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Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? Frank Eckardt Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? Frank Eckardt Bauhaus-Universität Weimar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? Frank Eckardt Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

2 Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? Contents: 1.The Ethnic Diversity of Germany 2.Immigration politics until 1998 3.Reflection on the German citizenship 4.Frankfurt as a Test City 5.Multiculturalism as pragmatism 6.2005:Returning to ideology?

3 Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? 1.The Ethnic Diversity of Germany Since the seventies the Turkish remain the largest ethnic minority From the nineties, more ethnic diversity appears Largest group now are the „Aussiedler“ (2,3 million from 1990- 2002) Germany received the most immigrants in Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

4 Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? 2.Immigration politics until 1998 Denial of being a country of immigration Politics of „dissuasion“ Integration in German society in a universalist way Social integration via the social security system and the broader welfare state

5 Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? 3.Reflection on the German citizenship Definition on the basis of cultural concepts of German nationality (ius sanguinis) In the eigthies, left-wing and Greens promoted a kind of exotic multiculturalism In the nineties, broader intellectual reflections on the North- American way of integration Claims for a “politic of recognition” in a still universalist style

6 Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? 4.Frankfurt as a Test City Frankfurt hosts the highest percentage of foreigners and ethnic minorities in Germany Reflecting growing racism in the nineties by giving integration policies a high status AMKA: Devolving from a „Green“ institution to a politically wider established office Concentrating on forms of conflict prevention and mediation

7 Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? 5.Multiculturalism as pragmatism The Berlin red-green coalition called for a societal modernization including a beter way of ethnic diversity politics Reform of the laws on German nationality Discourse on relationsships with ethnic minorities (Süssmuth commission) New local initiatives to review ethnic diversity policies (Stuttgart, Berlin, Dresden)

8 Multiculturalism in Germany: From ideology to pragmatism - and back? 6.2005:Returning to ideology? Restrains on the regional level (Länder) against the implementation of the red-green reforms Linking integration and immigration issues to terrorism Outspoken resistance from conservative politics to step back from the idea of a „guiding German culture“ (Leitkultur). Negative perception of the foreign examples (especially the Dutch).

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