (in Greek)  Other: SEE-GRID Kick off press release SEE-GRID Policy Workshop press release, Den Hague, NL

3 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting3 Conferences - Workshops – Meetings (1/2)  EGEE-SEE Regional kick-off meeting GRNET Headquarters, Athens, 7-8/4/04  WCIT Conference  Workshop “Scientific Forum on Grid Services” Concert Hall “Megaron”, Athens, 18/5/04 Dissemination Material: Reproduction of EGEE brochures, Ian Foster’s statement, SEE- GRID brochures

4 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting4 Conferences - Workshops - Meetings (2/2)  EGEE Gr Third parties Induction Course Demokritos, Athens, 27-28/5/04 Dissemination Material: Reproduction of EGEE brochures, Ian Foster’s WCIT statement, SEE- GRID brochures  TERENA Networking Conference University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 7-10/6/04 Dissemination Material : Reproduction of EGEE brochures, Ian Foster’s WCIT statement, SEE- GRID brochures  Grid Workshop - Comdex Exposition Expo Athens, Athens, 5/11/04 Dissemination Material: Creation and production of 45 Grid URLs, EGEE & SEEGRID brochures, Grid video

5 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting5 EGEE presentations (1/2) IFIP Networking  International Workshop on “Data Processing and Storage Networking” Park Hotel, Athens, 14/5/04 Presentation by Fotis Karayannis WCIT Conference  Workshop “Scientific Forum on Grid Services” Concert Hall “Megaron”, Athens, 18/5/04 Presentation by Fotis Karayannis (on behalf of Fabrizio Gagliardi)

6 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting6 EGEE presentations (2/2) Gr Third parties Induction Course Demokritos, Athens, 27-28/5/04 Presentations by Christos Aposkitis, Fotis Karayannis, Kostas Koumantaros, Ognjen Prnjat Baltic Grid Conference: “Induction to Grid Computing and the EGEE project” Vilnius, Lithuania, 5-6/10/04 Presentations by Fotis Karayannis

7 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting7 Related dissemination efforts During SEEGRID events, EGEE material disseminated (brochures, etc.) o SEEGRID Kick-off meeting, GRNET Headquarters, Athens 4/5/04 During GRIDCC kick-off meeting, EGEE material disseminated (brochures, etc.) GRNET Headquarters, Athens 14-15/9/04 Hellasgrid events

8 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting8 EGEE-SEE portal 

9 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting9 Hellasgrid portal 

10 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting10 RELATED DISSEMINATION MATERIAL A batch of 45 Grid URL’s Grid Video (in Greek)

11 NCC, Den Hague, 24-11-2004EGEE NA2 activity meeting11 For more information: – – –+302107474275 Thank you very much for your attention!!!

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