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Business Statistics (BQT 173) PM Abdull Halim Abdul Institut Matematik Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaysia Perlis ІМ ќ INSTITUT MATEMATIK K E J U R U T E.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Statistics (BQT 173) PM Abdull Halim Abdul Institut Matematik Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaysia Perlis ІМ ќ INSTITUT MATEMATIK K E J U R U T E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Statistics (BQT 173) PM Abdull Halim Abdul Institut Matematik Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaysia Perlis ІМ ќ INSTITUT MATEMATIK K E J U R U T E R A A N U N I M A P

2 Business Statistics (BQT 173) ІМ ќ INSTITUT MATEMATIK K E J U R U T E R A A N U N I M A P Statistics and Data

3 Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul3 What is statistics? Basically it is the study of managing data i.e How to collect data? How to display the data? How to analyse the data?

4 Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul4 Brief history of data collection. In ancient civilisation (Egyption, Greek and Roman), data on population were collected mainly for the purpose of taxation and warfare. In 762 data on “description of church-owned properties” were collected by Charlemagne. In 1068, “Domesday Book” were published. A record of ownership, extend and the value of lands in England. In the mid of 16th century France started to record the birth, marriage and death of her populations.

5 Type Of Data Qualitative Data What is qualitative data? Quantitative Data What is quantitative data? Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul5

6 Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul6 Data collection processes 1. How the data is measured? 2. How the data is observed? 3. How the data is collected?

7 Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul7 Data collection processes 1. How the data is measured? Instruments used. Scale used  Norminal  Ordinal  Interval  Ratio

8 Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul8 Data collection processes 2. How the data is observed? Survey Interview Questionnaires Observations Experiment

9 Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul9 Data collection processes 3. How the data is collected? Census survey Sampling Probabilistics sampling  Simple random sampling  Systematic random sampling  Cluster random sampling  Stratified random sampling Nonprobabilistics sampling  Convinience sampling  Snowball sampling.

10 Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul10 What to do to the data. Exploratory data analysis Summaries the data Display the data Example Statistical analysis. Test for the hypotheses. Modelling the relationships between variables Correlation.

11 Business Statistics (BQT 173) ІМ ќ INSTITUT MATEMATIK K E J U R U T E R A A N U N I M A P Descriptive Statistics

12 Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul12 Descriptive Statistics How the data is described? 1. Tabular & Graphical Presentation 2. Numerical Measures (Statistic)

13 Summarizing Qualitative Data Qualitative data are displayed in tabular and charts. Example Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul13

14 Summarizing Quantitative Data Quantitative data are displayed in tabular* and graph. Example * frequency distribution or stem and leaf Lecture 1Abdull Halim Abdul14

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