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Occurance and promotion of Self- regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environment Heikki Kontturi Supervisor Prof. Sanna Järvelä

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Presentation on theme: "Occurance and promotion of Self- regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environment Heikki Kontturi Supervisor Prof. Sanna Järvelä"— Presentation transcript:

1 Occurance and promotion of Self- regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environment Heikki Kontturi Supervisor Prof. Sanna Järvelä

2 Research context - UBIKO Oulu University Teacher Training School Revising school life Project time 6/2011-31.12.2013 Funded by NBE Research time 8/2012-5/2013

3 Pretest Data collection Pupils experiences Context/Teacher’s experiences 12/2013 Implementing sessions Structured collaboration in research-teacher team School year 2012-20136/2011 UBIKO -PROJECT RESEARCH Planning and contructing the physical learning environment Theory of Self- regulated Learning Analysis/ reporting Dissemination/ reporting Link to UBIKO-project THIS STUDY


5 When qualitative approach? The purpose of the research is to understand the phenomena in its’ authentic context. Phenomena is difficult to ’reach’ by using quantitative methods.

6 Qualitative research process Recognizing the need for the research Setting research questions Collecting relevant data Interprating the data Forming theoretical framework – Specification of research questions Writing findings and conclusions


8 Aims of the study Aim of the stydy is to increase understanding about 1) The occurrence of self-reguled learning and 2)promotion of self-reguled learning during the UBIKO-project during the school year 2012-2013.

9 Research questions 1.How does SRL accours among 4-5 graders? a.What kind of learning strategies do pupils use during their study? b.What kind of changes appear in the occurance of SrL among strategically high and low pupils? 2.How can pupils SRL be promoted? a.How did learning context supported the occurance of SRL? b.How do teachers conceptualize the promotion of SRL?

10 Qualitative research process Recognizing the need for the research Setting research questions Collecting relevant data Interprating the data Forming theoretical framework – Specification of research questions Writing findings and conclusions

11 Target group Pupils (N = 90) Teachers (N = 6) ClassAgeBoysGirlsTotal 410-11232447 511-12251843 484290 NAgeExperienceYears in OUTTS Men/Femal e 65733273/3

12 Different methods – Interview – Video data – Diaries – Observation – Questionnaire

13 DATA COLLECTION Periodic diary Structured diary Periodic diary Periodic report Thematic interview

14 Diaries – Process data Weekly diary (Google form/paper/Edmodo) 1. List two to three things you learned this week. 2. When could you decide what to study? Or did you always study the same things as everyone else? 3. What kind of things did you WANT to learn this week? 4. Why did you want to learn these things? 5. How did you help yourself learn? Periodic diary (Paper and pen) 1. How do you feel when you understand something new? * Describe in your own words why you think you feel that way. * Give an example. 2. Describe how you work when you learn well the things you must study. * What is going on inside you at that time? * What kind of things are related to understanding something? * How were you working at such a time? * Where and when were you working at such a time? * Why were you working that way? 3. How do you feel when you have difficulties and you don’t understand something? * What could you do at that time? * How could you help yourself? * Give an example. 4. What makes me complete my schoolwork properly? (UBIKO 2, 3 and 4) * Draw a picture of yourself in the middle of the paper and list things that make you complete your schoolwork properly around it.

15 Data - pupils MSLQ – pretest Diaries

16 Qualitative research process Recognizing the need for the research Setting research questions Collecting relevant data Interprating the data Forming theoretical framework – Specification of research questions Writing findings and conclusions

17 RG1 Step 1 – Weekly diaries – Theory quided content specification ->Coding in Nvivo Step 2 MSLQ – Learning profiles – 50 (81) items Learning strategies 9 components (Motivation 8 components) – 10 high – 10 low Possibility to comare with process data Periodic diaries – Content analysis

18 Weekly diaries Periodic diary QuestionAnalysis 1Awareness/orientation 2Choice 3Interest 4Explanation of interest 5Strategy use QuestionAnalysis 1- 2Strategy use/belief to self 3Strategy use 4Intrinsc/extrinsic motivation Q1Q5…………………..

19 Pupils’ weekly diaries Content spesification Nvivo 10 Theory driven (deductive) – Pintrich Kvantification PHASE 4 Reaction, reflection PHASE 1 Forethought, planning, activation PHASE 2 Monitoring PHASE 3 Control COGNITION BEHAVIOUR MOTIVATION AND EMOTIONS CONTEXT

20 SRL Pää- ja alaluokatOman oppimisen ohjaaminen Muiden ohjaama oppiminen Tehtävän suorittaminen Työtavan nimeäminen f = 148 14% f = 96 f = 52 f = 148 65% 35% Itsesäätöinen oppiminen Kognition säätely kontekstin säätely Käyttäytymisen säätely Motivaation säätely f = 88086% f = 256 f = 34 f = 560 f = 30 f = 880 29% 4% 64% 3% f = 1028100%

21 Low High

22 Data - Teachers Periodic reports UBIKO 1UBIKO 2UBIKO 3UBIKO 4Total class 111114 class 211114 class 311114 class 411114 class 511114 class 611114 24 Thematic interviews TimeWordsA4 Pages Teacher 10:37:1451739 Teacher 21:20:181119718 Teacher 30:47:50669312 Teacher 41:20:24829115 Teacher 50:48:53530310 Teacher 60:50:49564412 Total:5:45:284230176

23 RQ 2 a. How did learning context supported the occurance of SRL? Periodic reports – Context analysis Questions to data (Goodyear & Dimitriadis, 2013) 1.What have pupils done? 2.How teacher has promoted SRL 3.What teacher would do differently? -> Description of learning context Goodyear, P., & Dimitriadis, Y. (2013). In medias res: Reframing design for learning. Research in Learning Technology, 21, 1–15. doi:10.3402/rlt.v21i0.19909

24 e.g. Interest low High Does context offer any explanation for these differences ?

25 The main task of the interview is to understand the meaning of what the interviewees say. Interviews are useful for getting the story behind participant’s experiences. In-depth information about the topic. Follow-up/ additional data (e.g. questionnaires)

26 RQ 2 b. How do teachers conceptualize the promotion of SRL? Thematic interview In the middle of the process Something like Reading, reading. Reading Cleaning the data Meaningful units RephrasingCategorizing? combining of meanings? Network of meanings?

27 27 Analyzing qualitative data Creswell (1998): not any ’ready made’ procedure, it has to be self construct based on what the others have developed and applied. Analysis – = reading, organizing, understandin… – = reducing – = dialogue with theory, data and one’s own thinking. Aim of the research  analysis method Analysis methods are always resercher’s choises  justify!

28 Thank you! Heikki Kontturi

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