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3/15/2006 1 SABER Workshop March 15 & 16, 2006 Organizing Committee: Roger Erickson Mark Hogan Bob Noble Stephanie Santo Bob Siemann.

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Presentation on theme: "3/15/2006 1 SABER Workshop March 15 & 16, 2006 Organizing Committee: Roger Erickson Mark Hogan Bob Noble Stephanie Santo Bob Siemann."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/15/2006 1 SABER Workshop March 15 & 16, 2006 Organizing Committee: Roger Erickson Mark Hogan Bob Noble Stephanie Santo Bob Siemann

2 3/15/2006 2 SABER will be a Unique Science Opportunity

3 3/15/2006 3 Plasma acceleration (E157, E162, E164, E164X, E167) Plasma focusing (E150) Positron production (E166) High energy cosmic rays (FLASH (E165)) Short pulse x-ray physics (SPPS) Ultra-fast magnetism studies Short Bunches Builds on FFTB Experience – a Gold Mine for Science

4 3/15/2006 4 Working Groups Beam-Plasma Physics Chair: Patric Muggli Scientific Secretary: Ian Blumenfeld Laboratory Astrophysics Chair: Pisin Chen Scientific Secretaries: Chien-wen Chen & Chih-Ching Chen Condensed Matter Physics at Ultrafast Times Scales Chair: Hans Siegmann Scientific Secretary: Sara Gamble SABER Accelerator Physics Chair: Alex Chao Scientific Secretary: Melissa Lincoln

5 3/15/2006 5 Working Group Charges C harge: Consider experiments possible at SABER and 1) Determine the required beam parameters 2) Estimate required beam time and calendar duration. 3) Describe space and infrastructure needs 4) Identify parameters and requirements that are particularly important and could strongly leverage the scientific results. G oals of this workshop are to inform you, the potential user community, about SABER and to explore the range of science possible at SABER. G oal of the SABER accelerator working group is develop the SABER accelerator design. C harge: 1) Review design work to date 2) Identify aspects of the design that need developing and calculations and experiments that would address them

6 3/15/2006 6 07:30 Continental Breakfast and Late Registration at Reception Desk, Redwood Room, Research Office Bldg. (#48) 08:30 Welcome to the Workshop – Persis Drell 08:35 Workshop Overview and Charge – Bob Siemann 08:45 Introduction to SABER and Accelerator Physics Issues - Roger Erickson 09:10 Beam-Plasma Physics - Patric Muggli 09:35 Laboratory Astrophysics - Pisin Chen 10:00 Condensed Matter Physics at Ultrafast Times Scales – Hans Siegmann 10:25 BREAK (30 min) 10:55 Working Group Parallel Sessions 1* (65 min) 12:00 LUNCH (90 min) 13:30 Working Group Parallel Sessions 2* (90 min) 15:00 BREAK (20 min) 15:20 Working Group Parallel Sessions 3* (100 min) 17:00 End of Day 1 18:00 Workshop Dinner at Hunan Garden Restaurant, Palo Alto * Beam Plasma Physics – Room A Laboratory Astrophysics – Room B Condensed Matter Physics – Room C Accelerator Physics – Room D Agenda Wednesday 3/15

7 3/15/2006 7 08:00 Continental Breakfast and Late Registration at Reception Desk, Redwood Room, Research Office Bldg. (#48) 08:30 Working Group Parallel Sessions 4 (90 min) 10:00 BREAK (20 min) 10:20 Working Groups prepare summaries (100 min) 12:00 LUNCH (1 h) 13:00 Working Group Summaries: Beam Plasma Physics (30) Laboratory Astrophysics (30 min) Condensed Matter Physics (30 min) Accelerator Physics (30 min) 15:00 Workshop Closeout ********************************************************************** Agenda Thursday 3/16

8 3/15/2006 8 Workshop Dinner at Hunan Garden Restaurant An excellent meal A pleasant atmosphere Wines selected by Dieter Walz $30 – Pay Stephanie by 13:30 Please join us!

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