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Commentary your questions answered. commentary vs. style analysis Commentary Reveals how ALL of the literary devices relate to everything else Determine.

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Presentation on theme: "Commentary your questions answered. commentary vs. style analysis Commentary Reveals how ALL of the literary devices relate to everything else Determine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commentary your questions answered

2 commentary vs. style analysis Commentary Reveals how ALL of the literary devices relate to everything else Determine the so what and/or author’s intent/purpose Style Analysis Identifies the literary elements so what Lacks so what contains universal truth

3 so what or what’s the point? Adds insight into WHY the author may have written the book, poem, play, speech, article Authors write to make a point, question, ridicule, explore, satirize, mock, explain, entertain, expound, reveal, glorify, inspire, educate, etc Identify WHY Connect the themes/conflict/characters to understand the So WHAT TIP: Don’t even think of writing “ The author wrote this because… EX: Twain’s timeless classic continues to both inform and ridicule the true cost of slavery.

4 formatting a commentary Intro paragraph 1 st and 2 nd sentence: Place passage in context Who-what-where-why-how-when Identify author, text & context (if appropriate ) 3 rd sentence: Thesis statement: subject- opinion-plan (because) 4 th : further clarify or explicate thesis

5 formatting a commentary Body paragraph 1: Topic sentence clearly states the topic of your paragraph Short 2-4 word quotes Use 2-3 quotes per paragraph. Imbed quotes into analysis. Summary is NOT analysis.

6 formatting a commentary How to ORGANIZE a commentary By literary feature By theme By line Choose the BEST way. Not all ways work rhetorically for all passages. EX. My college essay got a B because I went through it line by line and prof said it was rhetorically awkward.

7 Unseen passage One of your IB exams will be a commentary from an unseen passage. In this case, it will be near impossible to know what the themes are. That is why it will be important for you to identify and make a judgment about the main aspect and the features that support it.

8 Don‘t use quotes that are too… long like an entire sentence Don’t use unimportant and irrelevant quotes DO identify the of literary features in your analysis EX. It is ironic that… The poignant imagery in…. Jim’ s southern slave dialect is markedly different than Huck’s white diction, which reveals Twain’s attempt to portray realism. The _____ is a metaphor for /symbolic for …..” Don’t use I, we, us. It is rhetorically weak and unsophisticated.

9 Conclusion Reiterate thesis statement Summarize argument, plan, & opinion Include so what and/or universal truth DO NOT write in conclusion etc, because that is rhetorically weak. Try to make your very last sentence be BAM!

10 Literary Features Metaphor Repetition Allusion Characterization Diction Motif Imagery Tone Occasion Irony Plot Audience Sound Symbol Paradox Setting Structure Allegory Form speaker

11 What is a MOTIF? A recurring,word, phrase, action, idea, object or situation in various works or single work A motif can grow into a symbol A symbol is not necessarily a motif.

12 Symbol vs. Metaphor symbol Has many meanings on many different levels Usually stands for suggests something abstract EX. Timed writes are the bane of my existence. metaphor This means that. An implied analogy Ex. Commentaries are the 3 rd dimension of hell.

13 How do I begin? Identify as many literary devices as possible Link them to themes ( if possible) Make a judgment about the passage so whatwhat’s the point Determine the so what or what’s the point Decide HOW to structure the essay (This is why outlining is necessary)

14 Commentary Formula MAMAS FIST STOPS A DISC x SO WHAT = themes

15 frequently asked questions 1. How will I know if I found everything? You don’t. Sorry. 2. What is “straight to point?” As brief a summary as possible Using specific & concise words 3. How do I find the deeper meaning? If you can find a lot of literary devices & connect them to a so what or themes you HAVE found the deeper meaning 4.How many features is enough? Oh, please….

16 frequently asked questions 5. How long does it need to be? Again.. Oh, please… 6. How do I identify tone? Look at the connotative meanings of the words fat vs bootylicious. sweaty vs. perspire nasty vs. sexy stinky vs. body-cooling method

17 the cruel truth Writing is subjective. There is no formula, no one right way. You will all see and find different things and write about them differently. HOWEVER, IB Graders can determine if you: understand the text on many levels have a relevant and logical thesis articulate your understanding use quotes to support your understanding

18 Additional questions?

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