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Age of Reason circa 1750-1800 aka American Enlightenment aka Era of Revolution.

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1 Age of Reason circa 1750-1800 aka American Enlightenment aka Era of Revolution

2 Definition: Age of Reason “Faith in the reality of the world as revealed to the senses, distrust of the mysterious, confidence in the attainment of progress by education and humanitarianism, and the assurance that an appeal to reason would provide solutions for all human problems, including those of the society and the state” (Perkins 163).

3 aka The Enlightenment Ideas spread from European Enlightenment stemming from Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton As man perceived a greater future for himself on earth, he became less concerned with preparation for eternity and less moved by religious arguments based on acceptance and faith

4 Newton Sir Isaac Newton compared God to a clockmaker who created the universe (a perfect mechanism) and left His creation to run on its own.

5 Enlightenment in America In America, a practical approach to social matters and science already existed. American pragmatism existed in an interest in social welfare, willingness to experiment (no matter what authorities said) Took common sense ideas from European thinkers

6 Movement from Original Sin New thought embraced man as capable of infinite perfectibility and as a creature whose good or evil traits resulted from environmental conditions Traits didn’t come from Adam and Eve or Divine Grace

7 Common Philosophical Beliefs Reason over faith Reason and science can further human progress People are by nature good

8 Deism Ideas about God were based on reason Humanity is inherently good Every individual can be perfected through reason God’s goal for His creatures is to be happy Best form of worship is to do good for others Found in ideas of Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson

9 American Literature in Age of Reason Rooted in reality rather than imagination Concentrated on social, political, scientific improvements Intended to serve practical ends Logically argued and organized Pamphlets were popular (for political purposes) Poetry (unoriginal, followed British models)

10 Literature cont. Best known work from the era is Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography. It is a personal narrative that tells his rags to riches story. First section written at 65 (1771), addresses his son as letter of fatherly advice.

11 Franklin continued Friends advised him to add more Most famous is his section for self- improvement Americans didn’t receive literary recognition until the Romantic era

12 Schoolhouse Rock! ml?pid=1740 ml?pid=1740 Schoolhouse Rock GaeFI&feature=related GaeFI&feature=related ZTpY8

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