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Writing Dialogue: Day 1.  Think of a conversation you’ve had or overheard recently. Recreate the conversation using dialogue. It must be at least 10.

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1 Writing Dialogue: Day 1

2  Think of a conversation you’ve had or overheard recently. Recreate the conversation using dialogue. It must be at least 10 lines long.

3  Objective: Students will be able to compose dialogue that is meaningful, shows action, and develops the characters.  Agenda:  Quick Write  Writing Center Reminder  6 Box Comic Strip  Focus Lesson: Formative Scale for Dialogue  We Do: Primo Levi Example with Questions  You Do: Revise QW  Homework: Your 20 line dialogue is due Friday, September 13 (THIS Friday)!

4  There is a Writing Center in room 246A.  It’s on the 2 nd floor across from the math tutoring center.  You can go there during study hall (or after school during 2 nd quarter).  Mr. Poese or a peer tutor can help you with your writing if you cannot make an arrangement to meet with me.

5  Create a 6 box comic strip for your memoir. Use the boxes to plan the sequence of events in your memoir.  You may write and/or draw.  Do NOT include your introduction and reflection in your 6 boxes.  Identify places to write dialogue and description. Introduction: 200 words 1.2.3. 4.5.6. Reflection: lesson learned and effect on your life

6  Enhances/extends the storyline, character(s), and setting in a perceptive manner  Is meaningful conversation between characters and draws the reader in  Always avoids using the “dreaded” said  Begins a new paragraph with each speaker  Avoids needless redundancies  Has purpose—moves the story towards its destination  Uses descriptive language and character movement intuitively  Always uses correct punctuation and formatting

7  We will read the 2 pages of text together.  Do NOT write on the text.  After we read, you will answer the following questions in pairs. You will write the answers in your composition notebooks.  When you write the answers, you must restate the question. For example, “In this passage, we learn ________________ about Schlome.”

8  What do we learn about Schlome? And what do we learn about the narrator (Levi)?  Why is this conversation meaningful to the narrator?  What words does the writer use instead of “said”? List as many as you can.  Does the writer generally start a new paragraph with each speaker? If not, when?  List 2 actions the characters do that are associated with their words.

9  So far we have looked at the scale for how your dialogue will be assessed and an example.  Now you are going to go back and revise your quick write based on what we learned.  Add descriptions that show action. Your characters should be gesturing, doing something, etc. as they talk, not just talking.  Add a sentence or two to your dialogue that develops one or both characters.  Make sure it’s clear what meaning this conversation has to the character(s).

10  Tomorrow, you will begin drafting your dialogue. Once you draft, you will spend time sharing your dialogue with a small group (3-4 people).  This small group will become your Writer’s Workshop group for this quarter, maybe longer.  On your index card, write your first and last name and class period.  Write the names of a couple of people you want to work with (no guarantees).  Write the names of people you do not want to work with. You CANNOT write “everyone except _______.”  If you have no preference, say so.

11  Objective: Students will be able to compose dialogue that is meaningful, shows action, and develops the characters.  Agenda:  Quick Write  Writing Center Reminder  6 Box Comic Strip  Focus Lesson: Formative Scale for Dialogue  We Do: Primo Levi Example with Questions  You Do: Revise QW  Homework: Your 20 line dialogue is due Friday, September 13 (THIS Friday)!

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