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The Rotterdam Climate Initiative is the climate programme of the Municipality of Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, and DCMR Environmental Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rotterdam Climate Initiative is the climate programme of the Municipality of Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, and DCMR Environmental Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rotterdam Climate Initiative is the climate programme of the Municipality of Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, and DCMR Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond. Realization of a CO 2 Network in Rotterdam Maurice Hanegraaf Project Manager CCS, Deltalinqs

2 E.ON Electrabel Abengoa Shell Exxon Mobil AVR Greenhouses Air Liquide Air Products C-Gen Tronox Neste MV2 Rotterdam CCS Network Potential

3 3 Vision for Phased Development

4 4 CO2 network in 2015: 5 Mton C- Gen CO2 HUB Compression EON site CO2 offshore line Barges Hinterland CO2 Collection line Moerdijk, Europoort

5 1. E.On and GdF Suez Electabel ROAD Project awarded funding by EU and Dutch governments. Together with the CO2 reuse in industry and greenhouses at least 2 Mton CO2 will be captured in 2015. 2. RCI continuing to work with a core group of additional emitters planning on applying for NER 300 funding. 3. RCI working with TNO and current operators of a number of the best prospects for 2015 offshore CO2 storage and associated transport. Current Status

6 Emitters E.On Electrabel GdF Suez Shell Air Products Air Liquide AVR C.Gen Corus IGCC #2 IGCC #3 National and local governments CO2 Transport Gasunie Port of Rotterdam OCAP Stedin Vopak, Anthony Veder, Air Liquide, Gasunie Maersk GdF Suez E&P National and local governments CO2 Storage NAM Gaz de France Wintershall TAQA Confidential EBN National and local governments Participants in RCI CCS Work

7 Key Challenges for Kick-starting a CCS Network in 2015 1. Incentivizing and reducing risks on storage - Liability - EOR 1. Organizing cooperative negotiation towards shared transport & storage (Market Maker) 2. Funding arrangements for CCS networks 3. Regulation and public acceptance 4. Leadership and political commitment

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