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To truly understand Judaism and Islam and many of the conflicts today between the two, you need to understand the birth of two ethnic groups … Jews and.

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Presentation on theme: "To truly understand Judaism and Islam and many of the conflicts today between the two, you need to understand the birth of two ethnic groups … Jews and."— Presentation transcript:


2 To truly understand Judaism and Islam and many of the conflicts today between the two, you need to understand the birth of two ethnic groups … Jews and Arabs.

3 Abraham – Father of 2 Ethnic Groups Abraham Married to Sarah Had a son – Isaac Descendents – Hebrews (later known as Jews or Israelites) Hagar (Egyptian) Had a son – Ishmael Descendents - Arabs Therefore, “bad blood” between the two groups since the time of Abraham!

4 Ishmael’s descendants came to be known as the Arabs – being the descendants of Abraham’s oldest son, they believe they are God’s chosen people. Isaac’s descendants came to be known as Jews (or Hebrews or Israelites) – they believe their bloodline is the true chosen of God.


6 The Birth of Judaism Abraham – lived in the city of Ur in Sumer – more than 3000 years ago God chose Abraham and his descendants to be His people When Abraham was 100 years old, he had a son he named Isaac Abraham and Isaac's descendants are the Jewish people First monotheistic (belief in one God) religion!

7 Of- 5 major religions – Judaism claims the fewest followers – 13 million people of the Jewish faith, Christianity over 2 billion, Islam 1.3 billion, Hinduism 786 million, and Buddhism has 362 million Yet, it was from Judaism that the world’s 2 largest religions (Christianity and Islam) sprang.

8 Jerusalem is a holy city for the Jews. During Biblical times, Jerusalem was a political and religious center of Jewish people. King David made it the capital city and later his son, King Solomon built the first Jewish temple here (900’s BC).

9 This temple was built, destroyed, and rebuilt many times over several hundred years as other people conquered Jerusalem. The temple was destroyed for the last time in 70 AD by the Romans. All that remains today is the Western Wall.

10 The Western Wall When Rome burned the temple in 70 AD, they left the outer wall. This wall was not part of the original temple, but rather surrounded the temple. However, being the only remaining remnant of their most sacred temple, this wall soon became a very holy place to the Jewish people.

11 Jews come to this wall to pray. Because of the heartfelt prayers offered here, non-Jewish people refer to the wall as the Wailing Wall. However, the Jewish people refer to the wall as the Western Wall.

12 1st 5 books of the Bible – written by Moses (Old Testament) Recounts the history of the Jewish people Believed to be the law as given to Moses by God Holy book of the Jewish faith Torah

13 Place of worship … …Synagogue

14 Different sects (denominations) Orthodox Jews believe in strict observance of the traditions and principles of Judaism. Secular Jews do not follow all the laws and traditions as strictly.


16 Overview of Christianity Christianity claims the largest following of any religion in the world About a third of the world’s population of some 6 billion people are Christian. Christianity is one of 3 religions that recognizes the existence of one all-powerful god. But unlike the others (Judaism and Islam), only Christianity sees God in 3 different ways Holy Trinity – father, son, and holy spirit

17 The Birth of Christianity Jesus was born to a Jewish family about 2030 years ago in the city of Bethlehem. At 30 years old, he began preaching and teaching about God. Soon his followers grew, as well as his enemies.

18 Three years later, his enemies crucified Him on the hill of Calvary in Jerusalem. Three days later He rose from the dead, appeared to His followers, and went to heaven. His followers continued his work and began the religion of Christianity. Therefore, Jerusalem is also very holy to Christians. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is believed to stand on the hill of Calvary.

19 Different views of Jesus The central belief of Christians is that Jesus is the son of God. Only Christians believe this Jews believe Jesus was a wise person and a great storyteller, but they do not believe he was the son of God. Jews do not believe the Messiah has come yet. Muslims view Jesus as a great prophet. But to most Christians, Jesus is the true Messiah through which a person attains eternal life in heaven.

20 Christianity began to spread by the preaching and teachings of Christians.

21 The holy book for Christians is the Holy Bible. Old and New Testament

22 Place of Worship…. Church

23 Christians have differences of opinions… Just to name a few, you have the … Methodists Baptists Lutherans Presbyterians Episcopalians

24 Islam = surrender to Allah (God) Muslim = one who surrenders to Allah Began in 622 C.E.

25 Overview of Islam Today Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion in the world. (1.3 billion) Between 4-7 million Muslims are US citizens. Islam provides guidelines for the moral, spiritual, and political organization of society. Muslims believe all actions must be guided by God’s will. God requires both moral behavior and devotion from Muslims. Believe they were created to worship and serve God and humanity.

26 The Birth of Islam Muhammad (an Arab) was born in Mecca in 570 AD. At age 40, he received revelations from God. He began preaching about these messages from God as well as against the corruption of society. He also gained many followers as well as enemies.

27 In 622 AD nobles of Mecca were threatening his life, so he fled Mecca to Medina. There he built an army and eight years later (630 AD), he returned to Mecca. He took the city of Mecca and destroyed the idols in the Kaaba. He proclaimed that only Allah (God) was to be worshipped and proclaimed Mecca a holy city.

28 The Kaaba The Qu’ran (Islam’s holy book) states that the Kaaba was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. The Kaaba had been filled with over 300 idols, but when Muhammad took Mecca, he destroyed the idols and proclaimed that only Allah would be worshipped here.

29 Muslims (followers of Islam) consider the Kaaba so sacred, they believe that at least once in their life they must make a pilgrimage (or Haj) to the Kaaba.

30 Another sacred place for Muslims Dome of the Rock Muslims believe that Muhammad rose to heaven from this site and the rock marks the site. Where is this rock and dome located? Jerusalem!


32 5 pillars of Islam There is only 1 God Praying 5 times a day in the direction of Mecca Giving to the poor and needy Fasting during the month of Ramadan Making a pilgrimage, or haj, to Mecca



35 During the 7th and 8th centuries, Islam spread by conversion and military conquest throughout the Middle East and North Africa. By 733, just 100 years after the death of Muhammad, an Islamic state stretched from the Indus Valley in the east to Spain in the west. (Caliphs – rulers of Islam)

36 2 major different sects (denominations) of Islam are: Sunnis Shi’ites The major reason for this division came in the 7 th century with the question of succession. The Shi’ites believed that Mohammad’s successor should be a direct descent of Mohammad while Sunnis believed that Mohammad’s successor should be selected by religious leaders. This sparked a civil war between the two groups, and the two groups continue to be divided on major issues today.

37 Schools within Islam: Sunni Sunni Muslims: They constitute a 90% majority of the believers, and are considered to be main stream traditionalists. Believe the leader of the Islamic world does not have to descend directly from Muhammad. It is whoever is most qualified! Because they are comfortable pursuing their faith within secular societies, they have been able to adapt to a variety of national cultures.

38 Schools within Islam: Shi’ite Shi'ite Muslims: constitute a small minority of Islam. They split from the Sunnis over a dispute about the successor to Muhammad. They believe the leader of the Islamic world has to descend from the blood line of Muhammad Their leaders promote a strict interpretation of the Qur'an and close adherence to its teachings.

39 Muslim Distribution Today Sunni Shi’ite

40 Basic Beliefs Christianity IslamJudaism One God Bible is written word of God Jesus Christ God manifested in flesh Jesus died for sinners Believe in life after death Holy Book – the Bible One God (Allah) Belief in all prophets Belief in Day of Judgment and life after death Holy Book – Qu’ran or Koran G-d exists G-d is one G-d is eternal Pray to G-d alone Words of prophets are true G-d will reward the good and punish the evil Holy Book - Torah Jews believe the name of God is so holy that they do not spell out His name. Instead, they write G-d.

41 Essential Questions to know… Why is Jerusalem so important to all 3 religions? What is the origin of Judaism? What is the origin of Christianity? What is the origin of Islam? Why did Muslims divide into two separate groups? What are these two groups? What are the similarities and differences of these two groups of Muslims?

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