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Classroom Assessment for Student Learning

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1 Classroom Assessment for Student Learning
Introduction 1 minute [October]

2 Learning Targets for Today:
Define Assessments of (summative) and for (formative) Learning Learn 7 Strategies for engaging students in Classroom Assessment for Learning Setting the objective for your professional development 2 minutes

3 Hear the experts…. Rick Stiggins on Assessment for/of Learning

4 What does it look like? Summative Assessments OF Learning Formative
-How much have students have learned as of a particular point in time? Autopsy EOG Report Card Grade Project Grade End-Unit-Test Formative Assessments FOR Learning How can we use assessment information to help students learn more? Check-up CFAs PDSA Assessments L to J Predictive Assessments DRA At this point some schools may need a more in depth conversation of formative vs. summative assessments 10 minutes

5 The Goal of Assessment for Learning…
FOR TEACHERS TO KNOW: How students’ brains work. How they learn. How to maximize students’ enthusiasm for learning. 2 minutes

6 Three Questions that Define Students’ Information Needs
Effective formative assessments answer these three questions : Where am I going? Where am I now? How can I close the gap? Make the connection to GPS (Global Positioning System). Explain how just as a GPS can tell a driver where he is right now, where he wants to go, and a route to get there, effective classroom assessments for learning do the same thing for a student. Thus, the student is in control of his learning as the driver is in control of where the car is going. 3 minutes.

7 JIGSAW FUN! At your table: Each person choose a different strategy
Become an expert of your strategy Share your new knowledge of your strategy with your table This will be easiest with seven people to a group – one strategy per person. If you don’t have that, let them know some folks may need to become an expert on more than one strategy and share it with their home group. Avoid this if you can because the folks with two strategies to learn about will need more time and the others may become less engaged while they wait. Try to provide a little time for some whole group “aahas”, connections made to current practice, etc. – some larger group processing after home groups have shared. 15 minutes (a little more for group processing) Blue handout 31 or 32

8 Assessment FOR Learning- Seven Strategies
1. Provide a clear and understandable vision of the learning target. 2. Use examples and models of strong and weak work 3. Offer regular descriptive feedback. 4. Teach students to self-assess and set goals. 5. Design lessons to focus on one aspect of quality at a time. 6. Teach students focused revision. 7. Engage students in self-reflection, and let them keep track of and share their learning. 1 minute

9 Where are you? Take a few minutes to consider “Where Am I Now?”
Plus/Delta You will need the two handouts mentioned on the slide for each participant. If you choose to use only one, make adjustments to the slide. If you use the Next Steps and Relections Log, explain to teachers that they’ll need to bring their log back with them next month and that it may help direct follow up discussions during PLCs. 7 minutes (longer if you have it)

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