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Mark 10:17-22. To be happy, we must 1)Go to God and hear His voice 2)Do what God tells us.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark 10:17-22. To be happy, we must 1)Go to God and hear His voice 2)Do what God tells us."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark 10:17-22

2 To be happy, we must 1)Go to God and hear His voice 2)Do what God tells us

3 What is morality?

4 The American satirist H.L. Mencken says that morality is “the theory that every human act must be either right or wrong, and that 99 percent of them are wrong.”

5 “About morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.” Ernest Hemingway

6 “Love and do what you will.” St. Augustine

7 Traditional definition: “The science of what humans ought to do by reason of who they are.”

8 “…by reason of who they are” A proper view of the human person is the critically important starting point in deciding what is the moral way to respond. This proper view is that every human being has dignity.

9 Science Catholic morality draws on three main sources of knowledge to reach conclusions about how we should act

10 “The science of what humans ought to do by reason of who they are.” “who they are” = human beings with dignity knowledge

11 To further explain “science”… Handout!

12 Catholic/Christian Morality is doing the right thing (God’s Plan) that will lead to our ultimate happiness

13 Christian morality is living our lives in response to Jesus. Christian morality is based on a relationship.

14 Both the traditional definition and the Catholic/Christian definition of morality are “Catholic” in ideology. The definitions work TOGETHER.

15 Moral: that which is good, promotes human welfare Immoral: that which is bad, harmful, destructive Amoral: neutral / also, “an amoral person” meaning with no sense of right or wrong

16 Changes in morality: Child… Adolescent… Adult…

17 Child: moral decisions are whether or not to obey the dictates of adults; it was a question of obedience Adolescent: searching through what you have been taught and come to your own conclusions Adult: a morality lived out of personal conviction because it has been sorted through

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