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Delivery for Spam Mitigation Usenix Security 2012 Gianluca Stringhini, Manuel Egele, Apostolis Zarras, Thorsten Holz, Christopher.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivery for Spam Mitigation Usenix Security 2012 Gianluca Stringhini, Manuel Egele, Apostolis Zarras, Thorsten Holz, Christopher."— Presentation transcript:

1 B@bel:Leveraging Email Delivery for Spam Mitigation Usenix Security 2012 Gianluca Stringhini, Manuel Egele, Apostolis Zarras, Thorsten Holz, Christopher Kruegel, and Giovanni Vigna University of California, Santa Barbara Ruhr-University Bochum 李佳恆

2 Outline  Introducion  Background  Approach  Evaluation  Conclusion

3 Introducion KASPERSKY LAB. Spam Report: April 2012. Email spam Accounting for more than 77% of all email traffic

4 SYMANTEC CORP. State of spam & phishing report About 85% of world-wide spam traffic is sent by botnets

5 Traditional spam dection systems 1.Content analysis 2.Origin base Ex.Blacklists ============new way========== Focus on the email deliivery mechanism (How messages are sent by spammers)

6 Background

7 SMTP (mail user agent ) eg: Outlook (mail transfer agent ) eg: msa.hinet From wiki eg: Hotmail

8 SMTP Conversaction

9 SMTP Reply:220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.2/8.14.2; Sun, 29 Jul 2012 17:38:35 +0800 (CST) EHLO Hello [], pleased to meet you MAIL FrOm: Reply:250 2.1.0... Sender ok rCpt tO: Reply:250 2.1.5... Recipient ok Data Reply:354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself SubJECT : HI i am dada YOYOYO test !!!`~~~~.... Reply:250 2.0.0 q6T9cZtc012399 Message accepted for delivery

10 SMTP  SMTP RFC defines 14 commands.  Each command consists of four case-insensitive,alphabetic- character command codes  One or more space characters separate command codes  All command are terminated by line terminator( ) Smtp replies :three-digit status code+space+description (one line,e.g., 250 OK) RFC 821

11 Approach

12 SMTP Dialects  Different clients might implement the SMTP protocol in slightly different ways. 1.RFCs Do not always provide a single Format (e.g.,EHLO vs HELO) 2.Using different extension,client might add different parameters 3.Server accept commands that do not comply with the strict SMTP definitions

13 Learning Dialects Passively observe ( )  A set of SMTP conversations  Each conversation is a sequence of pairs E.g., Active probing  Send specifically-crafted replies to a client  And observe its responses

14 Active probing  Standard SMTP replies (e.g., send error)  Addiional SMTP replies (e.g., send twice)  Out-of-order Smtp replies  Missing replies (nerver sends a reply to a command)  Compliant replies (e.g., hOsT)  Incorrect replies (e.g., 9999)  incorrectly-terminated replis (e.g., )

15 Regular expressions MAIL FROM: MAIL MAIL FROM: Mail From Mail From : E.g., wiki

16 State machine spam E.g., Gmail

17 Decision state Machine  Wolf WOLF, W. An Algorithm for Nearly-Minimal Collapsing of Finite-State Machine Networks. (ICCAD) (1990).

18 Making a descison E.g.,... E.g., >... E.g.,... C3 unknow C2 unknow

19 The Botnet Feedback Mechanism

20  Some spammers take server feedback into account e.g., recopient address does not exist Cutwail : 35% email address were not exist [38]  Providing False Responses to Spam Emails. [38]

21 Evaluation

22 Enviroment  B@bel  1.Virtual machine zoo  2.gateway  3.learner => decision fsm =>  4.decision maker

23 Evaluating dialects for Classification Run Babel Training set (13 legitimate, 91malware) Legitimate MUAs and MTAs are distinct from Bots Legitimate MUAs and MTAs are all speak distinct dialects (except for Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail) 91malware: 48 dialects Same dialects belong to the same family

24 Evaluating Dialects for Spam Detection  Run Babel  SMTP converastions for 621919 email messages(40days)  7114 bot samples[4] >> bad dialects  MUA+MTA+webmail >> good dialects  Passive spam detection  Decision machine do not recognize the conversaction >> mark as spam

25 Evaluating Dialects for Spam Detection  621919 email (ALL)  260074 spam, 218675 ham,143170 ?? Verify true positive  IP blacklist (30) + resolve domain 99.32% true positive False negative 21% False negative (misused web mail account,dedicated MTA) (half is legitimate MTAs)

26 Limitations and Evasion  Evading dialects detection: Use an existing open source smtp engine (CDO)CDO But spambots are built for performance Bagle(a spam bot) : 20ms / a letter CDO(windows) : 200ms / a letter collaboration data objects library

27 Conclusion  Introduced a novel way to detect and mitigate spam emails  We study how the feedback mechanism used by botnets can be poisoned  Empirical result confirm that our approach can be used to detect and mitigate spam emails.


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