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Eyestrain Backache Repetitive Strain Injury Radiation

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Presentation on theme: "Eyestrain Backache Repetitive Strain Injury Radiation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eyestrain Backache Repetitive Strain Injury Radiation
Health and Safety Eyestrain Backache Repetitive Strain Injury Radiation

2 Eyestrain The office should be well lit with blinds at windows
Lighting should offer a contrast between the screen and surrounding area The image on screen should be stable and not flicker The screen should tilt and swivel A copyholder should be used The employer should offer free and regular eye tests.

3 Backache Operators should not be expected to work continuously at a VDU without regular breaks The chair must be stable and allow the user freedom of movement The seat should be adjustable in height A footrest should be provided Some form of exercise should be taken during lunch breaks

4 Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Keyboards should be separate from the VDU The keyboard should have a matt surface A wrist rest should be used Ergonomic keyboards have been designed that place the hands at a more natural angle than the standard keyboard

5 Radiation – complete this slide
People at risk Prevention/Protection

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