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Essay Writing. What is an essay? An essay is a written collection of information, organized and divided neatly into paragraphs. Remember. An essay is.

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Presentation on theme: "Essay Writing. What is an essay? An essay is a written collection of information, organized and divided neatly into paragraphs. Remember. An essay is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essay Writing

2 What is an essay? An essay is a written collection of information, organized and divided neatly into paragraphs. Remember. An essay is a written form of communication. It must be: ▫Clear ▫Organized ▫Easily understandable to those reading

3 Why do we write essays? To state and support opinions. To persuade others to agree with you.

4 5 Paragraphs? The first paragraph is the introductory paragraph. The second, third, and fourth paragraphs are the body paragraphs. The fifth paragraph is the conclusion.

5 Introductory Paragraph Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3 Conclusion

6 Introductory Paragraphs Look at the prompt. Rephrase the prompt and add what you will discuss.

7 Prompt: Analyze the causes of the Civil War to determine and explain which three were the ultimate causes. There were multiple causes leading up to the Civil War. Although difficult to determine which three ultimately led to conflict, three events especially escalated tensions up until 1861. The Dred-Scott decision solidified the Supreme Court’s interpretation of slavery’s legality. The Missouri Compromise physically divided the nation between north and south. Finally, Uncle Tom’s Cabin brought the reality of slavery into people’s homes, dividing the nation on culture and morals.

8 Body Paragraphs Each body paragraph presents and explains a different point of view to prove your opinion. An opinion is always stronger when it is supported with facts and proof. ▫A fact is not what you have heard from other people.

9 How is a body paragraph formatted? Topic Sentence – Introduces the first topic. Evidence – Explains your proof. Interpretive Statement – How does your evidence support your opinion? Transition Statement - Moves toward next topic/paragraph

10 The Dred Scott decision of 1857 told the nation that our national government interpreted slavery as legal according to the Constitution. Dred Scott, a slave, had sought the opinion of the Supreme Court, believing that because his master had brought him into northern territory he was, in fact, a free man. The Supreme Court denied him this, ruling that as a slave, he was property, and property could not sue for freedom. Up until this time the national government had avoided taking a stance on the issue of slavery. This ruling, however, declared that it viewed it as constitutional. However, while this divided the country politically, one piece of legislation literally divided the nation in half.

11 Conclusion Avoid: ▫In conclusion… ▫As I have stated… ▫I believe… Try to: ▫Paraphrase your thesis. ▫Revisit your evidence. ▫Write an overall statement about the topic.

12 No one event can be highlighted as causing the Civil War. It was the culmination of a multitude of political, social, and cultural events from the birth of this country until 1861. However, because the Dred Scott decision caused such political tension, the Missouri Compromise a physical divide, and Uncle Tom’s Cabin a cultural separation, these three can be seen as the sparks that touched all aspects of citizen life at that time.

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