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Presentation on theme: "MICROSCOPE NOTES."— Presentation transcript:


2 MICROSCOPE HISTORY Developed in the1600’S Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1st compound microscope 2 lenses (objective,eyepiece)

3 MICROSCOPE TERMS MAGNIFICATION- To increase the apparent size by means of a lens. RESOLUTION- Ability to bring object into focus. FIELD DIAMETER(Field of View)- Area that can be viewed under the microscope.

4 TERMS CONT. DEPTH OF FIELD- Foreground will come into focus before background. PARAFOCAL- Object will remain in focus under all objectives. MONOCULAR- 1 Eyepiece BINOCULAR- 2 Eyepieces

5 TOTAL MAGNIFICATION Calculated by multiplying the magnification of the eyepiece by the magnification of the objective. EX: 10x (eyepiece) X 43x = 430


7 LIGHT MICROSCOPE Uses a beam of light passing through one or more lenses to create an enlarged image.

8 Types of Light Microscopes
Bright Field Microscope Specimen appears dark against a light background

9 COMPOUND LIGHT Monocular Magnification up to 450x

10 Stereoscopic Dissecting
Binocular Lower magnification and greater resolution Used to view larger specimen

11 ELECTRON MICROSCOPES Uses a beam of electrons instead of light to form the image.

12 Types of Electron Microscopes
TEM (Transmission electron) Creates an electron micrograph. Specimen stained with heavy metal dyes(mercury, arsenic) Creates 2-D image Magnifies up to 200,000x

13 Scanning Electron (SEM)
Image viewed on video screen Not sliced, coated with heavy metal Creates 3-D image Magnifies up to 100,000x

14 Scanning Tunneling (STM)
Probe injects electrons into specimen Computer creates a 3-D image Can view living specimens Magnifies up to 50,000x

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