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Implementation Plan: Processes for Selecting and Using EBP

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation Plan: Processes for Selecting and Using EBP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation Plan: Processes for Selecting and Using EBP

2 Implementation Plan: Processes for Selecting and Using EBP
Target the EBP Determine the EBP that will likely be a good fit for the student and to teach the targeted skill Create a Task Analysis Develop a task analysis of the skill that includes the use of the EBP Data. Determine the type of data to collect that will help you know if the EBP is working Planning for Implementation

3 Three Processes for Today

4 Target the Evidence Based Practice
Student Strengths Student Needs Build a Plan 6. Refine the goal statement by adding the EBP Getting to a plan. Use Transition Assessment Planning Guide page 2. Ask to complete in Sept. webinar.. Send more frequent reminders to get them to complete and send to me, us, Rachel?? 5. What EBP (or practices) will be used to teach the skill (Select an EBP that will use the student strengths)

5 Target the Evidence Based Practice
Student Strengths Student Needs Build a Plan EXAMPLE: Hunter using self monitoring strategies Getting to a plan. Use Transition Assessment Planning Guide page 2. Ask to complete in Sept. webinar.. Send more frequent reminders to get them to complete and send to me, us, Rachel?? 5. What EBP (or practices) will be used to teach the skill (Select an EBP that will use the student strengths) Use one of more of the following 1) Self Monitoring 2) Simulation 3) Visual Supports

6 Target the Evidence Based Practice
Student Strengths Student Needs Build a Plan EXAMPLE: Shawna using visual supports and a revised prompting plan for the team Getting to a plan. Use Transition Assessment Planning Guide page 2. Ask to complete in Sept. webinar.. Send more frequent reminders to get them to complete and send to me, us, Rachel?? 5. What EBP (or practices) will be used to teach the skill (Select an EBP that will use the student strengths) One or more of the following: Assistive Technology, Visual Supports, and Prompting (revise current plan)

7 6. REfine the Goal Statement Identify more specifically the EBP(s)
Shawna will independently complete the oil change using visual supports. Hunter will use strategies to stay focused on the identified vocational task using self monitoring strategies Vernon will communicate career choices through self-advocacy training. Ann will accurately complete work tasks within one hour through the use of mobile technology and self-monitoring supports. Sean will select and explore 10 career options through the use of visual supports, self-advocacy and computer assisted instruction. Juan will increase his independence when performing job tasks by 25% (with out the support of an aide) through the use of chaining. Like the IEP

8 1. Student Strengths How does the student best learn?
What makes the student proud? What can the student accomplish with little or no assistance? What are the academic strengths? What are the students areas of interest or motivation? Are social skills a strength? What do others recognize in the student? What would the student indicate he would do given ‘free time’?

9 2. Student Needs What does the student need assistance to do, remember or accomplish? What does the student refuse to do? Where do you find yourself frequently stepping in and assisting? What areas of social interaction and self monitoring are difficult? What need, if improved, would assist the student to improve outcomes within school and adulthood?

10 3. Skills to be Taught What skills does the student need to master to address needs? What specific aspects of a job, task or skill seem to cause difficulty? What skill or ability would allow the student to better achieve in school activities? What skill or ability would allow the student to better reach his/her goals and adult outcomes?

11 4. Student Goal to Address Need
By now you are already working on identifying the student goal The priority needs have surfaced The areas of need that could be addressed given a new skill are more clear. Identify the student goal to address a selected areas of student need

12 4. Define the Goal Statement
Shawna will independently complete the oil change Hunter will use strategies to stay focused on the identified vocational task Vernon will communicate career choices Ann will accurately complete work tasks within one hour. Sean will select and explore 10 career options Juan will increase his independence when performing job tasks Like the IEP

13 5. Evidence Based Practices
After reviewing the students strengths, needs and skills to be taught, what EB Practices seem to be a good match? What EB Practices build off the student’s learning style? What EB Practices may have worked in past years? What EB Practices are used now that could be revised and improved for better success?

14 6. REfine the Goal Statement Identify more specifically the EBP(s)
Shawna will independently complete the oil change using visual supports. Hunter will use strategies to stay focused on the identified vocational task using self monitoring strategies Vernon will communicate career choices through self-advocacy training. Ann will accurately complete work tasks within one hour through the use of mobile technology and self-monitoring supports. Sean will select and explore 10 career options through the use of visual supports, self-advocacy and computer assisted instruction. Juan will increase his independence when performing job tasks by 25% (with out the support of an aide) through the use of chaining. Like the IEP

15 Review your completed work
Target the Evidence Based Practice Student Strengths Student Needs Build a Plan EXAMPLE: Shawna Review your completed work Make sense? using visual supports and a revised prompting plan for the team Getting to a plan. Use Transition Assessment Planning Guide page 2. Ask to complete in Sept. webinar.. Send more frequent reminders to get them to complete and send to me, us, Rachel?? 5. What EBP (or practices) will be used to teach the skill (Select an EBP that will use the student strengths) One or more of the following: Assistive Technology, Visual Supports, and Prompting (revise current plan)

16 Getting to the Details: Task Analysis
Task Analysis: Identifying the steps to the task, job, or assignment that the person needs to perform Individual, unique steps or actions of the task/activity Defined clearly Will help determine when and how to insert strategies and supports

17 Task Analysis Steps for Brushing Teeth Get in groups of 2 or 3
Take a few minutes to make as complete an analysis as possible Note where you and your partners may have done the steps differently.

18 Task Analysis List Each Specific Step to Brushing Teeth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

19 Considerations Steps for preparing to complete the task, such as gathering materials Is location a consideration? Does the location change the steps? Prerequisites Skills Oil Change… Do I know how to pick the correct oil? Greeting co-workers… Do I know who is my co-worker? Is knowing how to ask for help when I find myself unsure part of the process? Others???

20 Begin Your Task Analysis
Select the skill to be taught and the EBP you wish to use. Begin the task analysis of that skill (You may not finish or you may wish to revise it later)

21 Student Level of Independence
X Skill To Be Taught ___________________________________Student Name: _________________________ Environment where this will be taught________________________________________________________ Step # Describe Step Student Level of Independence Ind Vis/Pic Ges Mod Ver Phy Complete this area Only!!

22 Independence with Steps Requires Knowledge of Prompting
Describe Step Student Level of Independence Ind Vis/Pic Ges Mod Ver Phy Independence with Steps Requires Knowledge of Prompting

23 Prompting… An EBP

24 Prompting is a Teaching Strategy
Any assistance given that supports learning or initiates the use of a specific skill

25 What issue/concerns have you seen related to prompting?
Used by Everyone! All the Time! Very Effective! But often issues or concerns arise. What issue/concerns have you seen related to prompting?

26 Prompting Errors Over prompting… student does not try
Inconsistent prompting… team not on the same page Lack of fading …..poor planning of the level of prompts to use and how to fade Lack of data …..collected or reviewed

27 What TYPE of Prompt to use
Two Considerations What TYPE of Prompt to use HOW to use the Prompt

28 What Type of Prompt? Verbal Prompts: Gestural Prompts: Model Prompts:
Statements that helps a person acquire target skills (e.g. “You might need to try it a different way” “Write your name”) Gestural Prompts: Coaches make movements that cue the person to use a particular behavior/skill (e.g. pointing to the top of the paper for the to write name) Model Prompts: Coaches perform the target skill or behavior. Physical Prompts: Coaches touch person to help them use the target behavior or skill (e.g. tapping a youth’s hand to cue her to begin writing her name) Visual Prompts: Coaches show pictures of events that provide information about how to use the target skills or behavior (e.g. task analysis checklist, picture card

29 Which Prompt? Consider a Prompt Hierarchy


31 When Gaining Independence
How to Use the Prompt Most-to-Least Least-to-Most Prompts given to complete each step of the task correctly Gradually the amount of assistance provided is reduced as the person makes progress towards independence. Used when teaching new skill Person has opportunity to perform each step independently or with the least amount of assistance Greater degrees of assistance are provided if the person demonstrates he/she is unable to perform the steps correctly Use when person has already been taught or practices skills When Teaching When Gaining Independence

32 Prompting Least to Most Example
Video available at

33 REMINDER: Use Visual Prompts (Instead of a person-prompt)

34 Look at the steps you outlined.
Skill To Be Taught ___________________________________Student Name: _________________________ Environment where this will be taught________________________________________________________ Step # Describe Step Student Level of Independence Ind Vis/Pic Ges Mod Ver Phy Look at the steps you outlined. Make some decisions about what level of prompting is needed.

35 Put Your Plans Together

36 EBP Planning Worksheet
Student Name: _________________ Teach staff technology. Go back and review resources about that practice from the tool, to see option for different ways to use Remember your data collection sheet. Can modify this if you don’t want to use exactly, just a framework to get your thinking down.

37 Data!! A Word About Data

38 Selecting and Using Data for Decision Making
Paras are often involved with the data collection Paras often add ideas and input to the type of data that could be helpful Paras often give insight to the ‘raw’ data Paras generally do not design and implement a data collection plan on their own However, as part of the team, it is important to know how decisions are made so that you can assist in planning, implementation and review

39 Frequency of target goal
How often does the desired skill occur? Duration/ Time How long does it take? Intensity What is the level of a defined behavior? Accuracy How accurate is the response? Level of Independence How much assistance is needed?

40 Type of Measure Example
Frequency of target goal or of current issue of concern (need) “How often does Shawna use Mobile Tech to navigate to fourth floor independently” (0%) Or “How often does Shawna need assistance to find the fourth floor office?” (100%) Duration/ How Long? (time factor) of target goal or of current issue of concern (need) “Using Mobile Tech, how long does it take Shawna to navigate to fourth floor independently” (cannot do it at all now…) “With 1:1 assistance, how long does it take Shawna to find the fourth floor office?”(15 minutes) Intensity of the target goal or of current issue of concern (need) “Using Mobile Tech, what is Shawna’s anxiety level when navigating to the fourth floor independently” (refuses to try- sits on floor- cries) Or “With 1:1 assistance, what is Shawna’s anxiety level when navigating to the fourth floor ?”(stops 2 times, cries, asks for help) Would likely need to develop an intensity scale for objective measures.

41 Type of Measure Example
Accuracy of target goal or of current issue of concern (need) “Using Mobile Tech, how accurately does Shawn locate the fourth floor office independently” (not at all - refuses to try- sits on floor- cries) Or “With 1:1 assistance, how accurately does Shawn locate the fourth floor office?”(Currently finds the correct office 100% of the time with prompts for each step. 50% accurate with prompts for all but last step. 0% accurate when any less prompts given ) Level of Independence of target goal or of current issue of concern (need) “Using mobile tech, how independently does Shawna navigate to fourth floor?” (0%) “Without the 1:1 assistant prompting each step, what percent of time is Shawna able to navigate to fourth floor office?” (0% accurate without prompts or when asked to find her way independently. )

42 Frequency of target goal
How often Duration/ Time How long Intensity What Level? Accuracy How correct or exact Level of Independence How much assistance What Type(s) of Data do you think you will need to collect for the skill and goal you are targeting? Frequency Duration Intensity Accuracy Independence

43 EBP Planning Worksheet
Student Name: _________________ Teach staff technology. Go back and review resources about that practice from the tool, to see option for different ways to use Remember your data collection sheet. Can modify this if you don’t want to use exactly, just a framework to get your thinking down.

44 EBP Planning Worksheet
Student Name: _Shawna_____________ Teach staff technology. Go back and review resources about that practice from the tool, to see option for different ways to use Remember your data collection sheet. Can modify this if you don’t want to use exactly, just a framework to get your thinking down.

45 EBP Planning Worksheet
Student Name: ___Terri__________ Teach staff technology. Go back and review resources about that practice from the tool, to see option for different ways to use Remember your data collection sheet. Can modify this if you don’t want to use exactly, just a framework to get your thinking down.

46 EBP Planning Worksheet
Student Name: ___HUNTER__________ Teach staff technology. Go back and review resources about that practice from the tool, to see option for different ways to use Remember your data collection sheet. Can modify this if you don’t want to use exactly, just a framework to get your thinking down.

47 Final Discussion Is the Plan……. Teachable? Learnable? Doable?
Easily Assessed? Using this checklist does video modeling meet these criteria? Would someone be able to step in an implement this intervention/practice? For practice to be successful it needs to be implemented by all team members consistently and backed up with data collection/verification/observation.. Usable Interventions are effective and well‐operationalized. Well‐operationalized interventions can be taught and coached so educators can use them as intended (with fidelity). An intervention needs to be teachable, learnable, doable, and readily assessed in practice if it is to be used effectively to reach all students who could benefit. Framework Modules, Lessons and Resources are available at: From SISEP Framework Modules, Lessons and Resources are available at:

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