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Austin Police Department West Point Leadership Academy.

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1 Austin Police Department West Point Leadership Academy

2 Question? Complainant perceives that officer interfered in an investigation. Complainant has no proof. Officer explains his action and pass polygraph. What should be the classification?

3 Question 2 One complainant says officer used too much force. Fills out complaint form but does not come in for interview. Second complaint fills out complaint form and then interviews but will not come in to signed sworn statement.

4 question 2 cont. Officer explains in interview his actions. What is the final classification?

5 Final Exam Presentation By using the West Point Leadership Academy theories, strategies, and the Leaders Problem Solving Model, to address my area of interest. We will attempt to alter in a positive manner, the motivation, satisfaction, and performance of employees subject to the perception associated with the Internal Affairs final classification “ Inconclusive”.

6 “Inconclusive” As define by General Orders / Code of Conduct – –insufficient evidence either to prove or disprove the allegation(s) As define by Webster – –leading to no conclusion or define result

7 there’s more As perceived by the employee – –It gives the impression that I did it and you could not prove it

8 Perception? – –Perception like beauty, is subjective in nature and viewed from the eye of the beholder

9 Ladies is this a thing of beauty

10 what about this?

11 and this?

12 what do you say men?

13 what about this one?

14 and this?

15 I think I am beautiful too!

16 Areas Of Interest… Changing I.A. final classification “ Inconclusive” to the final classification “ Not Sustained.” Adding the final classification “ Not Sustained” which is less intrusive in nature to the classifications of I. A. investigations. Restoring employee perception of equity, in a manner consistent with organizational goals

17 Problem Analysis Which WPLP theories apply

18 Equity Theory The concept that human beings frequently compare their own skills, talents, and effort against those of other people. For the purpose of I.A. classifications. Employees perception of inequity is derived from the classification “Inconclusive” when the preponderance of evidence is not sufficient to sustain the allegation and the employee has taken steps to prove his innocence.

19 Leadership Strategy Restore equity, in a manner consistent with organizational goals.Restore equity, in a manner consistent with organizational goals.

20 Expectancy Theory Offers a three part framework to understand human motivation.

21 Expectancy The individual’s belief that his or her effort will lead to an acceptable level of performance. If the preponderance of evidence is not sufficient enough to sustain an allegation of misconduct, and the employee has voluntarily taken additional steps to prove his innocence. His actions involving the allegation are at an acceptable level of performance and the records should reflect as such.

22 Instrumentatlity The individual’s confidence that achieving a level of performance will result in a reward. Dealing with the negative perception of “Inconclusive”...if there is insufficient preponderance of evidence to sustain an allegation of misconduct, then the employee is confident that his actions have achieved the necessary level of performance and this will result in his reward.

23 Valence Conveys the conviction that the resulting reward has value to the individual. The valence to the employee is simply keeping his or her Internal Affairs complaint record as clean as possible and removing negative biases

24 Motivation through Consequences Employees are motivated by the consequences they face as a result of their behavior. It suggest that reinforcement will cause behavior to increase, and punishment will cause a decrease in the particular behavior. Can the perception of an “Inconclusive” classification be considered reinforcement or punishment?

25 Who’s perception?

26 The perception of the individual It is difficult to determine whether an “Inconclusive” final classification can be considered reinforcement or punishment but, by changing the final classification to a more positive and less subjective term, we can move closer to reinforcement to increase positive behavior.

27 Attribution Theory The psychological, often subconscious process of making inferences and judgements about people’s behavior. This theory applies to the employee’s perception, that “Inconclusive” looks bad and leaves a question or doubt

28 Then came Bias Another element of attribution Biases add on to the mistakes in judgements of human behavior.

29 Take Action Survey Internal Affairs employees on their understanding, use, and gather their input on the use of Inconclusive Survey employees on feelings and perceptions of the use of Inconclusive

30 there’s more Review Employee Evaluations who have been subject to Inconclusive classification Compile data on closed cases with Inconclusive classifications Compile management position on either replacing Inconclusive with Not Sustain or adding Not Sustain to classifications

31 and even more If decision to add Not Sustain is made, clearly define the parameters of its use Rewrite General Orders to reflect the change and parameter Contact major city departments I.A. units

32 Assessment of Actions Taken Survey Internal Affairs employees on classification changes and how the change has impacted their overall job. (6 mos ) Survey employees on their feelings and perceptions about the classification change (6 mos)

33 yes, more here too Review the use of classification change and compile data on closed cases Review Employee Evaluation who have been subject to the new classification Determine if the change has had any effect on motivation, satisfaction, and performance of employees.

34 Conclusion!!! If we succeed in changing employee perception in a positive manner and restoring the perception of equity, we will have successfully impacted employee motivation, satisfaction, and performance to some degree, in a manner consistent with organizational goals..






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