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Karen Pegler Terri-Lynn Brown. Who Are We? What is 21 st Century PD? Successful 21 st century professional development programs: ·Ensure educators understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Karen Pegler Terri-Lynn Brown. Who Are We? What is 21 st Century PD? Successful 21 st century professional development programs: ·Ensure educators understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karen Pegler Terri-Lynn Brown

2 Who Are We?

3 What is 21 st Century PD? Successful 21 st century professional development programs: ·Ensure educators understand the importance of 21st century skills and how to integrate them into daily instruction ·Enable collaboration among all participants ·Allow teachers and principals to construct their own learning communities ·Tap the expertise within a school or school district through coaching, mentoring and team teaching ·Support educators in their role of facilitators of learning ·Use 21 st century tools Partnership for 21st Century Skills

4 Objectives of 21st Century PD ISTE s.htm

5 Koehler & Mishra's TPAK

6 How Do We Personalize P.D. ?

7 Needs ·Improve student achievement ·Embedded professional development ·Move away from "drive-by or one size fits all" workshops ·Recognize and build on prior knowledge ·Demonstrate application of concepts ·Model and infuse best practice in the use of educational technology

8 Our Strategies ·Create opportunities for teachers to personalize their professional learning ·Provide choice and flexibility ·Just-in-time and ongoing learning ·Meeting teachers where they are ·Social construction of understanding ·Capitalize on the expertise within our system

9 e-Coder an e-PD course that explores coding, creating web sites and UDL Pedagogy Content Technology Hamlet and SMART boards Hamlet Alternative Uses of the quiz tool in D2L D2L quiz tool website-specialist connection online AT webinars How to use Read and Write Gold story Webinar-digital storytelling with Macs and PCs UDL Universal Design for Learning Response Theory the reader and the text form a poem What is inquiry-based learning? Inquiry Pythagorean Theorem a 2 + b 2 =c 2 Geography maps of Canada

10 Pedagogy Content Technology TPK PCK TCK e-PD Webinars D2L Community/ Tutorials Actions

11 Success es ·D2L is part of the fabric of the CBE ·30% increase in logins every year ·Teachers are starting to be able to contextualize their shells ·Sharing content and development collaboratively ·Starting to see a mash-up (i.e. D2L to support SMART) ·Elluminate to explore the use of D2L and SMART ·Getting closer toward ubiquitous technology ·Teachers are making thoughtful choices about when and what technology to choose to support learning.

12 Challenges ·Paradigm shift from previous PD model ·Capacity for course offerings ·Support for "interwoven" offerings i.e. embedding video in D2L-understanding cognitive overload ·UDL and AT ·Variety ·Experts to provide support ·COMMUNICATION and Promotion ·Celebrating individual teacher growth

13 Continuing Evolution ·Growth of webinars ·e-Portfolios

14 Contact Us

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