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ALDES Agile and Lean Development of Embedded Systems Improving European competitiveness through better ways of working. Technology Research Center, University.

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Presentation on theme: "ALDES Agile and Lean Development of Embedded Systems Improving European competitiveness through better ways of working. Technology Research Center, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALDES Agile and Lean Development of Embedded Systems Improving European competitiveness through better ways of working. Technology Research Center, University of Turku, Finland Ville Rantala, Teijo Lehtonen,

2 ALDES Develops… agile and lean ways of working for embedded domain. more efficient development processes. Improves… efficiency of R&D&I of complex cyber physical systems. customer satisfaction through better meeting of the actual user needs. competitiveness through better ways of working. R ISK AND DEBT MANAGEMENT D EVELOPMENT OF WORK A GILE AND LEAN PRACTICES E NHANCED COMPETITIVENESS

3 ALDES – Project idea Agile and lean product development methods for safety-critical embedded systems. Exploiting the benefits of agile and lean philosophies in distributed development of safety-critical embedded systems. Practices to manage safety-critical and authority regulated requirements in distributed development teams. Management of technical risks and technical debt. Development of work through enhanced working methods, practices and competences of developers. Tools to support agile and lean product development.

4 ALDES – Consortium Involved/interested partners: 7 small/medium enterprises. 8 large enterprises. 13 research institutes. Strong Finnish and Spanish consortiums. German, French and Swedish consortiums to be strengthened. Meet us at the ALDES poster!

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