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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRIC FIELD SCREENING COMPOSITE ADR Technology TM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Traim astazi intr-un ocean de radiatii electromagnetice. Efectul cel mai important al absorbtiei radiatiilor de catre organismul uman este acela al cresterii temperaturii corporale datorita atat polarizarii dielectrice cat si a conductantei induse de campurile electromagnetice.( radiatia electromagnetica). S-a demonstrat ca temperatura la nivelul capului poate creste cu 0.1ºC ca rezultat al catorva minute de conversatie la telefonul mobil. Temperatura excesiva indusa creerului este in general redusa ca rezultat al circulatiei sanguine cerbrale.Exista si un efect atermic datorat absorbtiei radiatiei electromagnetice care nu este inca suficient cunoscut.

3 The everyday use of electrical equipment and the boom in communications and IT devices such as the Internet, cellular phone networks and satellite navigation systems result in an ‘electromagnetic smog’. The high level background of electromagnetic fields is characterized by its random and uncontrolled strengths and frequencies as well as by undefined surges. electromagnetic smog The ‘electromagnetic smog’ is hazardous to human health. The harmful effects of the ‘smog’ can be significantly reduced by screening the electric field of the electromagnetic radiation. ADR Technology TM Introduction

4 Advanced technology Usually metal, metallized synthetic plastic, glass containing a conductive grid or a conductive polymer are used to screen us from random electromagnetic fields. An advanced material based on the behaviour of a many-phase system has been designed to absorb the electric field components of electromagnetic fields. The invention is called the Advanced Dielectric Radiation Trap. ADR Technology TM

5 The new generation composite has been designed using a many-phased matrix. ADR Technology TM reduces electromagnetic radiation due to the absorption of electrical components by a solution contained within the material. The composite can be used in many ways for example as bedding, upholstery, mobile phone case and in ceramics. The ADR Technology TM composite significantly reduces electric field strength in the frequency range from about 1 Hz to 1 MHz. ADR Technology TM A new generation composite

6 ADR Technology TM possesses the right to produce and distribute the. ADR Technology TM possesses the right to produce and distribute the ADR Technology TM composite. Advanced Dielectric Radiation Trap technology has a world patent. Marketing orientated professional studies of electric field screening have been done for the ADR Technology TM composite. ADR Technology TM A new generation composite

7 Characteristics The average screening efficiency within the frequency range of 5 Hz to about 1 MHz determined by optimum screening conditions against the external sources of electric fields amounts to approx 30 dB. MEASUREMENTS: - The strenght of the electric field was measured with an ESM-100 Maschek. - a C&C FG-220C was used as a source of an a.c. electric field (16.3 V/m). - To eliminate the effects of external electric fields the source of the a.c. field and the Maschek measuring device (positioned at a constant distance from the field source) were placed within a grounded metal chamber. G M ADR Technology TM

8 The screening efficiency of the composite in an uncontrolled electric field (i.e. from household electric wiring and lighting) and an additional a.c. electric field (50 Hz, 175 V/m). MEASUREMENTS: The screening efficiency SE of the composite versus the distance d from the source S of an a.c. electric field within an uncontrolled field. ADR Technology TM Characteristics

9 Spatial distribution of the electric field strength over a source. The source being the end of an electric cable connected to a 220 V supply. ADR Technology TM Functioning

10 Spatial distribution of the electric field strength after covering the source of the field with a product using ADR Technology TM composite. ADR Technology TM Functioning

11 In our houses and workplaces: the number of sources of random electric fields are increasing considerably with the increasing number of electric wiring with the increasing number of electrical appliances used (refrigerators, electric cookers and cooking ovens, robots, vacuum cleaners, irons, radios, TV sets, computers e.t.c.) random electric field sources Electric wiring, extension cords and socket contacts located in the vicinity of our beds produce an external electric field that may result in us feeling ill, having sleeping disorders and suffering from tiredness and headaches. Many diseases associated with the technological progress of civilization are also related to the change in uncontrolled electric fields. ADR Technology TM Daily usage – ADR Mat

12 The ADR Mat can be used as an additional pillow case that helps to protect us from electric fields. Improve one’s sleep and increase one’s immunity. ADR Technology TM Daily usage – ADR Mat

13 The ADR Mat can be used as an additional seating mat that helps protect us from electric fields. Improve one’s relaxation and increase one’s immunity. ADR Technology TM Daily usage – ADR Mat

14 ADR Technology TM The ADR Mat can be used as an additional seating mat that helps protect us from electric fields. Improve one’s relaxation and increase one’s immunity. Daily usage – ADR Mat

15 ADR Technology TM Daily usage – ADR Mat The ADR Mat can be used as an additional bed sheet that helps to protect us from electric fields. Improve one’s sleep and increase one’s immunity.

16 Recently, attention was drawn to an increase in male infertility, which may be due to prolonged use of a laptop. The ADR Mat reduces the risk of adverse effects of laptop usage. ADR Technology TM Daily usage – ADR Mat

17 The electric field around the mobile phone is apparent when the phone is active (during conversation) and also when it is not (carried by the user), particularly close to the screen. The field strength depends on the type of mobile phone. Human body contact with a mobile phone has an adverse effect even when the mobile is not active. The ADR Technology TM composite in mobile phone case use absorbs low frequency electric fields and does not disturb the function of the mobile phone. ADR Technology TM Daily usage – Mobile Phone Case

18 The active part of the case acts as a screen against electric fields. ADR Technology TM Daily usage – Mobile Phone Case

19 The increase in the level of electromagnetic fields. The cause of the problem ADR Technology TM


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