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Query Health Technical WG 5/31/2012. Agenda TopicTime Slot Announcements2:05 – 2:10 pm RI and Spec Updates2:05 – 2:10 pm HQMF Schema and Sample Changes2:10.

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Presentation on theme: "Query Health Technical WG 5/31/2012. Agenda TopicTime Slot Announcements2:05 – 2:10 pm RI and Spec Updates2:05 – 2:10 pm HQMF Schema and Sample Changes2:10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Query Health Technical WG 5/31/2012

2 Agenda TopicTime Slot Announcements2:05 – 2:10 pm RI and Spec Updates2:05 – 2:10 pm HQMF Schema and Sample Changes2:10 – 2:30 pm HL7 SDWG / Query Health Joint WG and Ballot preparation 2:30 – 3:00 pm

3 Announcements Query Health Update to HITSC RGS_0_0_6013_1817_17827_43/http%3B/wci- pubcontent/publish/onc/public_communities/_conte nt/files/052412_hitsc_queryhealthpresentation.pdf RGS_0_0_6013_1817_17827_43/http%3B/wci- pubcontent/publish/onc/public_communities/_conte nt/files/052412_hitsc_queryhealthpresentation.pdf

4 Specification Updates HQMF Completed reviewing the feedback from the consensus voting 0v0.5.docx 0v0.5.docx Setup Google Discussion Group for HQMF Issue Resolution: Working through Issue List to resolve: QRDA Implementation Guide Updates based on F2F feedback is in progress HL7/Query Health Joint WG Prepare HQMF and QRDA Category II and III for September Ballot Meetings will be on Tuesday’s weekly between 2 and 3pm, Starts on 6/5/2012. Meeting details will be presented shortly on the call.

5 RI Update PopMedNet Query Envelope gaps Implementation started (Target completion – June) Continue Working on i2B2 – PMN Integration (Target completion – July) i2B2 Working on Reverse Translator (HQMF to i2b2) using the Intermediate Translation model. Newer version to be posted later this week to the repository, which handles most of the i2b2 queries. health/source/browse/#hg%2Fsource%2FTranslators%2FIntermediate%20Model% 20to%20I2B2 health/source/browse/#hg%2Fsource%2FTranslators%2FIntermediate%20Model% 20to%20I2B2 Next Priority to start integration of translators into i2b2 code base hQuery Completed Temporal relationships and Subset code java script functions for HQMF translator Started working on generating HQMF v2 using JSON hQuery Model

6 HQMF Issues Discussion Issues List: IG: nce%20v0.5.docx nce%20v0.5.docx

7 HQMF Schema Updates Data Criteria Definitions were not part of the schema Caused a few validation errors Errors related to identity constraints and elements Few minor schema changes were required to correct the issues. Addition of element in the data criteria sections. Identifying the Definition choices that can be used Addition of a new definition called MeasurePeriod Changes to ProcedureDefinition and SubstanceAdministrationDefinition to relax classCode constraint This did not work as expected. Walk through the changes on the call and get verification from WG.

8 HQMF Google Group postings Started couple of Discussion threads as a follow up from last week Please post your thoughts on the topics

9 Next Steps Specification Usage Review the HQMF To Procedural Translator UML Model/XSD and XML and translator and provide comments Participate in the resolution of HQMF consensus comments and discussions Reference Implementation Looking for volunteers to convert Intermediate HQMF to concrete SQL implementation based on real world schema Volunteers requiring access to the code repository Please sign up for a google account at Project Repository -

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