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CHAPTER 6: HEALTH RELATED FITNESS. Definitions  Physical activity:  The process of body movement  MVPA is most beneficial  Physical fitness:  Product.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 6: HEALTH RELATED FITNESS. Definitions  Physical activity:  The process of body movement  MVPA is most beneficial  Physical fitness:  Product."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definitions  Physical activity:  The process of body movement  MVPA is most beneficial  Physical fitness:  Product of physical activity

3 Dimensions of Physical Fitness  Physiological  Health-Related  Skill-Related

4 Health-Related Dimension  Body Composition  Cardiorespiratory Fitness  Flexibility  Muscular Endurance  Muscular Strength

5 Skill-Related Dimension  Agility  Balance  Coordination  Power  Speed  Reaction Time

6 Considerations in Fitness Testing  Process or Product Emphasis  Factors in Performance  Genetic Endowment  Trainability  Lifestyle Factors  Environmental Factors  Maturation

7 Normative Data  Norms are reference points that are specific to a particular population  Many fitness tests have norms established  Norms refer to product outcomes rather than process outcomes

8 Fitness testing in physical education  Should be fun, motivational, and educational; not embarrassing or threatening  Reward improvement  Link curriculum to assessments  Incorporate assessment into curriculum (approx. 10% of curriculum should be assessment)

9 Fitness testing in physical education (cont.)  Be flexible (extend a unit when necessary)  Group students carefully (ability grouping is recommended)  Allow for student choice  Be empathetic (put yourselves in their shoes)  Demonstrate fitness  Stay current

10 Choosing fitness tests  Focus on health related components  Use criterion references related to health benefits  Use a battery of tests when possible  Be aware of objectivity, reliability, and validity of tests used

11 Test Batteries:  President’s Challenge  Fitnessgram/Activitygram  Testing students with disabilities  Each group should be prepared to discuss their assigned battery with group members and prepare to share with students : What is included and how is it measured; advantages and disadvantages; reporting methods; what can you do with results?

12 President’s Challenge Fitness Test Battery Curl-ups or partial curl-ups Endurance run/walk V-sit or sit and reach Right angle push-ups or pull-ups Shuttle run

13 President’s Challenge (cont.)  Awards for Fitness Performance Presidential Fitness – 85 th percentile National Physical Fitness – 50 th percentile Participant Fitness – below 50 th percentile  Presidential Active Lifestyle Award

14 FITNESSGRAM Fitness Test Battery  PACER test - optional Walk Test (13 years and older) – optional One mile walk/run  Skinfold – recommended (triceps and medial calf) Body Mass Index – optional  Curl-up – required  Trunk Lift - required

15 FITNESSGRAM (con.)  90-degree push-up - recommended Modified pull-up - optional Pull-up – optional  Back Saver Sit and Reach - recommended Shoulder Stretch - optional

16 ACTIVITYGRAM  Info about general activity levels  3 day recall of physical activity  Makes students more aware  Teaches ways to be more active

17 Fitness Test Batteries for Students with Disabilities  FITNESSGRAM Modifications for Special Populations  Brockport Physical Fitness Test

18 Emphasizing Physical Activity  Testing should encourage activity  Use criterion-referenced standards  Low fitness scores do not mean that a student is inactive  Help students assess activity levels  Consider self-testing procedures

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