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Deep Transaction Management

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1 Deep Transaction Management

2 Application Evolution Demands A New Generation of APM
New Gen. APM Application-Centric World 2nd Gen. APM 1st Gen. APM Application Change 1995 2000 2005 2010+ Network-Centric Network speed = app speed Component-Centric Component health monitoring Infrastructure availability Application-Centric Highly complex Transaction-centric User perspective Lifecycle mgmt. IT Focus

3 Macro Trends Demand A New Approach To APM
Complexity Explosion User Expectations Continue to Rise Business Demands Increasing More features! Faster delivery! Faster performance! Do More With Less Workload Staff and budget

4 dynaTrace APM: A New Generation of Business Value
1,800% Traffic Spike 40% Increase In Load Less Than 1% Overhead Jim Houska, Enterprise Architect Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

5 dynaTrace APM: A New Generation of Business Value
Crystal Clear Visibility 80% Back-Office Performance Improvement 30% Faster Check-Out Rene NEUBACHER, B2C eBusiness Sr Tech Consultant Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

6 dynaTrace APM: A New Generation of Business Value
66% Hardware Savings 4x Faster Card Load Time David Snyder, Enterprise Architect Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

7 dynaTrace APM: A New Generation of Business Value
10x Performance Improvement End To End Kevin Charlton, Dir., Performance Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

8 dynaTrace APM: A New Generation of Business Value
Get More From Energy 95% Reduced Problem Determination Time Jim Nichols, System Architect Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

9 dynaTrace APM: A New Generation of Business Value
90% Faster Business Transactions Patrick Progin, CEO Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

10 dynaTrace APM: A New Generation of Business Value
49% Increase In Revenue Konrad Plankensteiner, CEO Peter Starzacher, Technology Director Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

11 The dynaTrace Difference - Real Business Impact
dynaTrace Technology Business Impact Zero Configuration Smart Application Monitoring Auto-discovery, auto-adaptive Auto-diagnostics, Auto-BTs & more Fastest Time To Value 10x the apps in 1/10th the time Meaningful alerts on abnormalities Lowest TCO available 1 All Transaction, 24x7 True trace and capture, across tiers Less than 2% overhead Deep visibility, to code-level Proactive See issues before they impact users 10x-100x faster time to resolve Give dev. a production view 2 User Perspective Know user experience & behavior All devices, all browsers, all clicks Extensible to native mobile apps More Revenue & Loyalty Assure optimal performance Understand impact Delight customers & partners 3 Business Aware Auto business transaction mapping Real-time revenue & conversion rates Trending & reporting Align IT With Business Real-time facts = smarter decisions Accelerate business, not just IT Transparency 4 These five dynaTrace differentiators, now further strengthened by the new release provide real business impact: Zero configuration and smart application monitoring enable fastest time to value with a number of superior smart and automated capabilities including zero-configuration, smart workflows, smart monitoring, smart detection and smart baselining. The ability to capture All transactions, 24X7- with True trace and capture across tiers, less than 2% overhead and deep visibility to code level – enables customers to proactively see issues before they impact users. Customer experience from the User Perspective is key- dynaTrace browser agents provide behavior for all users, their visits, devices, browsers and all clicks including mobile – to assure optimal performance for more revenue & loyalty. dynaTrace is truly Business aware- Auto business transaction mapping, real-time visibility into revenue and conversion rates with trending & reporting – help align IT with the business and provide real-time facts to enable smarter decisions. dynaTrace is Lifecycle By Design- Purpose-built for production, test and development with collaboration system built in. Integrated with IDEs (e.g., Eclipse, VStudio). One system for everyone ensures issues are stopped before production, enables 2x faster time to market and 10x faster transactions. The combination of these differentiators enable you to win against any competitor. Lifecycle By Design Purpose built for Prod, Test, Dev Collaboration system built-in Integrated with IDEs- Eclipse, VStudio One System For Everyone Stop issues before production 2x Faster time to market 10x faster transactions 5

12 dynaTrace: How It Works
Only 24x7 heterogeneous always-on, distributed, deep, end-to-end trace – for all transactions. No after-the-fact tracing Real user experience, Web 2.0 page actions, clicks paths - all users. Transparent in production CPU, RT, Mem., Method arguments / returns, SQLs, Remoting, Msgs., Logs Exceptions, Sync. No statistical guesses Lowest overhead with externalized data processing. No app.-side data processing Zero-config. Deploy w/ single file. No config. files Browser / Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Synthetics PurePath Collector dynaTrace Server dynaTrace Client Performance Warehouse Offline Session Analysis Sessions Store Exported Session Globally scalable collector architecture, secure. For cloud, virtual environments Real-time transaction analysis, business transaction mapping, alerting. No averages Trace & compare real & synthetic transactions. One system Shared full-depth transaction, context info. – lifecycle No guesswork Smart Application Monitoring. Auto., Self-learning. Low maintenance

13 A Common Language Cross Lifecycle
Production Architecture Test/QA Development Business Browser / Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Synthetics End-to-End Transaction Execution Path Across tiers: browser – servers - database Remoting Web Services External services Code-level depth Heterogeneous- .NET, Java and more Contextual Transaction Information Method arguments SQL bind variables Synchronization Exceptions Logs Environmental Data Memory Dumps Thread Dumps Monitoring data PMI, JMX, CLR Win, Unix, DB, VMWare, ETC dynaTrace Session + = + =

14 Visualize All Users’ Experience & Behavior
Production Architecture Test/QA Development Business Browser / Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Synthetics How are my customers doing? Don’t wait to hear if they are happy, tolerating or frustrated? “Instantly visualize your users’ experience.”

15 Capture Revenue, Conversion & More
Production Architecture Test/QA Development Business Browser / Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Synthetics Conversion rates up or down? Revenue meeting plan? Why wait till tomorrow or next week? “View business performance in real-time.”

16 Maps Transaction Flows & Dependencies
Production Architecture Test/QA Development Business Browser / Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Synthetics Still waiting for problems to happen? Don’t be reactive, be proactive. “Have the facts at your fingertips, fully drillable.”

17 Monitor Cloud, Big Data Environments
Production Architecture Test/QA Development Business Browser / Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Synthetics Which cloud instances are deployed? Where’s the issue? Don’t lose visibility & control. “Auto-detect clouds, apps. & instances. Automatically pinpoint issues.”

18 Maintains A Precisely Accurate UML Diagram
Production Architecture Test/QA Development Business Browser / Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Synthetics How does my app. really work? Don’t guess. “Validate architecture, end to end.”

19 Handoff “Facts” to Architects & Development
Production Architecture Test/QA Development Business Browser / Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Synthetics Production Alert !!! Failed Test !!! Don’t gather logs or re-create the issue. “Just send the PurePath.”

20 ONE APM System: 5 Modern APM Solutions
Application-Centric World

21 dynaTrace: A New Generation of APM Value
Painless POC Typically 1-2 Days WebEx Implementation (1hr) Your Criteria, Processes, BTs Your Data and Dashboards DynaTrace Server Needed No Developer Cycles Required Business User Experience Service Level Mgmt. Impact Analysis Transaction Types Conversions End-to-end All Tiers Transaction-Pure Open Deep Code-Level Context Automated Actionable Lifecycle Proactive Service Level Eng. Focused Tuning Full Coverage 24x7 Transaction Tracing All Transactions & Users

22 Over 500 World-class Customers
Financial Services SaaS & Cloud eCommerce Telco Insurance ISV Government Other

23 Thank You

24 Macro Trends Demand A New Approach To APM
Complexity Explosion User Expectations Continue to Rise Simplify Automate Business Demands Increasing Time to Market Business Transactions More features! Faster delivery! Faster performance! User Experience Faster Transactions Do More With Less Lifecycle Efficiency Consolidate Tools Workload Staff and budget

25 Macro Trends Demand A New Approach To APM
Complexity Explosion User Expectations Continue to Rise Simplify Automate Business Demands Increasing Time to Market Business Transactions More features! Faster delivery! Faster performance! User Experience Faster Transactions Do More With Less Lifecycle Efficiency Consolidate Tools Workload Staff and budget

26 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
100,000+ users No overhead Rahmi TURHAN, Group CIO Office Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

27 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
Simply Amazing: Results In Days! Julian JOHN, Pre-Paid Operations Manager Compuware Confidential – Do Not Duplicate

28 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
30% Improvement In Overall Application Performance Andrew Turner, Group IT Director Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

29 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
2% Overhead In Production Jean-Michel TEXIER – CTO | David BOSSARD – Senior Architect Compuware Confidential – Do Not Duplicate

30 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
Performance Test Throughput Mike Demastrie Lucy Monahan Quality Assurance 3x Compuware Confidential – Do Not Duplicate

31 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
80 % Faster Time to Market Frank NAUMANN, Head of IT (Google translate) 100% sichtbare Klickpfade 80% weniger Lasttest-Zyklen Erkennung von Memory Leaks Schnellere Fehlerfindung Beschleunigung des Softwareentwicklungsprozesses ---- Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

32 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
100% Lifecycle Visibility Thomas RENNER, Director Global IT Solutions (From Google translate) "With dynaTrace we can grow even faster online, as we continually improve the shopping experience for our customers in terms of speed, reliability and scalability. dynaTrace the solution, which enables us as part of our strong growth is significantly enhanced service to answer questions, "Thomas Renner, Director of Global IT Solutions at Carl Zeiss Vision International said. "We use dynaTrace to identify performance bottlenecks and react to, even before they reach our customers. The fact that the PurePath technology covers the entire lifecycle of dynaTrace an application from development to production and, it also has a strong presence in the German-speaking countries with regional support, has convinced us that we can find the best APM solution for us. Ultimately dynaTrace enables us to find performance problems quickly and resolve them in a shorter time. Thus we save time and resources and at the same time offer our clients a better service, "added Renner. --- „Mit dynaTrace können wir online noch schneller wachsen, indem wir kontinuierlich das Einkaufserlebnis unserer Kunden unter dem Aspekt der Geschwindigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Skalierbarkeit verbessern. dynaTrace ist die Lösung, welche uns im Rahmen unseres starken Wachstums ermöglicht, erheblich erhöhte Serviceanfragen zu beantworten“, erklärt Thomas Renner, Direktor für Global IT Solutions bei der Carl Zeiss Vision International. "Wir setzen dynaTrace ein, um Performance-Engpässe zu erkennen und darauf reagieren zu können, noch bevor diese unsere Kunden erreichen. Die Tatsache, dass die PurePath-Technologie von dynaTrace den gesamten Lifecycle einer Applikation von der Entwicklung bis hin zur Produktion abdeckt und, dass es zudem eine starke Präsenz im deutschsprachigen Raum mit regionaler Unterstützung gibt, hat uns davon überzeugt, dass wir hier die beste APM-Lösung für uns finden. Letztendlich ermöglicht uns dynaTrace, Performance Probleme schneller zu finden und diese in kürzerer Zeit zu beheben. Somit sparen wir Zeit und Ressourcen und können gleichzeitig unseren Kunden einen verbesserten Service anbieten", ergänzt Renner. Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

33 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
Test Production Development 1 System Across The Lifecycle Eric Nordmann, Project Leader Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

34 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
More Power, Less Efforts. Simple! Dr. Carsten Schinzer Compuware Confidential – Do Not Duplicate

35 dynaTrace APM - A New Generation of Business Value
100% Visibility “esure had previously been using CA Wily Introscope for more than five years, but it is a very component-centric and it did not provide an end-to-end view of the company's infrastructure.” Darren Edwards, IT Service Manager Compuware Confidential – Do Not Duplicate Compuware Confidential. Do Not Duplicate

36 Solution Adoption Journey
Production Phase 2 Browser Test Automation User behavior Business Impact Phase 3 Build integration Regression Mgmt. Advanced SLAs Multi-layer view Phase 4 Business dashboards Conversions Transaction Optimization Phase 1 24x7 Troubleshooting DevOps collaboration Basic reporting Loadtest Troubleshooting Dev Team Collaboration Basic Reporting Pre-production

37 Compuware APM Evolution “Our Performance Journey”
Synthetic End-user Experience Troubleshooting and Predictive Analysis Real End-user Experience SaaS Internet End-user Experience Server Performance Network Performance J2EE and .NET Performance Business Service Management 1993 1995 1998 1999 2004 2005 2007 2009 Cross Lifecycle Java and .NET Performance Predictive Analytics 2011

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