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NIPEC Project NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice L Barrowman N Walker Education Seminar 20 th February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "NIPEC Project NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice L Barrowman N Walker Education Seminar 20 th February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIPEC Project NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice L Barrowman N Walker Education Seminar 20 th February 2008

2 NIPEC Project DHSSPS requested that NIPEC project manage the work required to implement the NMC Standards in Northern Ireland. It was agreed to use a regional approach to the implementation

3 NIPEC Project A Steering Group was set up to oversee the work chaired by Eleanor Hayes A Project Group was set up to take forward the work in the stakeholder organisations, chaired by L Barrowman Both groups has representation from Independent and Health and Social Care Service and Education Providers A project plan was agreed Project Officers were funded by the DHSSPS

4 Communication Strategy NIPEC web-site Bulletins Face to face meetings Email Phone

5 Key work areas Three key areas were taken forward through the project; Mapping current mentors and practice teachers against NMC Standards Setting up local registers of mentors and practice teachers Developing mentor programmes We will be providing an update of the current position

6 Mapping mentors and practice teachers Mapping tools were developed to facilitate this Phase 1 ending September 2007 Phase 2 ending February 2008 Current position HSC Trusts Independent Sector Scoping exercise early March 2008

7 Local Registers – ‘setting up’ HRMS used as the platform Current position Service providers Education providers

8 Mentor and Practice Teacher Preparation Underpinning principles Regional mentor programme developed which has been approved by HLSP on behalf of NMC Practice Teacher programme being taken forward by ECG in collaboration with University of Ulster Mentors and practice teachers who successfully complete the programme will be entered on the local Register of mentors and practice teachers

9 Ongoing Implementation and Management The Project managed the implementation of the NMC Standards Service and education programme providers will be responsible for the on-going implementation and establishing quality assurance systems to monitor compliance Responsibilities paper Handbook for ward managers Final Report and Evaluation

10 Infrastructure to support learning in practice NIPEC Practice Placement Project (NIPEC, 2003) recommended the development of an infrastructure in Trusts to support learning in practice DHSSPS Report of the Working Group convened to Review an Infrastructure to Support Learning in Practice (DHSSPS, 2007) made further recommendations

11 Infrastructure to support learning in practice DHSSPS has now agreed to provide funding for an infrastructure in the Trusts Funding will be available from August 2008 One million pounds year 1 (August 07 to April 08) and two million pounds recurring thereafter An implementation group is being established to take this forward

12 Presentations This presentation will be available for download at

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