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An Introduction to the Wisconsin Student Number Locator System W S L S Segment 2 Department of Public Instruction Spring 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to the Wisconsin Student Number Locator System W S L S Segment 2 Department of Public Instruction Spring 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to the Wisconsin Student Number Locator System W S L S Segment 2 Department of Public Instruction Spring 2008

2 Mass Student Maintenance

3 Mass Student Transfer Request

4 Mass Student Transfer functions are available to move groups of students between schools within your district or between your K-8 district and the Union High School district. Ideally, the Mass Student Transfer Request task should be completed in spring at the close of the term. Enter the birth date range for the students to be transferred and select an individual school or ‘All Schools’, then click the ‘Search’ icon.

5 Using the check boxes in the right hand column, select the students to be transferred. Enter the exit date to be set for all selected students and select the school to which the students are transferring.

6 Click the ‘Save’ icon to store your request. This action does NOT save the exit date and does not submit the transfer.

7 The selected students are stored in the ‘Student List’ such that you may search for multiple groups of students independently.

8 Review the student list. Individual students may be removed from the transfer request list by the ‘Remove’ button in the right hand column.

9 Once the list is verified, click the ‘Submit All’ icon. This action will save the exit date to each student record and submit the transfer requests to the identified schools.

10 If transfers were requested from multiple schools within the district, the submission step must be repeated for each school. Note that students with the privacy indicator in your district may be selected during the mass transfer request process, but only an exit date will be saved. No transfer request will be sent to the transfer school.

11 Mass Student Transfer Confirmation

12 The Mass Student Transfer Confirmation function should be completed in fall at the beginning of the term. Select an individual school and click the ‘Refresh’ icon to review outstanding Mass Student Transfer Confirmation requests received by your school.

13 The Student List may contain students transferring from multiple schools.

14 Using the check boxes in the right column, select the students that have transferred to your school. Select ‘Confirm’, enter the enrollment date and click the ‘Save’ icon.

15 If requests exist for students who did not transfer to your district, then such requests should be denied.

16 Using the check boxes in the right column, select the students for whom the transfer should be denied. Select ‘Deny Transfer’ and click the ‘Save’ icon.

17 If transfer confirmations were requested from multiple schools within the district, the confirmation process must be repeated for each school.

18 Mass Student Exit

19 Mass Student Exit is similar to the Mass Student Transfer Request except no ‘Transferring To’ school is provided. Mass Student Exit task should be completed in spring at the close of the term to exit high school completers and other students exiting your district.

20 File Upload

21 Two file types may be uploaded to the WSLS: Locate / Assign – to take assignment of new students or to enter new enrollment periods for existing students Exit / Update – to modify exit date and / or demographic information of existing students

22 A confirmation message will inform you of upload to the DPI server. You must monitor the Submission Status and Results screens to determine whether the file is a success or a failure. We suggest that you do not attempt to build Locate / Assign or Exit / Update files manually. If your district does not have a local School Information System which will generate the upload files, Mass Student and Individual Student on-line functions are available. More Information:

23 Mass Student Entry

24 The Student Profile Data for the Mass Student Entry function is similar to Request New WSN for the Individual Student Search/Match Review function except that the student data is processed as a group rather than individually.

25 Guardian, Alias and Privacy Information is entered as shown for the Individual Student Search / Match Review function. The ‘Next’ icon will save the record and clear the data fields for entry of a subsequent student. Mass Student Entry allows multiple students to be hand entered with minimal validation. The students are stored in the Student List such that they may be submitted as a group similar to file upload.

26 When entry of the student group is complete, click the ‘Submit All’ icon. This step must be repeated for each school for which students have been entered.

27 A confirmation message will inform you of submission to the DPI server. Record the file name under which each group was submitted. You must monitor the Submission Status and Results screens to determine whether the Mass Student Entry file is a success or a failure. Note that students will remain in the Student List until the Mass Student Entry file has processed successfully.

28 Submission Status – File Upload & Mass Entry

29 Select ‘All Schools’ or an individual school from the ‘School’ dropdown and click the ‘Refresh’ icon to display the Submission Status table.

30 The ‘Status’ column will display whether the file is ‘Received’, ‘Processing’ or ‘Completed’.

31 This is the file upload submitted in the previous example.

32 This is the mass student entry file generated in the previous example.

33 A ‘Completed’ status means that a report is available from the ‘Results’ function. ‘Completed’ does not indicate success or failure of the file.

34 Results – File Upload / Download & Mass Entry

35 The Results function displays reports and files generated from the file upload, mass student entry and file download request functions. To review a report or file, click the File Description. This is the result report returned for the file upload previously presented.

36 The ‘WSN File Result Report’ provides a detailed report of the Locate / Assign file upload process including errors where the status is ‘Failure’, warnings and records which require manual match processing where the status is ‘Possible Match’.

37 This file upload was a failure. Though only two records in the file produced failures, no records from the file have been uploaded to the WSLS. Corrections must be made to the local SIS and a new file must be submitted to the WSLS.

38 The Locate / Assign file upload process may generate four types of files. The ‘Locate / Assign Pending Records’ file and ‘WSN ID File’ are generated only for files where the ‘WSN File Request Report’ shows a status of ‘SUCCESS’. WSN File Result Report

39 Locate / Assign Student Match Report Locate / Assign Pending Records File The records displayed in the ‘Locate / Assign Student Match Report’ require manual match review. The ‘Locate / Assign Pending Records’ file contains the same students in a downloadable file.

40 WSN ID File The ‘WSN ID File’ contains the student data and WSN of all students assigned to your district during the upload process. Students who require match review do not appear in this file.

41 The Exit / Update file upload process may generate Result Reports and Result Files similar to the Locate / Assign file upload process.

42 Download files are also available from the Results function. These files will be discussed in the File Download Request section of this presentation.

43 Match Review – File Upload & Mass Entry

44 Select ‘All Schools’ or an individual school and click the ‘Refresh’ icon to display outstanding possible matches and pending exit requests.

45 The records from file upload or mass student entry which require manual match review will appear in the top section of the Match Summary screen. This match review process is similar to the Individual Student Search / Match Review process shown previously.

46 When many possible matches exist, you may select to only review matches with an exact match on gender, date of birth, or last name. Note that the ‘Request New WSN’ icon will not appear if one or more of these check boxes are selected.

47 Similar to the Individual Student Search / Match Review, the ‘Request New WSN’ icon will not appear until at least one possible match has been reviewed.

48 The school and enrollment date were submitted during file upload or mass student entry and may not be modified.

49 If the school or enrollment date are incorrect or the student should not have been entered, the ‘Remove’ button will delete the student from Match Summary. The ‘Remove’ will not remove enrollment periods saved in the WSLS.

50 Students with pending exit confirmation requests are displayed in the lower section of Match Summary. Records may appear in this section from file upload, mass student entry or individual student search.

51 If no outstanding possible matches or pending exit confirmation requests exist, a notification will appear.

52 Resources WSLS Manual  On-line Tutorials  Mass student transfer request  Mass student confirmation  File upload  Mass student entry

53 Other Functions

54 File Download Request

55 File Download Request allows generation of files containing data stored in the WSLS. These files are generated in the CSV or XML format based on the ‘Data Submit Method’ selected on the WSLS Preferences.

56 The file types ‘Enrolled’ and ‘Assignment Date’ are most commonly used. ‘Enrolled’ will gather all students with enrollment including the supplied date. ‘Assignment Date’ will gather students according to the date work was done in the WSLS to assign the student to your school. ‘Enrollment Date’ and ‘Exit Date’ gather only students with enroll or exit dates equal to the supplied date(s). Date range is useful to gather student enrolled during a school term, while date of inquiry may be used to gather enrollment on the count date. Select an individual school or ‘All Schools’, a file type and a date range. Click the ‘Submit’ icon to generate the file.

57 The file name is displayed at the top of the screen. Record the file name. The file is available from the ‘Results’ function.

58 Click on the File Description to view or download the file.

59 Historical Enrollment Insertion

60 Historical Enrollment Insertion allows an enrollment period to be entered prior to the current enrollment record of the student. This function is available only via the on-line screens.

61 The student search is similar to the Individual Student Search function.

62 In this example, Stacey Campbell has an enrollment record in Weston High School. She enrolled in the Weston School District in the spring of 2005, but her Middle School record is missing. Click the ‘Select Match’ icon to continue.

63 Enter the School, Enrollment Date and Exit Date. The enrollment period may not overlap with any existing enrollment for the student. Other information such as alias and guardian may be entered, if available. Click the ‘Save’ icon.

64 The new enrollment period is displayed in the enrollment history table.

65 Resources WSLS Manual  On-line Tutorials  File Download Request  Historical Enrollment Insertion

66 Avoiding Common Errors

67 Annual District Updates to DPI Report on the PI-1280, Public School Update Form:  District Administrator / Superintendent,  Schools, and  Grades being served at each school. Report on the PI-1203, Statistical Report:  District / school calendar start and end dates. Set-up local databases and processes to match PI-1280 schools. Enter individual student data into local software system(s) being used in appropriate schools. District Administrator, if new, must report WAMS ID to Grant and rescind WSLS authorizations as staff changes occur.

68 Educational Services provided outside of District Facilities: Services Provided by Third Party Providers: Wisconsin School for the Deaf Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired CESAs County Children with Disability Education Boards (CCDEBs) LEA Private School Placements Universities and Colleges Residential Care Centers Other Third Party Providers

69 Submitting District and School: Regular and timely schedule of enrollment maintenance Release of students for short term enrollment out of district  Parent placement outside the WSLS  DOC or DHFS short term placement  Hospitalization or incarceration outside district without excused absence Timely response to exit confirmation requests from other districts ISES Public Enrollment and PI-1563 Pupil Count (Membership) have different student populations

70 Educational Services provided outside of District Facilities: Services Provided by District Staff on Alternative Schedules or at Alternative Locations: Early Childhood Preschoolers Libraries Home School-to-Work Programs Hospitals Juvenile Detention Centers Jails

71 Enroll and Exit Dates: Student transfers between schools within the district must be submitted. Avoid overlap of enrollment periods. DPI calendar – 7/1 to 6/30  Exit date for students should be on or before 6/30.  Enroll date for new students and KG should be on or after 7/1, preferably the first day of school.

72 Help Desk Tool The Help Desk Expert Tool is available to assist with general support of several DPI applications. Review Application Availability View Frequently Asked Questions Report problems Request application assistance


74 Resources Main WSLS and ISES Page WSLS Web Application Parents - FAQ Districts and Vendors – FAQ WSLS / ISES Help Desk

75 An Introduction to the Wisconsin Student Number Locator System W S L S Segment 2 Department of Public Instruction Spring 2008

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