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Elect Her Basics Goal of AAUW Initiative Close the long-standing political leadership gender gap by empowering and training women to run for office at.

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Presentation on theme: "Elect Her Basics Goal of AAUW Initiative Close the long-standing political leadership gender gap by empowering and training women to run for office at."— Presentation transcript:


2 Elect Her Basics Goal of AAUW Initiative Close the long-standing political leadership gender gap by empowering and training women to run for office at all levels

3 Elect Her Basics Continuum of programming – High school --- Promotion of Running Start Young Women’s Political Leadership Program – College --- Elect Her-Campus Women Win – All ages --- Promotion of Women’s Campaign Forum She Should Run program

4 Training Components – Research and information on women in political office – Inspiring speakers Female political leader, communications expert, current student leaders – Campaign practice Issue identification, building a campaign team, message and elevator speech development, asking for votes

5 Evaluation outcomes of Campaign College 2010 sites – Nine sites, over 200 participants – Close to double the # of students who would run for student government (25 – 43%) and plan to run post-college (17 – 34%) – 98% would recommend training to friend


7 Discussion Questions – Why do you think so few women run for political office? – Has you run for high school/college elected office? Are you currently in elected office on your campus? If you decided not to run, what were the reasons why? – Do you think there are different rules of the game for undergraduate women candidates for student government than undergraduate men candidates? If so, what are the rules?

8 Bringing the training to your campus – Stay tuned for application posted on AAUW and Running Start websites at end of August – Research your student government elections, structure, and gender balance – Start reaching out to allies who will be needed to complete the application: School administrators, student orgs, AAUW branch members

9 Sample Budget DescriptionAAUW, Running Start In-kind campus or local sponsorship Travel Travel costs for staff member of AAUW or Running Start to attend the training x Food Food costs include light breakfast, lunch, and reception items. This is preferably reimbursed after the training. Budget for this food expense is $1250. x Meeting Space and A/V Meeting space for the training and the A/V setup X Binders Binders for the training materials. These will be sent to the training site due to a bulk order discount that AAUW receives. x CopyingCopying of the materials to insert in the binders X

10 Bringing the training to your campus – Be prepared for time investment as a student liaison – View the training as a long-term, not one-time, program for your campus – Stay connected with the 2010 student liaisons to learn from their experiences

11 Questions?


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