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Precipitation is a strong increasing, non-linear function of lower free tropospheric humidity Diabatic heating profile result of integrated effects of.

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Presentation on theme: "Precipitation is a strong increasing, non-linear function of lower free tropospheric humidity Diabatic heating profile result of integrated effects of."— Presentation transcript:


2 Precipitation is a strong increasing, non-linear function of lower free tropospheric humidity Diabatic heating profile result of integrated effects of cloud population and radiation Diabatic heating structure influences large-scale circulation response Large-scale circulation response alters moisture field MJO ????

3 SLHFOLR in ERAi import neutral /export export Eddy Mixing


5 westerly mean state west-east moisture gradient easterly mean state east-west moisture gradient easterlies poleward of ~7.5° pole-equator moisture gradient




9 0°0° 90° 180° 270° each gridpoint has its own “phase” gridpoint phase

10 0°0° 90° 180° 270° corresponds to RMM phase of maximum (+) MJO related anomaly in a variable gridpoint phase RMM phase EX: for zonal wind this corresponds to maximum westerly winds

11 0°0° 90° 180° 270° corresponds to RMM phase of maximum (-) MJO related anomaly in a variable gridpoint phase RMM phase EX: for zonal wind this corresponds to maximum easterly winds

12 0°0° 90° 180° 270° Tells you where you are in MJO lifecycle gridpoint phase RMM phase 45°prior to maximum (+) anomaly

13 0°0° 90° 180° 270° Tells you where you are in MJO lifecycle gridpoint phase RMM phase 45°after maximum (+) anomaly

14 Identifies at what “RMM” phase maximizes at each location Objectively calculated from EOF structure DYNAMO TOGA-COARE



17 Suppressed Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed

18 Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed

19 Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed

20 Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed


22 Peak of convection (850-500)



25 Suppressed Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed

26 Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed

27 Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed


29 Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed ??

30 Substantial cancelation in lat. average Just after peak of convection SLHF

31 Suppressed Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed

32 Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed

33 Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed Near complete cancelation, all times, everywhere Radiation Dominant…..Missing Physics?

34 Suppressed Transition to Enhanced Enhanced Transition to Suppressed Suppressed Horizontal Advection SLHF




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