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Keyboarding Click the green buttons to move throughout the tutorial.

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2 Keyboarding Click the green buttons to move throughout the tutorial

3 Course Overview Keyboarding is a one-semester course designed to help students develop speed and accuracy by learning the touch operation of alphanumeric/keyboard characters. Emphasis is placed on the following: mastery of the keyboard with desirable keyboarding techniques; development of speed and accuracy; basic problem-solving applications of centering and arranging reports, letters, and tables; proofreading; formatting; and proper care of the equipment. Keyboarding is a foundation for developing entry-level skills for business careers.

4 Objectives Student will learn their home row keys.

5 Instructions This tutorial is to teach you how to identify the home row keys. You will read a lecture. You will be given an example. You will be given a practice module. You will be given a test by the instructor following the completion of this tutorial.

6 Beginning Lecture

7 Home Row Keys The home row of the keyboard is the most important to the touch typist.

8 Definitions!!! Left Hand Right Hand

9 Left Hand The left index finger will control the F and G keys The left middle finger will control the D key The left ring finger will control the S key The left little finger will control the A key

10 Right Hand The right index finger will control the J and H keys The right middle finger will control the K key The right ring finger will control the L key The right little finger will control the ; key The SPACEBAR is controlled by the right thumb.

11 Example Left Hand Keys (A,J); (G,L); (S,K); (D,;) (A): (G); (S); (D)

12 Example 2 Right Hand Keys (A,J); (F,L); (S,K); (D,;) (J); (L); (K); (;)

13 Instructions for Practice Drill Click on the number that is either the a left hand key or right hand key in a set of letters. If you are incorrect, an explanation will be given and the correct answer. If you are correct, you will be given a statement.

14 Practice Drill

15 What is the Left Hand Key? (S, H) S H

16 Great Job! You are correct.

17 Wrong Answer! Try Again. The left index finger will control the F and G keys The left middle finger will control the D key The left ring finger will control the S key The left little finger will control the A key The right index finger will control the J and H keys The right middle finger will control the K key The right ring finger will control the L key The right little finger will control the ; key The SPACEBAR is controlled by the right thumb.

18 Which hand controls the K key? (Left, Right) Left Right

19 Great Job! You are correct.

20 Wrong Answer! Try Again. The left index finger will control the F and G keys The left middle finger will control the D key The left ring finger will control the S key The left little finger will control the A key The right index finger will control the J and H keys The right middle finger will control the K key The right ring finger will control the L key The right little finger will control the ; key The SPACEBAR is controlled by the right thumb.

21 Congratulations!! You have completed the tutorial with 100% accuracy. Ready for your Test???!!!! See your instructor!

22 Role of Assessment Inside this PowerPoint, there was one Practice Drill as a formative assessment with immediate feedback. Also, there was a summative assessment at the end to ensure the students understood concepts discussed.

23 Affects on Instructional Design The students enjoy this structure because it gives feedback and they are engaged in the lesson more so than reading a book. Students also don’t want to lose privileges of working on the computer so it has its advantages in discipline ways.

24 Integrating Technology You can see from this tutorial that you just took that technology is referenced and used due to it being totally on the computer from Lesson to Assessment. Students are engaged in Mavis Beacon Typing afterwards for a more formal interactive tutorial. Assistance is given via SmartBoard during the lecture.

25 End of Tutorial Try AgainThe End

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