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Women In Computer Science (WICS) Computer and Information Science Dept. University of Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "Women In Computer Science (WICS) Computer and Information Science Dept. University of Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women In Computer Science (WICS) Computer and Information Science Dept. University of Oregon

2 Thanks to Women@SCS Outreach Roadshow presents

3 ? What can you do with Computer Science

4 Who can do Computer Science ?

5 Problem Solving Learn how to build Algorithms... a sequence of steps/instructions to solve a problem

6 Algorithm type Puzzle 1. you have a pair of scales you have 12 coins 11 weigh the same the other is heavier How do you find the heavy coin if you are allowed 3 weighings?.. Answer and more puzzles at end of Roadshow

7 Networking and Distributed Computing Have you ever wondered: How your email works? How Peer-to-Peer File transfers or Multi-Player Games work?

8 Creating Websites

9 Robotics Mars Lunar rover Solar sailLunar Ice Discovery

10 Universal Access + Computer Science Eye-Tracking EyeDraw - is being designed for children and teenagers with severe mobility impairments. Wearable Navigation Support GO - A wearable assistant for those with cognitive impairments

11 Human Computer Interaction Eye Movement Translation research/cm- hci/EyeMusic/downloads/Re cordings/ Learning Technologies Human Vehicle Communications

12 The Brain Project: Neuroscience + Computer Science Brain activity: what it looks like when you think Light traveling into the eye A neuron: your brain is made up of millions of these We can use computers to see what happens in a person’s brain when they think, and to model how the brain solves problems

13 Biology + Computer Science We can use computer science to find patterns in DNA, model biological systems, determine the structure of molecules, and much much more…

14 Computer Graphics + Computer Science We can use computer science to model movement, perform digital reconstructions, and much much more…

15 Artificial Intelligence + Computer Science Garry Kasparov is shown contemplating his next move against Deep Blue, IBM's chess playing computer

16 Undergraduate Computer Science Studies include: Several Areas:  Algorithms and Complexity  Computer Architecture  Mathematics  Programming Languages  Software Engineering  Free ElectivesClasses

17  Software Engineer  3D Graphics Programmer  Software Developer  Finance Analyst  Research Assistant  Design Engineer  Web Developer  Game Programmer  Application Developer  Consultant Jobs: With a Bachelors degree in Computer Science you can be:

18  Analyst  Artificial Intelligence Engineer  Automation Engineer  Business Consultant  Business Development Associate  Documentation Tools Specialist  Interface Designer  Issue Associate  IT Development Program Associate  Patent Examiner, Computer Networks Division  Quantum Computing Researcher  Research Associate  Usability Consultant  User Interface Coordinator  Web Experience Developer

19 Hardware and Software:  Dell  IBM  Intel  Microsoft Arts and Entertainment:  Dolby  Lucas Arts Film Company  Pixar Animation Studios  Walt Disney Imaging Financial Institutions  Goldman Sachs  Morgan Stanley  Merrill Lynch Consulting:  Accenture  Deloitte&Touche  PriceWaterhouseCoopers Others:  Boeing  Google  Amazon You Could Work For:

20 So Who is a Computer Scientist? While Female enrollment numbers in science programs are slowly rising, female enrollment in CS is steadily decreasing. Peaked in 1987: 37% Now: 17%

21 Women in Computer Science Women in Computer Science Women make up 51% of the population using the technology. – Computers are changing the way we do business, interact with people, and have fun. Men are currently the main developers of this technology. – Why should it matter if the inventors, designers, and creators of computer technology are males?

22 Why You should Care Why You should Care Health of Computing as a discipline and its influence on Society. – Workplace systems are built around male cultural models. – Entertainment software primarily fulfills male desires. Example: Voice Recognition and early video conferencing systems were only calibrated to male voices. As a result women's voices were literally unheard Women must be a part of the design teams who are reshaping the world, if the reshaped world is to fit women.

23 So Who is a Computer Scientist? YOU!!

24 If you would like to learn more about anything you’ve just seen, don’t hesitate to ask, or email me at Thank you!

25 Puzzle 2. You come to a fork in the road and meet a twin and ask the way to go. One twin always tells the truth One twin always tells lies. How do you decide which way to go?

26 Puzzle 3. Three children sit one behind the other in a row. The third child can see the first two, the second child can only see the first and the first child can't see either of the other two. A teacher has a box of five hats, two red ones and three black ones. The teacher places a different hat on each of the three children. She instructs each one to call out the color of their hat once they are sure of it. All of the children are perfectly logical. Within a few minutes the first child correctly states the color of her hat. What color is it?

27 Puzzle 4. There is a certain type of rope that when lit at one end, will take an hour to burn. The burning however is not uniform and so it might, for example, take ten minutes for the first half to burn and fifty minutes for the second half to burn. You have two such ropes, but they are not identical Your number of matches is not a concern. How can you measure exactly 45 minutes?

28 Answer puzzle 1. split into 3 lots of 4 take the first 4 coins and weigh against second lot with one weighing you know if the heavy coin is in the 1st or 2nd group because the balance will go down … or if they stay balanced it's in the 3rd group now take your group of 4 coins and split into 2's now you can separate the pair and see which is the heavy coin. To make this a more difficult problem try finding the coin of different weight without knowing if it's heavier or lighter.... think about it...

29 Answer puzzle 2. You say to the twin "If I asked your twin which road to take what would she say? "....and then you take the other road...

30 Answer Puzzle 3 Black. If the third child does not reply first then she must be confused by the hats of the other two. If the hats of the first two were red, then the third would know she had a black. The second child, hearing the silence of the third realizes that he and the first child can't both have red hats. If the first child has a red hat then the second child knows, since he cannot also have a red hat, that his hat is black. The first child, noticing the silence of the other two, realizes that she cannot have a red hat. Therefore, her hat must be black.

31 Answer Puzzle 4. You set the two ends of one rope and one end of the second rope on fire. Once the first rope has burned out a half hour has passed. By lighting the other end of the second rope at that time, it will take fifteen additional minutes for the second rope to completely burn out.

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