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Why should we take care of animals?. Small Group Timer Timer.

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Presentation on theme: "Why should we take care of animals?. Small Group Timer Timer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why should we take care of animals?

2 Small Group Timer Timer

3 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Amazing Words Spelling City: Amazing Words Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words Spelling City

4 One Dark Night Amazing Words concern growth protection fragile pellets litter pollute release

5 One Dark Night Vocabulary Words pours lightning thunder storm flashes pounds rolling stray nudging brooding

6 One Dark Night High Frequency Words certainly either great laugh second worst you’re

7 One Dark Night Spelling Words unsafe unplug preheat regroup rerun preschool disappear disagree unlock prehistoric retie reunion rewind unfortunate unpack

8 One Dark Night Glue Words any of too are one

9 Big Question: Why should we take care of animals? Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Friday

10 One Dark Night Monday Morning Warm-Up Some animals live with our family. Other animals are wild. We should be kind to all animals. Why should we take care of animals?

11 One Dark Night Monday Morning Warm-Up Some animals live with our family. Other animals are wild. We should be kind to all animals. Why should we take care of animals?

12 Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Amazing Words Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Sequence Sequence Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer Singular and Plural Pronouns Singular and Plural Pronouns

13 Amazing Words

14 concern con – cern When you have a reason to worry about something, you have concern about it. Something can concern you by giving you an uneasy feeling. Mom has concern about us crossing the street at the busy intersection.

15 growth grow – th Growth is the process of something getting bigger or developing. My brother had a growth spurt of two inches last year. I’d like to see more growth in our vegetable plants.

16 protection pro – tec - tion If you keep something from being harmed or damaged, you give it protection. The basement gives us protection from tornadoes. The citizens get protection from the police.

17 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- quickly wonderful You studied words like this already. What do you know about reading them? Today we’ll learn about adding prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- to the beginning of words.

18 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Each prefix has a specific meaning: un-, dis- : not re- : again pre- : before

19 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- restart This is a two-syllable word formed from the base word start and the prefix re-. You can chunk the word into its parts—the prefix and the base word. Then cover the prefix, read the base word, and then blend the prefix and the base word to read the whole word. What does restart mean?

20 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unreal disallow prepay unlike disapprove reapply preview redo unafraid discharge unfair disloyal recount prefix unmark dismount

21 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis-

22 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade

23 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade reread reread

24 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade reread reread disorder disorder

25 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade reread reread disorder disorder dislike dislike

26 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade reread reread preheat preheat disorder disorder dislike dislike

27 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade reread reread recook recook preheat preheat disorder disorder dislike dislike

28 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade reread reread recook recook reload reload preheat preheat disorder disorder dislike dislike

29 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade reread reread recook recook reload reload preheat preheat disorder disorder dislike dislike disown disown

30 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade unclean unclean reread reread recook recook reload reload preheat preheat disorder disorder dislike dislike disown disown

31 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade unclean unclean untie untie reread reread recook recook reload reload preheat preheat disorder disorder dislike dislike disown disown

32 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade unclean unclean untie untie reread reread recook recook reload reload preheat preheat prepress prepress disorder disorder dislike dislike disown disown

33 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unmade, reread, disorder, dislike, preheat, recook, reload, disown, unclean, untie, prepress, preprint un- re- pre- dis- unmade unmade unclean unclean untie untie reread reread recook recook reload reload preheat preheat prepress prepress preprint preprint disorder disorder dislike dislike disown disown

34 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unglue preview rereading resend disagree unloading replace preheat dislikes undress distaste reprints redo preschool prewriting

35 One Dark Night Spelling Words unsafe unplug preheat regroup rerun preschool disappear disagree unlock prehistoric retie reunion rewind unfortunate unpack

36 One Dark Night Glue Words any of too are one

37 Sequence Think about Firefighter! Think about Firefighter! Tell, in order, three things that happened in that story. Tell, in order, three things that happened in that story. Could the last thing have happened first? Why not? Could the last thing have happened first? Why not?

38 Sequence & Graphic Organizers Good readers pay attention to the order of events in a story. Good readers pay attention to the order of events in a story. Sometimes there are helpful clue words, such as first, next, and finally, to tell the sequence. Sometimes there aren’t. Sometimes there are helpful clue words, such as first, next, and finally, to tell the sequence. Sometimes there aren’t. We can keep track of sequence by using a graphic organizer to record events as we read. We can keep track of sequence by using a graphic organizer to record events as we read. This helps us remember the correct order of events in a story. This helps us remember the correct order of events in a story.


40 Daily Fix-It she wille un lock the doors she wille un lock the doors She will unlock the doors. She will unlock the doors. she well unpack her groceries? she well unpack her groceries? She will unpack her groceries. She will unpack her groceries.

41 Singular and Plural Pronouns A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or nouns. He, she, and it are pronouns that name only one. Mom helps animals. She works for a vet. She is a pronoun that names one person—Mom.

42 Singular and Plural Pronouns We and they are pronouns that name more than one. Sometimes Dad and I help. We feed the animals. We is a pronoun that names more than one—Dad and I.

43 Singular and Plural Pronouns Dad and Mom were driving home last night. ____ saw a cat.

44 Singular and Plural Pronouns Dad and Mom were driving home last night. They saw a cat. ___ was sitting by the side of the road.

45 Singular and Plural Pronouns Dad and Mom were driving home last night. They saw a cat. It was sitting by the side of the road. Dad pulled over. ____ got a blanket out of the trunk.

46 Singular and Plural Pronouns Dad and Mom were driving home last night. They saw a cat. It was sitting by the side of the road. Dad pulled over. He got a blanket out of the trunk. ___wrapped the blanket around the cat.

47 Singular and Plural Pronouns Dad and Mom were driving home last night. They saw a cat. It was sitting by the side of the road. Dad pulled over. He got a blanket out of the trunk. He wrapped the blanket around the cat.

48 Singular and Plural Pronouns Dad and Mom were driving home last night. They saw a cat. It was sitting by the side of the road. Dad pulled over. He got a blanket out of the trunk. He wrapped the blanket around the cat. Mom wanted to help the cat. ___said,”Drive to Dr. Klute’s.”

49 Singular and Plural Pronouns Dad and Mom were driving home last night. They saw a cat. It was sitting by the side of the road. Dad pulled over. He got a blanket out of the trunk. He wrapped the blanket around the cat. Mom wanted to help the cat. She said,”Drive to Dr. Klute’s.” ____ took the cat to the vet.

50 Singular and Plural Pronouns Dad and Mom were driving home last night. They saw a cat. It was sitting by the side of the road. Dad pulled over. He got a blanket out of the trunk. He wrapped the blanket around the cat. Mom wanted to help the cat. She said,”Drive to Dr. Klute’s.” They took the cat to the vet.

51 Wrap Up Your Day! Prefixes un-, re,-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re,-, pre-, dis- Spelling Words with Prefixes Spelling Words with Prefixes Sequence Sequence Let’s Talk About It! Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will read about how a boy and his grandfather help some stray animals. Tomorrow we will read about how a boy and his grandfather help some stray animals.

52 One Dark Night Monday Journal Topic Write about a concern you have.

53 One Dark Night Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Jonathan. He shows concern for a family of cats. They need protection from a storm. What do animals need for growth and well- being?

54 One Dark Night Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Jonathan. He shows concern for a family of cats. They need protection from a storm. What do animals need for growth and well- being?

55 Today we will learn about: Prefixes un-, re,-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re,-, pre-, dis- Amazing Words Amazing Words Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words High Frequency Words High Frequency Words Pronouns for One and More than One Pronouns for One and More than One

56 Amazing Words

57 fragile fra - gile If something can break or be damaged easily, it is fragile. The delicate wings of a butterfly are fragile. If you knock over the fragile vase, it will break. A spider web looks fragile, but it is quite strong.

58 pellets pel - lets Pellets are small balls of material pressed together, very often a kind of animal feed. Tony poured the pellets into the rabbit’s bowl. My dog likes dog food made from beef-flavored pellets. (next slide)

59 pellets

60 litter lit - ter Litter is scraps or pieces of trash left around. There was litter in the stands after the football game. We picked up litter around our school yard.

61 litter

62 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- replay You can read this word because you know how to read words with prefixes. What prefix and base word form replay?

63 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- unwrap preview disagree unclasp rework predate disapprove rethink undisturbed unglue pretest rethink disprove unlatch rewrite

64 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Pick out the words with these prefixes in “Kitten Rescue.” unhappy displeases refilled preview

65 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis-

66 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- rethink rethink

67 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- rethink rethink disagree disagree

68 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- rethink rethink disagree disagree displace displace

69 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- rethink rethink preheat preheat disagree disagree displace displace

70 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- unhappy unhappy rethink rethink preheat preheat disagree disagree displace displace

71 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- unhappy unhappy unfold unfold rethink rethink preheat preheat disagree disagree displace displace

72 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- unhappy unhappy unfold unfold rethink rethink repaint repaint preheat preheat disagree disagree displace displace

73 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- unhappy unhappy unfold unfold rethink rethink repaint repaint preheat preheat preview preview disagree disagree displace displace

74 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- unhappy unhappy unfold unfold rethink rethink repaint repaint preheat preheat preview preview prepaid prepaid disagree disagree displace displace

75 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- unhappy unhappy unfold unfold rethink rethink repaint repaint preheat preheat preview preview prepaid prepaid disagree disagree displace displacedisplease

76 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- unhappy unhappy unfold unfold rethink rethink repaint repaint react react preheat preheat preview preview prepaid prepaid disagree disagree displace displace displease displease

77 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- rethink, disagree, displace, preheat, unhappy, unfold, repaint, preview, prepaid, displease, react, unseen un- re- pre- dis- unhappy unhappy unfold unfold unseen unseen rethink rethink repaint repaint react react preheat preheat preview preview prepaid prepaid disagree disagree displace displace displease displease

78 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Will you rewind the rerun of that show? Will you rewind the rerun of that show? Do not disappear before it is time to unpack. Do not disappear before it is time to unpack. The preschool children learn to retie their laces. The preschool children learn to retie their laces. It is unsafe to preheat the oven while you are gone. It is unsafe to preheat the oven while you are gone.

79 Vocabulary Words pours – rains heavily lightning – a flash of light in the sky during a stormlightning thunder – a loud sound in the sky that comes after a flash of lightning storm – heavy rain, snow, or hailstorm flashes – moves quickly by (next slide)

80 storm

81 lightning

82 Vocabulary Words pounds – hits with noise and force rolling – making a loud, deep sound stray – lost nudging – giving a small push brooding – worrying or thinking hard

83 Vocabulary lightning angry thunder door storm second seconds flashes watch watching rolling warm warming pounds water pours


85 Context Clues When you come across words you don’t understand, there are strategies you can use. Sometimes we can get the meaning from word parts. We may understand the base word and suffix or the two shorter words in a compound word. We can look in a dictionary or glossary. We can look for context clues in the words and sentences around the unknown word. Today we will learn more about using context clues.

86 Daily Fix-It the movie was a reerun the movie was a reerun The movie was a rerun. The movie was a rerun. she will unplug the Light she will unplug the Light She will unplug the light. She will unplug the light.

87 Pronouns Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun or nouns. it they Which pronoun names only one? Which pronoun names more than one? Singular pronouns name only one. Plural pronouns name more than one.

88 Wrap Up Your Day! Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer Let’s Talk About It! Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will hear about a doctor who helps animals. Tomorrow we will hear about a doctor who helps animals.

89 One Dark Night Tuesday Journal Topic Write about an animal you have helped or seen during a storm.

90 One Dark Night Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about animal doctors. They attend school for a long time. They study veterinary medicine. What would you like to study?

91 Today we will learn about: Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Amazing Words Classify/Categorize Fluency Pronouns for One and More Than One

92 Amazing Words

93 pollute pol - lute When someone damages the air, soil, or water by making it dirty with harmful substances, we say they pollute it. Oil spills from ships can pollute the water. Smoke from the factory polluted the air around us.

94 pollute

95 release re - lease If you release something, you set it free or let it go. When the young raccoon’s foot is healed, the vet will release it into the wild. We will release the baby birds as soon as they can fly.

96 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes are word parts that are at the end of some words. Look at these words slowly cheerful teacher actor

97 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or You can read these words because you know how to read words with suffixes. You can cover the suffix, read the base word, and then blend the base word and the suffix to read the whole word.

98 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or These suffixes have a specific meaning. -ly in a ____ way -ful full of _____ -er, -or a person who ____

99 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or

100 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or wonderful wonderful

101 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or wonderful wonderful graceful graceful

102 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helper helper

103 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helper helper

104 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helper helper editor editor

105 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helper helper editor editor sailor sailor

106 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly stupidly stupidly wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helper helper editor editor sailor sailor

107 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly stupidly stupidly wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helpful helpful helper helper editor editor sailor sailor

108 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly stupidly stupidly closely closely wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helpful helpful helper helper editor editor sailor sailor

109 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly stupidly stupidly closely closely wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helpful helpful helper helper dancer dancer editor editor sailor sailor

110 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly stupidly stupidly closely closely wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helpful helpful helper helper dancer dancer reader reader editor editor sailor sailor

111 Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or Suffixes –ly, -ful, -er, -or wonderful, graceful, helper, quickly, editor, sailor, stupidly, helpful, closely, dancer, reader, visitor -ly -ful -er -or quickly quickly stupidly stupidly closely closely wonderful wonderful graceful graceful helpful helpful helper helper dancer dancer reader reader editor editor sailor sailor visitor visitor

112 Vocabulary Words When there is a _____, we have to bring our toys in from the yard.

113 Vocabulary Words When there is a storm, we have to bring our toys in from the yard. Water ______ from the faucet into the sink.

114 Vocabulary Words When there is a storm, we have to bring our toys in from the yard. Water pours from the faucet into the sink. My bedroom light ____ when I flip the switch on and off and on and off.

115 Vocabulary Words When there is a storm, we have to bring our toys in from the yard. Water pours from the faucet into the sink. My bedroom light flashes when I flip the switch on and off and on and off. The dark sky was lit up by ______.

116 Vocabulary Words When there is a storm, we have to bring our toys in from the yard. Water pours from the faucet into the sink. My bedroom light flashes when I flip the switch on and off and on and off. The dark sky was lit up by lightning.

117 Vocabulary Words I covered my ears when I heard the loud _____.

118 Vocabulary Words I covered my ears when I heard the loud thunder. The hammer ____ the nail to push it into the wood.

119 Vocabulary Words I covered my ears when I heard the loud thunder. The hammer pounds the nail to push it into the wood.

120 Vocabulary Words I covered my ears when I heard the loud thunder. The hammer pounds the nail to push it into the wood. The ____ waves kept sweeping over the beach.

121 Vocabulary Words I covered my ears when I heard the loud thunder. The hammer pounds the nail to push it into the wood. The rolling waves kept sweeping over the beach.

122 One Dark Night Spelling Words unsafe unplug preheat regroup rerun preschool disappear disagree unlock prehistoric retie reunion rewind unfortunate unpack

123 One Dark Night Glue Words any of too are one

124 Classify/Categorize Remember that One Dark Night is about a cat and her kittens. To help you understand what you read, you can classify, or group, related words and phrases. In this story, the author uses words and phrases to describe the cat and kittens.

125 Classify/Categorize By grouping these words together, you can picture what the cat and kittens look like. Think of words and phrases that describe the cat or kittens. Small, dark, stray, soft as whispers, gray as dawn You can further classify these words by grouping them into words about the cat and words about the kittens.

126 Daily Fix-It jamal herd a cat out side Jamal heard a cat outside. he unlocked the dor He unlocked the door.

127 Pronouns for One and More Than One Pronouns take the place of a noun or nouns. He, she, and it take the place of one noun. We and they take the place of more than one noun.

128 Wrap Up Your Day! Sequence Sequence Fluency Fluency Let’s Talk About It! Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will read two poems about people who decide to give some cats a home. Tomorrow we will read two poems about people who decide to give some cats a home.

129 One Dark Night Wednesday Journal Topic Write about a time that you experienced bad or scary weather. Write about a time that you experienced bad or scary weather.

130 One Dark Night Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read two poems about some unloved cats who find a home. They are reassured that someone loves them. How can we show an animal that we love it?

131 One Dark Night Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read two poems about some unloved cats who find a home. They are reassured that someone loves them. How can we show an animal that we love it?

132 Today we will learn about: Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Pronouns for One and More Than One Pronouns for One and More Than One Speaking and Listening: Use Telephones and Voice Mail Speaking and Listening: Use Telephones and Voice Mail

133 One Dark Night Amazing Words concern growth protection fragile pellets litter pollute release

134 Sentence Reading I disagree—this certainly does not look like a full moon. You’re going to want to reread this great new book. He was either the first or second blue ribbon winner at the preschool.

135 Sentence Reading Is it unfair to say this is the worst juice I have ever had? Will you replay the tape of the cook in the funny suit that made me laugh? The food is great but do not reheat any more because I am full.

136 One Dark Night Spelling Words unsafe unplug preheat regroup rerun preschool disappear disagree unlock prehistoric retie reunion rewind unfortunate unpack

137 One Dark Night Glue Words any of too are one


139 Daily Fix-It m om get a new bed for hour cat Mom got a new bed for our cat. the ole one was unsaif The old one was unsafe.

140 Pronouns for One and More Than One Pronouns take the place of a noun or nouns. He, she, and it take the place of one noun. We and they take the place of more than one noun.

141 Pronouns for One and More Than One Jenny and I went for a walk.

142 Pronouns for One and More Than One Jenny and I went for a walk. We saw a box.

143 Pronouns for One and More Than One Jenny and I went for a walk. We saw a box. It made a peeping sound.

144 Pronouns for One and More Than One Jenny and I went for a walk. We saw a box. It made a peeping sound. Jenny asked, “What is in the box?”

145 Pronouns for One and More Than One Jenny and I went for a walk. We saw a box. It made a peeping sound. Jenny asked, “What is in the box?” She looked inside.

146 Pronouns for One and More Than One Jenny and I went for a walk. We saw a box. It made a peeping sound. Jenny asked, “What is in the box?” She looked inside. “There are baby birds inside!

147 Pronouns for One and More Than One Jenny and I went for a walk. We saw a box. It made a peeping sound. Jenny asked, “What is in the box?” She looked inside. “There are baby birds inside! Why aren’t they in a nest?” she asked.

148 Pronouns for One and More Than One Jenny and I went for a walk. We saw a box. It made a peeping sound. Jenny asked, “What is in the box?” She looked inside. “There are baby birds inside! Why aren’t they in a nest?” she asked.

149 Use Telephones and Voice Mail Speakers: Speak slowly and clearly. Give complete, accurate information. Be polite. Stay on the topic. Don’t ramble

150 Use Telephones and Voice Mail Listeners: Listen carefully. Write down the message. Deliver the message

151 Wrap Up Your Day! Making Connections: Text to Text Making Connections: Text to Text Let’s Talk About It Let’s Talk About It We have read poems about cats who find a new home. Tomorrow we will hear again about what happens during the storm. We have read poems about cats who find a new home. Tomorrow we will hear again about what happens during the storm.

152 One Dark Night Thursday Journal Topic Write about a puppy with a growth spurt. Write about a puppy with a growth spurt.

153 One Dark Night Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about showing concern for animals. We can do many things to look after them. Why is it important to care for animals?

154 Today we will learn about: Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Amazing Words Vocabulary Words Pronouns for One and More Than One Bar Graph

155 One Dark Night Amazing Words concern growth protection fragile pellets litter pollute release

156 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals

157 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals concern concern

158 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals concern concern growth growth

159 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals protection protection concern concern growth growth

160 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals protection protection concern concern growth growth fragile fragile

161 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals protection protection pellets pellets concern concern growth growth fragile fragile

162 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals protection protection pellets pellets concern concern growth growth fragile fragile pollute pollute

163 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals protection protection pellets pellets release release concern concern growth growth fragile fragile pollute pollute

164 Amazing Words Amazing Words concern, growth, protection, fragile, pellets, pollute, release, litter How we should care for animals Why we should care for animals protection protection pellets pellets release release litter litter concern concern growth growth fragile fragile pollute pollute

165 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Find the words with prefixes and base words. I will replay the preview so I can see how the actors react.

166 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Find the words with prefixes and base words. I will replay the preview so I can see how the actors react. Dad has an unpaid ticket the he disagrees with.

167 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Find the words with prefixes and base words. I will replay the preview so I can see how the actors react. Dad has an unpaid ticket the he disagrees with. Mom says her job will prepay our movers when we relocate.

168 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Find the words with prefixes and base words. I will replay the preview so I can see how the actors react. Dad has an unpaid ticket the he disagrees with. Mom says her job will prepay our movers when we relocate. I will undo this ribbon so you can retie it for me.

169 Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis- Find the words with prefixes and base words. I will replay the preview so I can see how the actors react. Dad has an unpaid ticket the he disagrees with. Mom says her job will prepay our movers when we relocate. I will undo this ribbon so you can retie it for me.

170 One Dark Night Vocabulary Words pours lightning thunder storm flashes pounds rolling stray nudging brooding

171 Vocabulary Words This is how rain falls during a storm.

172 Vocabulary Words This is how rain falls during a storm. pours You sometimes see this in the sky.

173 Vocabulary Words This is how rain falls during a storm. pours You sometimes see this in the sky. lightning Sometimes you can hear a clap of ____ when it rains hard.

174 Vocabulary Words This is how rain falls during a storm. pours You sometimes see this in the sky. lightning Sometimes you can hear a clap of thunder when it rains hard. When lightning moves quickly across the sky it does this.

175 Vocabulary Words This is how rain falls during a storm. pours You sometimes see this in the sky. lightning Sometimes you can hear a clap of thunder when it rains hard. When lightning moves quickly across the sky it does this. flashes

176 Vocabulary Words What someone does when he or she bangs on a door with a fist.

177 Vocabulary Words What someone does when he or she bangs on a door with a fist. pounds Grandfather had a ___ laughter.

178 Vocabulary Words What someone does when he or she bangs on a door with a fist. pounds Grandfather had a rolling laughter. This is much more than a light rain.

179 Vocabulary Words What someone does when he or she bangs on a door with a fist. pounds Grandfather had a rolling laughter. This is much more than a light rain. storm

180 One Dark Night Spelling Words unsafe unplug preheat regroup rerun preschool disappear disagree unlock prehistoric retie reunion rewind unfortunate unpack

181 One Dark Night Glue Words any of too are one

182 Daily Fix-It the cat disappaered in the gras the cat disappaered in the gras The cat disappeared in the grass. The cat disappeared in the grass. they was afraid of dog. they was afraid of dog. It was afraid of the dog. It was afraid of the dog.

183 Pronouns Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun or nouns. it they Which pronoun names only one? Which pronoun names more than one? Singular pronouns name only one. Plural pronouns name more than one.

184 Bar Graph Bar graphs help readers compare information. First read the title of the graph. Look at the information at the bottom and sides of the graph. Follow the bar across and see where it ends to find out the information you are looking for.

185 Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About Responsibility

186 One Dark Night Friday Journal Topic Write about a thunderstorm.

187 One Dark Night Related Links Kind Pets News Kind Pets News

188 Apt Plus Videos (password required) Stuff Happens with Bill Nye: Pets Stuff Happens with Bill Nye: Pets (20:13) Stuff Happens with Bill Nye: Pets Real People, Real Math: Choosing a Pet (K-2)Real People, Real Math: Choosing a Pet (K-2) (13:59) Real People, Real Math: Choosing a Pet (K-2) All About Animals: Mammals (Revised)All About Animals: Mammals (Revised) (10:05) All About Animals: Mammals (Revised)

189 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Amazing Words Spelling City: Amazing Words Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words Spelling City

190 We are now ready to take our story tests. Story test Story test Classroom webpage,Classroom webpage, Student page,Student page, Taking TestsTaking Tests AR AR Other Reading QuizzesOther Reading Quizzes Quiz # 904631Quiz # 904631

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