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Monday Using to check your own work fro plagiarism before it is due. Reviewed an A paper Practiced revising thesis statments. Gerund notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday Using to check your own work fro plagiarism before it is due. Reviewed an A paper Practiced revising thesis statments. Gerund notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday Using to check your own work fro plagiarism before it is due. Reviewed an A paper Practiced revising thesis statments. Gerund notes

2 Pearl Harbor was successful for the Japanese because it was a surprise attack, they used midget submarines, and there were many ships in harbor at the time. Physical education keeps children in shape, relieves stress, and builds teamwork, social skills, and good sportsmanship. Gym class should be a required part of every student's day. There were many contributing factors to the disappearance of the Anasazi people, but there a re three main causes. I will be talking about each of them. Climate change religious controversy invading trib

3 A.Brain damage to unborn babies is caused by the use of marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy during pregnancy. More should be done to prevent the harmful effects of pre-natal drug use. Standardized testing is detrimental to schools: students are tested too much, money is misspent, and testing is taking away from important instructional time. Single-sex education for girls leads to increased academic achievement, more opportunities, and improved outlook and atmosphere for students. Though Abraham Lincoln's assassination has been credited to the Confederate government and Andrew Johnson, John Wilkes Booth and his conspirators planned and carried out the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

4 A gerund is a form of verb used as a noun. Gerunds always end in –ing. Gerunds always act as nouns.

5 Gerunds in context Leroy expanded his skills by studying. At the age of ten, Irving started running. My mother’s favorite occupation, nagging, makes her tedious company. The quiet, steady humming soothed him to sleep. My evening routine features cooking a delicious dinner. Thousands of Kurt Cobain fans showed their love for the dead rocker by buying his CD boxed set.

6 Don’t Get Confused: Gerunds and Present Participles Don’t confuse gerunds with present participles, even though they both end with –ing. A gerund functions only as a noun, while a participle functions only as a modifier.

7 The gerund phrase includes the gerund and the object of the gerund or any modifiers related to the gerund. Flying above the lake at this time of night seems a little dangerous. –FLYING is the subject of the sentence. A subject is a noun. A form of the verb ending in ING and used as a noun is a gerund. FLYING is a gerund. Bill decided that scrambling over the pile of debris was not safe. –SCRAMBLING is the subject of the dependent clause. A subject is a noun. A form of the verb ending in ING and used as a noun is a gerund. SCRAMBLING is a gerund. Ethan avoided doing his homework because the Wolfpack was playing the Royals. –DOING is the direct object of the verb AVOIDED. An object is a noun. A form of the verb ending in ING and used as a noun is a gerund. DOING is a gerund. HOMEWORK is the object of the gerund.

8 More Gerund Phrases The student gathered signatures for increasing the hours of the library. –INCREASING is the object of the preposition FOR. An object is a noun. A form of the verb ending in ING and used as a noun is a gerund. INCREASING is a gerund. HOURS is the object of the gerund. Philip Morris continues its fight to prevent government from regulating tobacco; nevertheless, the government is placing restrictions on marketing cigarettes to youth. –Both REGULATING and MARKETING are objects of prepositions (FROM and ON). The young man opposes marketing smoking cigarettes as if it were glamorous. –MARKETING is the direct object of the verb OPPOSES. SMOKING is a gerund and the object of the gerund MARKETING. CIGARETTES is the object of the gerund SMOKING.

9 -ing: What’s the difference? Present Tense Verb (requires a helping verb) Bob was helping Su tie her shoe. Participle (describer/adjective) The helping boy tripped on his shoe laces. Gerund (noun) He loves helping.

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