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Types of Cells Cell Functions Microscopes and Old Guys and stuff.

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3 Types of Cells

4 Cell Functions

5 Microscopes and Old Guys and stuff

6 Levels of Organization

7 Cell Organelles

8 Cell Boundaries

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Types of Cells Cell Functions Microscopes and Old Guys and Stuff Levels of Organization Parts of a Cell Cell Boundaries

10 Cells without membrane bound organelles

11 What are prokaryotes ?

12 Cells with vacuoles, cell walls, and chloroplasts

13 What are plant cells?

14 Cells with a nucleus

15 What are eukaryotes?

16 Cells with >2000 mitochondria

17 What are muscle cells?

18 Very large cells that have high SA:Vol ratio that receive and transmit impulses

19 What is a nerve cell?

20 Makes ATP for use in cell

21 What is a mitochondrion?

22 Stores DNA

23 What is the nucleus?

24 Where ribosomes are made

25 What is the nucleolus?

26 Protein synthesis occurs here

27 What is a ribosome?

28 Makes proteins for export from the cell

29 What is the Rough ER?

30 The first scientist to view cork under a microscope and coin the term cells.

31 Who is Robert Hooke?

32 The two German scientists who observed that plant and animals were made up of cells

33 Who are Schleiden and Schwann?

34 1)All living things are composed of cells. 2)Cells are basic units of structure and function 3)New cells are produced from existing cells

35 What is the cell theory?

36 Type of instrument used to scan the surface of specimens 1000x smaller than can be see by a light microscope

37 What is a SEM (scanning electron microscope)?

38 The theory that proposes chloroplast and mitochondria were once free- living cells

39 What is the endosymbiont theory?

40 A single-celled organism

41 What is unicellular?

42 Organism made up of many types of cells

43 What is multicellular ?

44 The development of cells that perform specific jobs in multicellular organisms

45 What cell specialization ?

46 Similar cells grouped into units (2 nd level)

47 What are tissues?

48 A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function (4 th level)

49 What is an organ system?


51 What is a Golgi body/apparatus ?


53 What is a mitochondria?


55 What is the rough endoplasmic reticulum?

56 Organelle located inside the nucleus

57 What is the nucleolus?


59 ribosomes leave the nucleus through these

60 What are nuclear pores?

61 Outer layer of plant cells made of tough fibers that provide structure and protection

62 What is cell wall?

63 The term given to the cell membrane: meaning specific molecules to enter and exit

64 What is selectively permeable?

65 Organic molecule with a hydrophilic head & two hydrophobic tails that makes up the majority of the cell membrane

66 What is a phospholipid?

67 Solution that has a higher solute concentration than the cell

68 What hypertonic?

69 Bulk transport in which large particles are engulfed by the cell

70 What is endocytosis (phagocytosi s)?


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