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17th UPDEA Congress Yasmine Hammamet - TUNISIA Development of Electricity Grid Interconnections Strengths, Assessments of Exchanges and Prospects for Côte.

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Presentation on theme: "17th UPDEA Congress Yasmine Hammamet - TUNISIA Development of Electricity Grid Interconnections Strengths, Assessments of Exchanges and Prospects for Côte."— Presentation transcript:

1 17th UPDEA Congress Yasmine Hammamet - TUNISIA Development of Electricity Grid Interconnections Strengths, Assessments of Exchanges and Prospects for Côte d’Ivoire -------------------- VANIE BI TIECOURA – KOUASSI LEON PAUL - SOPIE

2 2 Location of RCI

3 3 Map of Côte d’Ivoire (19 regions)

4 4 Institutional Framework for the Power Sector LEGISLATION ON THE POWER SECTOR * Law n° 85 – 583 of 29 July 1985; Under Article I of Law n° 85-583 of 29 July 1985, the transmission and distribution of electricity across Côte d’Ivoire, as well as the import and export are a State monopoly. Power generation, however, is not a State monopoly, factor allowing the introduction of IPPs.

5 5 Institutional Framework for the Electricity Sector STATE PLAYERS * General Energy Directorate - DGE * National Regulator of the Electricity Sector - ANARE * Managing Company for the Electricity Sector Assets - SOGEPE * Ivorian Electricity Operation Company - SOPIE PRIVATE OPERATORS * Ivorian Electricity Company - CIE * Ivorian Company for Electricity Generation – CIPREL (321 MW) * AZITO – Energie (296 MW) * Aggreko (70 MW on lease) *Natural gas producers: Foxtrot, Afren, CNR

6 6 Institutional Set-up

7 7 Key Figures for 2009 Hydropower plants: 604 MW Thermal plants: 787 MW TOTAL INSTALLED CAPACITY : 1 391 MW 225-kV line : 1 668 km 90-kV line : 2 528 km High voltage stations: 44 Gross production 2009: 5797 GWh Peak power : 857 MW

8 8 Côte d’Ivoire’s Assets and Potentials GENERATION PARK * Hydropower plants The installed capacity of the hydropower generation fleet is of 604 MW, breaking down as follows: i- Ayamé1 (20 MW), ii- Ayamé2 (30 MW), iii- Kossou (174 MW), iv- Taabo (210 MW), v) Buyo (165 MW), and vi- Fayé (5 MW). * Thermal plants The installed capacity of the thermal generation fleet is of 787 MW, breaking down as follows : i- Vridi (100 MW), ii- Ciprel (321 MW), iii-Azito (296 MW), and iv- Aggreko (70 MW, on lease).

9 9 Côte d’Ivoire’s Assets and Potentials ELECTRICITY GRID The Ivorian electricity grid is comprised of lines of transmission, interconnection and distribution as well as transformer stations: * HV Network i- 225-kV line (1 668 km), ii- 225-kV interconnection line (218 km), iii- 90-kV line (2 528 km). * MV Network iv- MV network (18 573 km), v- LV network (15 446 km), vi- HV/MV substations (44), vii- MV/MV substations (58), viii- MV/LV substations (8002).

10 10 Ivorian Electrical Grid

11 11 Côte d’Ivoire’s Assets and Potentials HYDROPOWER GENERATION POTENTIAL All the water bodies of Côte d’Ivoire were assessed to determine/ascertain the country’s hydropower generation potential. Thus, a summary preliminary study (SPS) was conducted on all the sites that could be equipped. It emerges from these studies that the theoretical hydropower generation of Côte d’Ivoire is estimated at 46 000 GWh. The table below shows the list of sites that can be equipped.


13 13 Assessment of Interconnections Côte d’Ivoire – Ghana Interconnection In 1983-1993 Côte d’Ivoire used to import power. Its imports decreased from 310 GWh in 1984 to 59 GWh in 1993, that is a regular trend towards self-reliance in the field of energy. In 1994-2010 Côte d’Ivoire was a net exporter of power to Ghana. Its exports grew from 14 GWh in 1994 to 105 GWh in 2009, reaching a peak of 1219 GWh in 2002. Between 1984-2009, a total of 7 502 GWh of electrical power was exchanged between both countries.

14 14 Assessment of Interconnections.

15 15 Assessment of Interconnections Côte d’Ivoire – Togo/Benin Interconnection Côte d’Ivoire was a net exporter of power to the CEB (Benin Electric Community) by 1955. The export of power transits through Ghana, via the interconnection grid. The electrical energy exports to the CEB increased from 172 GWh in 1995 to 154 GWh in 2009, experiencing a peak of 577 GWh in 2001. In 1998, no power was exported to the CEB. In 1995-2009, the CEB was supplied a total of 3 854 GWh of electrical power.

16 16 Assessment of Interconnections.

17 17 Assessment of Interconnections Côte d’Ivoire – Burkina Faso Interconnection Côte d’Ivoire was a net power exporter to Burkina Faso by 2001. The exports of electrical power grew from 66 GWh in 2001 to 129 GWh in 2009, recording a peak of 135 GWh in 2006. In 2001-2009, Côte d’Ivoire supplied a total of 975 GWh of electrical power to Burkina Faso.

18 18 Assessment of Interconnections.

19 19 Lessons Learnt SELECTIVE POWER CUTS These projects enable Côte d’Ivoire to cope with two serious power generation deficits The first case was experienced in 1984 during the exceptional drought which reduced the hydropower generation potential of the Ivorian grid. The Ivorian electrical system was provided assistance by Ghana via the interconnection network. The second case occurred in February-May 2010 when a 100-MW thermal power generator broke down at the AZITO power plant. Once again, Côte d’Ivoire was provided assistance by Ghana which supplied 88,8 GWh, that is 46 percent of the overall power shortage.

20 20 Lessons Learnt OPERATING MANUAL The lessons learnt from an experience of over 25 years of practice served as a basis for drafting the Manual of Interconnection Operation enforced by the Western African Power Pool (WAPP). The Operating Manuel was initially designed for the Zone A interconnected grids and was later on extended to all the Western African Power Pool (WAPP). It seeks to ensure all the stakeholders of WAPP interconnected electrical grids operate correctly and efficiently the Western Africa interconnected network and take an equitable share in the obligations and advantages arising from the interconnection.

21 21 Update on New Projects Interconnection of Côte d’Ivoire – Mali Electrical Grids Project Description and Rationale The project of interconnection of the Côte d’Ivoire and Mali’s electrical grids aims to build a high voltage 225-kV electrical line, going from Ferkessédougou (Côte d'Ivoire) to Ségou (Mali) via Sikasso and Koutiala as well as to build transformer substations. The ultimate purpose is to increase the offer and reinforce safe electrical power supply to Mali (+80 MW) while reducing the costs of thermal power supplied (from 86 Fcfa/kW to 45).

22 22 Update on New Projects Technical Profile  High-voltage line: Ferké-Sikasso-Koutiala-Ségou of 519-km long, 225 kV;  Extension of the Ferké and Ségou substations;  Construction of a 225/33/15 kV substation in Sikasso and Koutiala;  Supply and installation of a 50-MVAr compensator;  Institutional Support. Status of Progress The project is underway. The Malian portion has already been completed.

23 23 Update on New Projects Interconnection of the CLSG Electrical Grids Project Description and Rational The project seeks at ensuring the interconnection of the electrical grids of Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea from the station in Man. It is in line with the implementation of the West African Power Pool (WAPP) projects aimed at reinforcing the exchanges of electrical power exchange between the countries in the region.

24 24 Update on New Projects Technical Profile The project will consist in the construction of a high-voltage transmission line of approximately 1100 km, the construction of ten (10) high-voltage stations including four (4) in Liberia, five (5) in Sierra Leone, one (1) in Guinea and the extension of two (2) high-voltage stations including one in Côte d’Ivoire (station in Man) and the other in Guinea. Status of Progress The feasibility studies have been completed. The Consultant was mandated to draft a detailed design. The Western African Power Pool (WAPP) is currently seeking funding.

25 25 Update on New Projects Upgrading the Côte d’Ivoire – Ghana Interconnection into a 330-kV line Project Description and Rationale In the context of the Western Africa Electrical Energy Exchange System (WAEEES), the construction of interconnection line between Benin and Nigeria will help connect all the countries in the ECOWAS Zone A. The interconnection of Nigeria to the group of countries already connected, that is Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin is going to generate significant power transits between Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria via Ghana, Togo and Benin. To cope with foreseeable high levels of transit, one should reinforce transit capacity between Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana with the construction of the second 330-kV interconnection line.

26 26 Update on New Projects Technical Profile The project involves the provision and deployment of equipment for:  The 330-kV line RIVIERA – PRESTEA of about 220 km, with 146 km in Côte d’Ivoire;  Establishment of a 330-kV node at the Riviera station;  Installation of two (2) 330/225-kV transformers at the RIVIERA station;  Extension of the 330-kV PRESTEA substation with the creation of 330-kV spans;  Installation of the related tele-transmission and metering equipment. Status of Progress Funded by the EIB through a grant to the WAPP, the studies are underway and shall lead to fund seeking for the execution of works.

27 27 Conclusion Interconnections did play a significant role of integrative factor. Indeed, in 1984- 2009, over 12 000 GWh were exchanged with Ghana, le Burkina Faso, le Togo and Benin. These projects also enabled Côte d’Ivoire to cope with two cases of serious power generation deficits. The first occurred in 1983 during the exceptional drought which reduced the hydropower potential of the Ivorian electrical system while the second one occurred in 2009 when the 100-MW generator of the AZITO thermal plant broke down. Lessons learnt from over 25 years of practice served as a basis for drafting the Operating Manual of interconnections enforced by the Western African Power Pool (WAPP). The projects underway (Côte d’Ivoire – Mali and Côte d’Ivoire – Liberia - Sierra Leone – Guinea) will undoubtedly reinforce the development of interconnected grids in Africa.


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