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Published byMarshall Stone Modified over 9 years ago
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 1 The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting 1 st International Precipitation Working Group Workshop Madrid, 23-27 September 2002 L.F.López Cotín – IOP NWC SAF Manager (INM)
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 2 BACKGROUND INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE: Plans & Services NWC SAF Consortium General Objectives Phases IOP NWC SAF Objectives Planed Activities Primary Services Software Upgrades Support Services DEVELOPMENT PHASE OUTPUTS Products Outputs
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 3 The NWC SAF Consortium INM:Leading Institute (Spain) Météo-France (France) SMHI (Sweden) ZAMG (Austria)
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 4 NWC SAF General Objectives Provide tools for the operational services to ensure the optimum use of meteorological satellite data on support to Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting activities Development, distribution and maintenance of appropriate SW Packages as well as of all related tasks for user's support Centre of Excellence for Nowcasting in EUMETSAT Type A SAF Both MSG & PPS Products will be produced by each SAFNWC User at home basis, running the software packages delivered and supported by the Nowcasting SAF
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 5 Development Phase IOP FOP Feb 1997 Feb 2002 Feb 2007 The NWC SAF Phases 6 months Potential extension
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 6 Development Phase: Products Cloud Mask Cloud Type Cloud Top Temperature & Height Precipitating Clouds Convective Rainfall Rate Total Precipitable Water Layer Precipitable Water Stability Air Imagery High Resolution Wind Automated Satellite Interpretation Imagery Rapid Developmet Thunderstorms Air Mass Analysis Cloud Mask Cloud Type Cloud Top Temperature/Height Precipitating Clouds MSG Products PPS Products
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 7 Two independent Packages: SAFNWC/MSG: integrated by SAFNWC/PPS : integrated by NWC SAF Packages Strategy
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 8 Steering Group IOP Manager [INM- LE] System Engineering Integration and Coherence [INM-LE] MSG Manager [INM-LE] PPS Manager [SMHI] Scientific Team - PPS Delta Develp. - Scientific Activities EUMETSAT OPSSAFNWC Users' Group MSG OPS Service [INM-LE] PPS OPS Service [SMHI] INM Sc.Development MF Develop+SW Maint. SMHI MSG Dev+Maint ZAMG Dev+Maint The IOP NWC SAF Consortium Structure Coherence & Synergy Coherence & Synergy
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 9 Products: Clouds Products Provide information on the possible occurrence of clouds within each pixel. The central aim is to delineate all absolutely cloud- free pixels in a satellite scene with a high degree of confidence Cloud Mask (Cma) Cloud Type (CT) Cloud Top Temperature & Height (CTTH) The main objective of this product is to support detailed cloud analysis Contains information on the cloud top temperature and height for all pixels identified as cloudy in the satellite scene with the highest possible spatial and temporal resolution
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 10 Products: Precipitation Products Precipitating Clouds (Pc) Convective Rainfall Rate (CRR) Provides information on the probability of weak, moderate and strong precipitation Provides the maximum level of information on convective rainfall from the SEVIRI channels
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 11 Products: Precipitation Clouds PC Based on SMHI’s long experience on precipitating cloud products As output of the SCANDIA cloud classification scheme Stadistical scheme making use of IR/VIS channel and forcing parameters from the NWP data Channels used: VIS 0.6, VIS 0.8, NIR 1.6, IR 3.9, IR 10.8, IR 1.0 Scientific Report on and
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 12 Products: Convective Rainfall Rate CRR Based on RAINSAT methodology statistical relationship between satellite (multi-band imagery) and rainfall rate data obtained using radar data. CRR value for each pixel is obtained from calibration matrices. Calibration matrices are different if a pixel belongs to day or night mask. Day pixels CRR calibration data is a matrix 3-D (bands: IR10.8, WV6.2, VIS0.6.) Night pixels calibration values are stored in a 2-D matrix (bands: IR10.8, WV6.2.) Normalised visible counts are obtained using Binder algorithm. Smoothing process performed to eliminate stratiform rain data - not associated with convective clouds. The obtained CRR significant data are set to zero if all the nearest pixels in a box of 14x14 do not have an equal or higher value than 3mm/h.
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 13 Products: Convective Rainfall Rate CRR The “RAINSAT” output is used as the input to the Auto-estimator algorithm proccess, This included adjusdtements by -humidity: TPW x HR -Orography -Clod top area evolution -Cloud top gradient -Etc
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 14 Products: Clear Air Mass Products Total Precipitable Water (TPW) Layer Precipitable Water (LPW) Stability Air Imagery Air Mass Analysis Total atmospheric water vapour in a column of air extending from the Earth's surface to the "top" of the atmosphere Atmospheric water vapour contained in a vertical column of unit cross-sectional area in three layers in the troposphere LI index summarising the information of the SEVIRI channels Evaluates basic quantities that describe air masses (upper and middle level humidity, mean temperature, atmospheric stability, cloud pattern, etc) and to combine them into one integrated classification of the air mass
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 15 Products: Winds and Conceptual Model Products High Resolution Wind (HRW) Rapid Development Thunderstorm (RDT) Automated Satellite Interpretation Imagery (ASII ) Provides information on mesoscale wind vectors using data from the HRVIS channel at two spatial resolution: 25 and 10 km. Twofold objectives: identification, monitoring and tracking of intense convective systems, and detection of rapidly developing convective cells Provides an automatic interpretation of features seen on satellite images. Hence, the product identifies fronts, wave structures, areas of intensification at fronts by jet streak crossing, position of the jet axis, comma clouds, enhanced convection areas, etc.
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 16 Products: Products Dependencies
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 17 All (MSG/PPS) modules shall be integrated in a single SW (MSG/PPS) applications The (MSG/PPS) applications shall be fully configurable –Products to be generated –Geographical Area / Full Frame –Execution priorities (PGE / regions) The (MSG/PPS) packages shall be robust –Execution will not need human assistance –Schedule of tasks automatically fixed by the Task Manager –Information will be logged to monitor the processing and to extract statistics The (MSG/PPS) applications shall permit the processing of real- time and archived data Main SW Requirements
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 18 Architecture Design Meteorological Product and Engineering SW development shall be as de-coupled as possible: Task Manager NWCLIB (Common functions) PGEs (Product Generation Elements)
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 19 Task Manager Interface between the user and the SAFNWC/MSG product generation Initialise and set-up of the system according the configuration Drive and optimise the execution of the PGEs –Execute pre-processing tasks required by the PGEs –Schedule the execution of the PGEs according their dependencies and priorities –Monitor the processing and logs information and statistics –Execute other programmable activities defined by the user
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 20 NWCLIB The NWCLIB common library provides common functionalities for the SAFNWC/MSG product generation
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 21 PGEs Implements the scientific algorithms in charge of extracting the Meteorological Products Coded as stand-alone applications, supported by the NWCLIB functions Fully configurable –Region –Parameters used by the algorithms Common External Interface PGE nn nn : PGE number YYYYMMDDhhmm: nominal date of the SEVIRI slot to be processed Name of the Region Configuration File Name of the Model Configuration File (model parameters)
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 22 Development Phase: MSG Outputs SAFNWC / MSG version 0.0 Task Manager: TM Common Library: NWCLIB Product Generation Elements: PGE01,... PGE12 SW Documentation Scientific: Plans and Reports on prototypes SW Engineering: SRD, ADD (System and PGE level), SVD, Tests Reports, Test Results. Users Manuals: Master, Engineering, Scientific parts
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 23 MSG Outputs - characteristics SAFNWC / MSG version 0.0 MSG Launch delay impact Engineering purposes Supported on SUN Current committed Platforms: SUN, HP, DEC-Alpha, SGI Portability tasks on stable version 1.0 (validated with SEVIRI data)
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 24 Development Phase: PPS Outputs SAFNWC / PPS Product Generation Elements: PGE01,... PGE04 SMHI specific library functions and scripting environment to run PGE’s SW Documentation Scientific: Plans and Reports on prototypes SW Engineering: SRD, ADD, ICD’s (PGE level), SUM
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 25 PPS Outputs - characteristics NOAA satellite data was available during Development phase Resources for software package development (common library functions and task manager) made available for IOP PPS PGE’s scientifically mature, no initial tuning needed Software engineering at different stages than for MSG Different content for early PPS / MSG release version numbers
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 26 INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE: Objectives 1/3 Complete the development of the MSG products, up to their validation and tuning using real SEVIRI data, as available from the MSG-1 mission; Validate the SAFNWC/MSG products with real SEVIRI data; Improve the SAFNWC/MSG products and plans according to the results of the validation activities;
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 27 INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE: Objectives 2/3 Complete the engineering of the SAFNWC/PPS package: common SW developments and integration into a single package; Adjust PPS software and algorithms to be able to process EPS/MHS data when MetOp is available Validate the SAFNWC/PPS products. Improve the SAFNWC/PPS products and plans according to the results of the validation activities;
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 28 INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE: Objectives 3/3 Deliver updated SW Packages for SAFNWC/MSG and SAFNWC/PPS during IOP as necessary to support maintenance and planned improvements; Give support to users by means of a Help Desk (web site) and training activities; Perform Quality Control on the Nowcasting SAF Production and Services; Collect new User Requirements for further developments; Implement new developments according to the upgraded User Requirement Document; and Be a reference for Nowcasting aspects for EUMETSAT.
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 29 No homogeneous activities planned along the IOP Life Cycle; therefore sub-phases are identified with different durations and specific objectives Sub-phase Outputs are upgraded SW versions Management Control of Services and Progress of the project are ensured by means of Technical Revisions (upgraded SW deliveries)and Management Reviews (yearly) INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE: Planned Activities
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 30 The Nowcasting SAF will deliver upgraded versions and related documentation INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE: Primary Services Software Maintenance: Corrective Adaptive Perfective Evolutive
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 31 INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE:Algorithm Improvements Associated to Perfective and Evolutive SW maintenance concept Based on current products improvements or new products developments Performed by the Development Teams as planned, and considering users’ inputs Supported through the Visiting Scientist Programme
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 32 Development + Preparations Scientific validation + Requirements Seeking Upgrading According New Requirements Additional validation+ FOP preparations March 2002 End 2003 March 2005 July 2006 Feb 2007 SEVIRI EPS MSG 1.2 PPS 1.1 MSG 2.0 PPS 2.0 MSG 2.1 PPS 2.1 MSG 1.1 INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE: Software Upgrades Mid 2003 MSG 1.0 MSG 0.1 PPS 1.0
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 33 SAFNWC/MSG 0.1: System Validated (Engineering) Upgraded according planned scientific developments and system validation Real SEVIRI data Feedback from Beta-testers Planned Scientific Outputs Not operational Running on SUN platform System validated Upgraded in line with the planned scientific development Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Mid 2003
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 34 SAFNWC/MSG 1.0: Scientifically checked First version delivered to users Data-set of stable and well calibrated real SEVIRI data Operational Supported on SUN platform Scientifically checked and first tunned Upgraded according maintenance activities Intended to be portable (not completely ensured) Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: End 2003
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 35 SAFNWC/MSG 1.1: Full portable Ensured full portable Real SEVIRI data Feedback from Beta-testers Operational Fully portable on committed plattforms Upgraded in line with the planned scientific development Not delivered if 1.0 is fully portable Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Beg 2004
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 36 SAFNWC/MSG 1.2: Scientifically validated Improve product quality, refining algorithms in accordance with the validation results 1 year of real, stable, validated SEVIRI data Reports on Product (Scientific) Validation Operational Fully portable on committed plattforms Refined algorithms according validation reports Upgraded perfective (+ corrective, adaptive) maintenance Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Spring 2005
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 37 SAFNWC/MSG 2.0: New User Requirements Implement improvements according the upgraded URD Feedback from Users PAR outcomes (Product Assessment Review) Updated URD Operational Fully portable on (new?) committed OS/plattforms Upgraded in line with new scientific development Upgraded according perfective, adaptive, corrective, evolutive maintenances Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Summer 2006
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 38 SAFNWC/MSG 2.1: Tunned new upgrades Check new implementations of SAFNWC/MSG 2.0 Feedback from Users Validation reports Operational Fully portable on committed OS/plattforms Upgraded according maintenance procedure Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Feb 2007
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 39 SAFNWC/PPS 0.20: Beta release August 2002 First release to beta testers to address portability issues AVHRR/AMSU up to NOAA 16 NWCLIB developed under IOP Not operational, but scientifically correct No Task Manager CTTH for opaque clouds only Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Aug 2002
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 40 SAFNWC/PPS 0.2x: Beta release, planned updates 2002 Gradually ensure full functionality of PPS package Software problem reports from Beta users planned software developments Capable to process NOAA17 Taskmanager included Bug fixes and minor software updates Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics:
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 41 SAFNWC/PPS 1.0: Fully functional and portable First version delivered to users Feedback from betatesters ORR acceptance Operational Portable on comitted platforms (HP Unix possibly open if no beta tester is found) Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Mid 2003
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 42 SAFNWC/PPS 1.1: Scientifically validated Improve product quality, refining/tuning algorithms in accordance with the validation results Reports on Product (Scientific) Validation Operational Refined algorithms according to validation reports and planned improvements Upgraded perfective (+ corrective, adaptive) maintenance Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Spring 2005
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 43 SAFNWC/PPS 2.0: New User Requirements & adapted to EPS data Implement improvements according the upgraded URD adapt software to EPS data Feedback from Users & updated URD PAR outcomes (Product Assessment Review) Frozen EPS specifications/ EPS simulated data EPS/MHS real data Operational Fully portable on (new?) committed OS/plattforms Upgraded in line with new scientific development Upgraded according perfective, adaptive, corrective, evolutive maintenances Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Summer 2006
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 44 SAFNWC/PPS 2.1: Tunned new upgrades Check new implementations of SAFNWC/PPS 2.0 Validated with real EPS data Feedback from Users Validation reports Operational Fully portable on committed OS/plattforms Upgraded according maintenance procedure Purpose: Relevant inputs: Characte ritics: Feb 2007
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 45 INITIAL OPERATIONS PHASE: Support Services The User’s Support will be based on: Help Desk Facility Training Activities
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 46 Support Services: Users EUMETSAT Central Facility EUMETSAT members states and cooperant states National Meteorological Services Other official duties Institutions of EUMETSAT members states and cooperant states Potential users of WMO RA I EUMETSAT Users Data Policy applied EUMETSAT Users Data Policy applied
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 47 Support Services: SAFNWC Users’ Group The support to users will be carried out by the Operations Leading Entity to all targeted users through the SAFNWC Users' Group, which is the group of people nominated to act as focal points at User Sites
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 48 User’s roles and responsibilities Three different categories of SAFNWC/MSG "users" are foreseen –System Administrator: responsible of the operational execution of the SAFNWC/MSG application –Scientific Administrator: in charge of configuring all the scientific aspects of the system and adjusting the generation of the meteorological products according the needs of the final users –Final Users (forecasters), who will receive the products as they are for analysis and exploitation
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 49 NOWCASTING SAF SW DistributionSoftware Reports SPR /SMR InformationTrainingInquiry on User Req. & Product Applicability SAFNWC Users' Group Help Desk Docs CD RO M Mail Box Survey Workshops & STM Docs CD RO M Users Workshop Support Services: SAFNWC Users’ Group Interfaces
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 50 Support Services: Help Desk Strategy Status: Upgrading information in the Current Web Page Requirement of Help Desk defined Help Desk Development on going Status Help Desk Development Completion; but Help Desk Functions will be implemented progressively. Web Site Areas: Free Access; Restricted to SAFNWC Users’ Group; and Private Area to the Consortium Plans
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 51 Support Services: Training Activities PPS Beta Users Workshop Editions 1 and 2 MSG Information Meeting (Beta-testers) Status December 2001 & April 2002, 13 institutions interested, 11 licence agreement signed, All committed platforms except HP, additionally beta-testers on Linux, Delivered 9 August, Installations (Sun Solaris8, Linux Debian) completed after one week Very positive Conclusions. Beta testing Activities: On going Very positive Conclusions. Beta testing Activities: On going September 2002, 14 institutions interested, Licence agreement signature process on going, Delivery planned October 2002, Several beta-testers interested on checking on different platforms apart from SUN MSGPPS
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 52 Support Services: Training Activities 2 Joint MSG-PPS Workshops on major upgraded deliveries: –Version MSG 1.0 and PPS 1.0 –Version MSG 2.0 and PPS 2.0 Visiting Scientist Activities (Seminars, Workshops, etc.) Plans
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 53 Support Services: Upgrading Requirements Plan Based on: New URs Implementation planned baseline: versions 2.0 Help Desk VSA Seminars Workshop PAC Workshop Mid Term Review Upgrade URD Devoted Survey
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 54 CONCLUSIONS: Based on decentralised EUMETSAT policy MSG Launch delay impact, and EPS future adaptation considered Development concluded, but improvement planned based on products validation, users applicability and new requirements Visiting Scientist Frame for scientific cal/val cooperation Delivery according EUMETSAT data policy User support ensured through the SAFNWC Users’ Group, workshops and training activities
1st IPWG Workshop. Madrid 23-27 Sep 2002 The EUMETSAT SAF on Nowcasting & VSRF 55 KEEP IN TOUCH WITH NWC SAF: -
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