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Weekly Objectives Students will examine the quarter’s theme –Conflict and expansion by activating their prior knowledge and setting reading goals. Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Weekly Objectives Students will examine the quarter’s theme –Conflict and expansion by activating their prior knowledge and setting reading goals. Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weekly Objectives Students will examine the quarter’s theme –Conflict and expansion by activating their prior knowledge and setting reading goals. Students will examine the quarter’s theme –Conflict and expansion by activating their prior knowledge and setting reading goals. Students will summarize chapters read and relate the information to real-life experiences. Students will summarize chapters read and relate the information to real-life experiences. Students will utilize various reading strategies to monitor their comprehension while reading, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass. Students will utilize various reading strategies to monitor their comprehension while reading, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass. Students will understand and appreciate a slave narrative as a literary genre. Students will understand and appreciate a slave narrative as a literary genre. Students will examine autobiography and style. Students will examine autobiography and style. Students will analyze and understand author’s purpose. Students will analyze and understand author’s purpose. Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. Students will write for a variety of purposes and audiences using the standard English conventions of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Students will write for a variety of purposes and audiences using the standard English conventions of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Students will demonstrate mastery of comprehension of the text by means of chapter assessments and journal responses. Students will demonstrate mastery of comprehension of the text by means of chapter assessments and journal responses.

2 Weekly Agenda DOL/ Bell Ringer DOL/ Bell Ringer Essential Questions 8, 9, 10, 11 Essential Questions 8, 9, 10, 11 Jigsaw Chapter 10 Jigsaw Chapter 10 Read Narrative of Frederick Douglass, 8-11 Read Narrative of Frederick Douglass, 8-11 Assessments Assessments Homework Homework

3 DOL I wonder, “how many people actually herd president Lincoln give The gettysburg address?” said Maura. I wonder, “how many people actually herd president Lincoln give The gettysburg address?” said Maura. “Well there was 15000 people at the dedication cermoney that day said Lee. “Well there was 15000 people at the dedication cermoney that day said Lee.

4 DOL Corrections “I wonder how many people actually heard President Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address,” said Maura. “Well, there were 15,000 people at the dedication ceremony that day,” said Lee. “Well, there were 15,000 people at the dedication ceremony that day,” said Lee.

5 Quick Write Do you agree or disagree with the following statements below? Explain Do you agree or disagree with the following statements below? Explain Frederick Douglas is an active participant in his educational experience. Frederick Douglas is an active participant in his educational experience. I am a active participant in my educational experience. I am a active participant in my educational experience.

6 Purpose for Reading Chapter 8 Essential Question What do you suppose Frederick means by the statement, “At this moment, I saw more clearly the brutalizing effects of slavery upon both slave and slaveholder? What do you suppose Frederick means by the statement, “At this moment, I saw more clearly the brutalizing effects of slavery upon both slave and slaveholder? Cite examples from the text that supports this statement. Cite examples from the text that supports this statement.

7 Purpose for Reading Chapter 9 Essential Question What role did religion play in the justification of slavery? Cite examples from the text. What do you suppose would be Frederick’s purpose for sharing the religious practices of some of the slaveholders and slaves?

8 Purpose for Reading Chapter 10 Jigsaw Jigsaw Team 1: R pgs.85-top of p. 91 Team 2: R pgs. 91- 98 end of paragraph Team 3: R pgs. 98, 1 st par.- 105 ending paragraph Team 4: R pgs.105, 1 st par.- 112 ending paragraph Team 5: R pgs.112, 1 st par.- 117 ending paragraph Team 6: R pgs. 117, 1 st par.-123

9 Essential Question Chapter 10 Frederick states, “You have seen how a man was made a slave. Now you will see how a slave was made a man.” In what ways does Frederick transform from a mere “brute” to a man? Cite examples from your particular section of reading. Frederick states, “You have seen how a man was made a slave. Now you will see how a slave was made a man.” In what ways does Frederick transform from a mere “brute” to a man? Cite examples from your particular section of reading.

10 Literary Terms Primary Source Primary Source Slave Narrative Slave Narrative Theme Theme Autobiography Autobiography Characterization Characterization Author’s style Author’s style Author’s purpose Author’s purpose

11 Vocabulary Word Bank Abolitionist Veracity Abolitionist Veracity Oppression Contentious Oppression Contentious Systematic Radicalism Systematic Radicalism Resonant Resonant Merit Merit Ratification Ratification Vigilance Vigilance

12 Before Reading Before Reading Review guided reading questions Review guided reading questions Class discussions Class discussions Set purposes for reading Set purposes for reading

13 During Reading Set purposes for reading Set purposes for reading Read with fluency Read with fluency Monitor comprehension using guided reading questions Monitor comprehension using guided reading questions

14 After Reading Review Essential Question Jigsaw Chapter 10 Class Discussions Group Presentation

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