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M. Joos, PH/ESE1 ATCA for ATLAS - status Activities of the working group PH/ESE xTCA evaluation project Next steps.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Joos, PH/ESE1 ATCA for ATLAS - status Activities of the working group PH/ESE xTCA evaluation project Next steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Joos, PH/ESE1 ATCA for ATLAS - status Activities of the working group PH/ESE xTCA evaluation project Next steps

2 M. Joos, PH/ESE2 ATCA working group Mandate: Propose a standard for modular electronics to replace VMEbus Make recommendations with respect to best practices and common components 18 members. Composition: Sub-detectors TDAQ Sysadmins DCS Electronics coordinator First meeting: Spring 2012 1 day workshop in July 2012 Recommendation document

3 M. Joos, PH/ESE3 ATCA working group Mandate: Propose a standard for modular electronics to replace VMEbus Make recommendations with respect to best practices and common components 18 members. Composition: Sub-detectors TDAQ Sysadmins DCS Electronics coordinator First meeting: Spring 2012 1 day workshop in July 2012 First results: ATCA will be the main replacement for VMEbus Use of MTCA not excluded

4 M. Joos, PH/ESE4 (Main) ATCA recommendations FeatureRecommendationRemarks Blade orientationVerticalSee cooling Number of blades per shelf14 Limited by width of 19” rack and airflow direction Shelves with fewer slots not excluded Shelf managerRedundant bussed IPMBAdvantage of (more expensive) radial IPMB not obvious Maximum power per blade and RTM Blade: 300 W RTM: 50 W Power per shelf limited to ~5.5 kW (11 kW per rack) Power supplies Remote AC/DC (installed in bottom of rack) preferred N + 1 redundancy Local AC/DC possible if compatible with vertical air flow Cooling Vertical air flow through entire shelf PSUs and shelf manager must not block air flow Main idea: No modifications to the racks (turbines, coolers, doors) Note: Turbine limits air flow to 1180 m 3 /h Backplane Full mesh Capable of 40 Gb/s Dual star possible 10 Gb/s may be sufficient

5 M. Joos, PH/ESE5 (Main) ATCA recommendations (2) FeatureRecommendationRemarks Clock distributionIndividually via front panel of bladeOne ATCA shelf may house blades that belong to several TTC partitions IPMCATLAS custom blades shall use the IPMC of LAPP/Annecy A common IPMC can help limiting interoperability issues Communication with bladesUse of IPbus encouragedPerformance to be kept in mind Communication between blades Base interface: Ethernet Fabric interface: 10/40 Gb/s Ethernet Protocol (UDP, TCP/IP) not specified AMCs Based on the MMC of PH/ESE Fat pipe: Ethernet or PCIe Form factor: Avoid full size A common MMC can help limiting interoperability issues MTCA market prefers PCIe ATCA Cut-out carriers not very practical DCS interface Via IPMI but only for “important” parameters Common solution to be found Bridging IPMI to PVSS possible via HPI and SNMP but potentially complex ROD crate DAQ S/WFunctionality to be keptNo processor required in the shelf

6 M. Joos, PH/ESE6 PH/ESE evaluation project Started in 2011 with MTCA ATCA recently added Main focus is on components of general interest: Card cages Cooling units Power supplies Status Evaluating shelves from Schroff and ASIS with focus on cooling Have seen differences in cooling performance Due to properties of “power groups” some slots in a shelf don’t offer the advertised power AC/DC PSUs: Looking at different powering schemes (per shelf, per rack, per system) Evaluating products of: Emerson, PowerOne and Lineage Establishing contact with additional companies (Comtel) Commercial S/W for IPMI compliancy test available Designers of blades are invited to test their modules in our lab Additional information: xTCA IG: TWEPP:

7 M. Joos, PH/ESE7 Next steps Has the “ATCA for ATLAS” working group done its job? Recommendations for main features made Anyone unhappy with them? Does anyone feel that important issues have not yet been addressed? Should the mandate be extended to include e.g. More detailed technical requirements Involvement in equipment procurement Liaising with other experts users of ATCA (LHCb) CERN PH/ESE xTCA evaluation team Etc. Is there a need for a more technical forum? For engineers to discuss implementation details To share knowledge and technical solutions To perform evaluations of commercial components The group will have to decide how and by whom this follow-up work is to be done Visit our new Web site:

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