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Name three of the five freedoms guaranteed by the 1 st amendment to the Constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Name three of the five freedoms guaranteed by the 1 st amendment to the Constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name three of the five freedoms guaranteed by the 1 st amendment to the Constitution.

2 FREEDOM OF: RELIGION; SPEECH; PRESS; ASSEMBLY; PETITION These protect civil liberties and make it possible for people to question and speak out against the government.

3 Name three of the five values that Alexis de Tocqueville identified as crucial to America’s success and stability as a constitutional republic.

4 EGALITARIANISM (equality) POPULISM (popular sovereignty) LIBERTY INDIVIDUALISM LAISSEZ-FAIRE (gov’t → “hands off” the economy)

5 Name the three Reconstruction Amendments AND what each did.

6 13 th Amendment – abolished slavery (FREE) 14 th Amendment – guaranteed all citizens “due process rights” and “equal protection” (CITIZENS) 15 th Amendment – can’t be denied voting rights on the basis of race (VOTE)

7 State these eras in the correct chronological order AND the year each ended: Gilded Age Reconstruction American Revolution

8 1- American Revolution (1775-1783) 2 - Reconstruction (1865-1877) 3 - Gilded Age (1870-1900)

9 Name the theory that states that the government should not interfere in the operation of the free market economy AND the two legislative acts passed in the Gilded Age that DID:

10 Laissez-faire Interstate Commerce Act (1887) Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)

11 Name the two major unions created during the Gilded Age and one change in the workplace they hoped to gain:

12 Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor (AFL) Long hours Low wages Poor conditions Worker benefits

13 Name the two locations we covered where violence broke out between union members and others AND which “captain of industry” was involved

14 Homestead, Pennsylvania Haymarket Square, Chicago Andrew Carnegie

15 Name the first three American presidents IN ORDER:

16 George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson

17 Name three of the four Progressive Era Amendments.

18 16 th Amendment – gave Congress the power to tax personal income 17 th Amendment – direct election of Senators by popular vote 18 th Amendment – prohibition of alcohol 19 th Amendment – gave women the right to vote (suffrage)

19 Name the three political reforms introduced during the Progressive Era that were intended to give citizens a direct voice in government.

20 initiative – voters can introduce bills and vote on whether they wanted a bill passed referendum – voters can get a bill placed a ballot for public approval recall – elected officials can be removed from office by voters in a special election

21 Name three muckrakers from the Progressive Era.

22 Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives examined conditions of the poor in America’s cities Ida Tarbell – wrote book exposing ruthless business practices of John D. Rockefeller Upton Sinclair – wrote The Jungle describing unsanitary practices of the meatpacking industry

23 Name three problems in early 19 th century American society that were solved through legislation

24 Child labor Poor housing conditions Unsafe working conditions Workers’ compensation

25 Name three things about labor (work) that were reformed in the Progressive Era.

26 Child Labor laws Workday shortened (10 hrs) Workers Compensation for death/injury

27 Upton Sinclair’s book about the meat-packing industry shocked people and influenced two acts of reform legislation. Name the book AND the two acts.

28 The Jungle Meat Inspection Act Pure Food & Drug Act

29 Name three of the main reasons for colonial expansion (imperialism).

30 Economic – raw materials & markets (customers) Military Strategy – naval bases Nationalism – power & pride Attitude of Superiority – racism & Christian missions

31 Name the three territories that America gained in its defeat of Spain in the Spanish-American War.

32 Philippines Puerto Rico Guam

33 Name three of the challenges that were faced in building the Panama Canal.

34 Changes in Elevation Weather: intense heat & heavy rains Disease: mosquitoes carrying yellow fever

35 State these eras in the correct chronological order: Progressivism Civil War Spanish-American War

36 1 - Civil War (1861-1865) 2 - Spanish-American War (1898) 3 – Progressivism (1900-1920)

37 Name three of the MAIN causes of WWI:

38 Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

39 What was the name of the American fighting force sent into WWI? Who was their commanding general? What nation were they sent into to fight?

40 American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) General John J. Pershing France

41 Name three of the “points” in Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points for a better world after WWI.

42 No secret alliances Freedom of the seas Removal of trade barriers & restrictions Reduce arms Independent states (nations) created in Europe from old empires A general association of nations (League of Nations)

43 Name the government agency responsible for setting interest rates and monetary policy. What precious metal was money tied to for value before FDR? What was the “new” money supply called that could be increased or decreased based on the Fed’s wishes

44 Federal Reserve (formed in 1913) gold (gold standard) fiat money

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