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Anticipation Guide – United States Economy Before we go on to the next section, “A Dynamic Economy”, complete the anticipation Guide. Answer True or False.

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Presentation on theme: "Anticipation Guide – United States Economy Before we go on to the next section, “A Dynamic Economy”, complete the anticipation Guide. Answer True or False."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anticipation Guide – United States Economy Before we go on to the next section, “A Dynamic Economy”, complete the anticipation Guide. Answer True or False in the Before column only.

2 Lesson 4B Lets talk about MONEY !!!!

3 DO Now-Copy the following vocabulary words into your packet Market Price Trade Deficit GDP Primary Industry Secondary Industry Tertiary Industry Quartenary Industry Market Economy

4 VOCABULARY CHECK Common Good – taking on the civic responsibility of helping all citizens as a group. For example, taking on the civic responsibility of public service. Market Price – what people are willing to pay for an item (goods) or a service. For example, we would not be willing to pay $10 dollars for a large fry at McDonalds, but we would be willing to pay $2.00. Trade Deficit – when a country buys more goods and services from other countries than it sells to them.

5 VOCABULARY CHECK GDP-Gross Domestic Product- The value of goods and services produced in a country. Primary Industry-An economic activity that directly involves natural resources or raw materials such as farming, mining, fishing and logging. Secondary Industry-Economic activities that change raw materials into finished products such as clothing, refineries, and steel mills. Tertiary Industry-Economic activities that handle goods that are ready to be sold in stores. Examples are stores, trucking, banking, and health care.

6 VOCABULARY CHECK Quarternary- Economic activities that involve research, business management, engineers etc. Market Economy-an economy in which people make their own choices about what goods and services they buy.

7 With the other students at your table, take turns reading pages 124-127 starting with “An Economic Superpower”

8 United States #2 Canada #15 Mexico #12 GDP15.08 Trillion 1.395 Trillion 1.667 Trillion GDP Per Capita $48,300$40,500$14,700 Unemployment 9%7.5%5.6% exchange rate.9812.42

9 Lets learn about the types of industries that help make up the economy of the United States. Read Pages 70-71 as a class

10 Make a chart like this on the back of the title page (1) in your packet. Lets apply our vocabulary to follow the process of making a pair of jeans. PrimarySecondaryTertiaryQuartenary

11 Anticipation Guide Answers 1. false 2. false ( Canada and Mexico) 3. false 4. false... it imports more than it exports 5. true 6. false…they are an example of service industries 7. true 8. true

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