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Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Affairs Briefing 0.

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Presentation on theme: "Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Affairs Briefing 0."— Presentation transcript:

1 Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Affairs Briefing 0

2 Index Indication by Committee Introduction Budget : Vote 25 : Safety and Security Review : 2002/03 Financial year MTEF allocation : Facts and figures Prominent aspects 1

3 Indication by Committee Briefing on the Budget of the Department of Safety and Security 2

4 Budget Review of 2002/03 financial year Medium Term Expenditure Framework : 2003/04 to 2005/06 3

5 Review : 2002/03 Total allocationR19 713 544 000 Less: Expenditure up to 31 March 2003R19 713 542 554 RemainderR 1 446 4

6 Summary Programmes 4(a)

7 MTEF : 2003/04 to 2005/06) Facts and Figures 5

8 Spending policy directions President (State of the Nation address) – “Improvements within the Criminal Justice System – Improve the capacity of SAPS to discharge its crime prevention and combating responsibilities – Better intelligence capacity – Reduce the number of illegal firearms – Stricter border control – Increase in the number of Saturday and specialized courts ” Minister of Finance – “Streamline the justice process and improve protection of women and children – Investment in buildings, vehicles, computer equipment and a new radio communication system in Gauteng – Additional funding to hire more police and further enhance the sector policing strategy – Supplementary death benefits” 6

9 Scarcity : Principles Basic resource aspect emanates from the fact that any human, entity or country do not possess sufficient resources or means to fulfill all its needs Issue of scarcity underlie any economic system On continuous basis make intentional choices between needs which will most benefit a Vote with the resources to its disposal An economic reality of all spheres of life and is therefore evident that resources should be utilized in such a manner that it is expended on the choices between the different needs 6(a)

10 Budget process – Defining moments Prioritization stage – Cabinet consider policy priorities as indicated by Executive Authority Preparation of budget – Compilation of budget submission which is prescriptive of nature Review of macro-economic and fiscal framework and DOR Recommendation stage – MTEC hearings / MinComBud / Cabinet Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Special Joint Committee on the Budget State of the Nation Address / Budget Day / ENE 7

11 Budget process – Defining moments Measurable objectives developed for each programme and are reflected alongside departmental spending plans Performance indicators developed and indicated together with performance targets as to enhance effectiveness, efficiency and economic utilization of resources Figures 8

12 Programmes / Standard items Programmes reflect the general objectives and purposes for which funds are requested. Standard items reflect the estimated expenditure on goods and services required in pursuance of a departments’ objectives Future: Government Finance Statistics (GFS) classification (Standard Chart of Accounts to post financial transactions as to ensure consistency and therefore enhances the quality of information derived from the accounting systems used by Government across its departments) 9

13 MTEF allocations : Vote 25 10

14 Allocations : Vote 25 (Total) 10(a) (11,5%) (11,0%) (10,4%) (8,6%)

15 Baseline adjustments (Additional) 11

16 Programmes : Figures (Year-on-Year) 12

17 Standard items (Year-on-year) 13

18 Personnel versus operating expenditure 14 Insert Excel spreadsheet no 14

19 SAPS Enlistment programme: 2002 to 2006 15

20 SAPS Enlistment programme: 2002 to 2006 16

21 Training provision MTEF (“Training for all functions”) 17

22 Enlistments operational expenditure The following amounts have been set aside for the basic training of entry-level Constables: 2003/042004/052005/06 R’000 R’000 R’000 103 313104 144106 589 17(a)

23 Vehicles Prioritized spending environment with the main aim of modernization of the vehicle fleet of the department Amounts allocated will provide for the annual replacement of boarded vehicles and the possibility exist for the expansion of the fleet in time to come MTEF provision for this purpose: – 2002/03R505 million – 2003/04R555 million – 2004/05R606 million – 2005/06R650 million 18

24 Capital Works 19

25 Other (Total) EstimatesPlanning 2003/042004/052005/06 R’000 Firearm Control Act 36,000 AFIS 17,27018,03319,802 Gauteng Radio System 58,225178,276203,467 IJS modernization 58,50094,000111,000 20

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