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Abundances of Refractory Elements for Planet-Host Stars Lee, Sang-Gak Seoul National University Kim, Kang-Min Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Abundances of Refractory Elements for Planet-Host Stars Lee, Sang-Gak Seoul National University Kim, Kang-Min Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abundances of Refractory Elements for Planet-Host Stars Lee, Sang-Gak Seoul National University Kim, Kang-Min Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2009. 10. 9. Kang, Wonseok Seoul National University

2 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 2 OUTLINE OUTLINE Introduction Observations Process  Measure the EWs  Determine the parameters of model atmosphere  The abundances analysis Statistics  Radial velocities  Model parameters Abundances Summary

3 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 3 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Abundances for Planet-Host Stars (PHSs)  Information of protoplanetary circumstance Dust and planetesimal fomation in protoplanetary disks Stellar atmosphere conserves the primordial composition  Criteria for the planet-searching Possibility to find the relationship between stellar abundance and exoplanet properties Abundances of Refractory Elements  Important in condensation process in the early stage of protoplanetary disks especially near the host star, the inside of ice line  Earth-life lives on the surface which is relatively abundant in refractory elements Metabolism

4 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 4 OBSERVATIONS OBSERVATIONS Observation  In 2008 and 2009  With BOES at BOAO (Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory)  Obtain the spectra of 98 star samples Selected by the magnitude and declination. 64 Known PHSs 34 Unknown samples  R ~ 30,000 / 45,000 (fiber: 300μm / 200μm)  S/N ~ 100-300 at 5500Å Samples for This Work  Limited to G-type stars – 52 stars Known PHSs – 34 / Unknown - 18

5 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 5 SAMPLES SAMPLES

6 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 6 PROCESS PROCESS Measurement of EWs  Using TAME program ( SSPEC at previous workshop) Tools for Automatic Measurement for Equivalent-widths  Total 13555 EWs of 52 stars ( Fe : 6246 / Others : 7309 ) Fit with Gaussian / Voigt profile Line list ; Gilli et al. 2006 / Cohen et al. 2009 / VALD 15 elements  Calculate RVs from the center wavelength of fitting profiles Determination of Model Atmosphere Parameters  Using MOOGFE code with MOOG code & Kurucz ATLAS9 model  Self-consistent fine analysis for Fe I/II lines Calculate abundance of iron lines with starting model atmosphere Check the slopes of iron abundances Adjust the parameters of model atmosphere Remake the model atmosphere with new parameters (Iterate these processes)  For the Sun [Fe/H] = 0.00, T Eff = 5823, log g = 4.41, ξ t = 0.98

7 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 7 STATISTICS STATISTICS Model Parameters  Compared with 3 References Cayrel et al. 2001 SPOCS Catalog (Valenti & Fischer, 2005) Gilli et al. 2006

8 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 8 STATISTICS STATISTICS RV Results  Calculated by TAME fitting results  Compared with the references SIMBAD General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities (1953, 1979) The Geneva-Copenhagen Survey (2004) SPOCS catalog Valenti & Fischer 2005  Difference average & σ ΔRV [km/s] = RV THIS – RV SIMBAD - for each star N Lines / σ Lines [km/s] - the lines for each star

9 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 9 STATISTICS STATISTICS Abundance Difference (Gilli et al. 2006) Hyperfine structure

10 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 10 STATISTICS STATISTICS Abundance Average & σ

11 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 11 ABUNDANCES ABUNDANCES Metallicity [Fe/H]

12 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 12 ABUNDANCES ABUNDANCES Mg I (α element) Background small points from Bensby et al. 2005 / Mishenina et al. 2004 / Soubiran et al. 2005

13 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 13 ABUNDANCES ABUNDANCES Sc II (α element)

14 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 14 ABUNDANCES ABUNDANCES Ti I (α element)

15 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 15 ABUNDANCES ABUNDANCES Mn I (iron-peak element)

16 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 16 ABUNDANCES ABUNDANCES Zn I (iron-peak element)

17 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 17 ABUNDANCES ABUNDANCES Ba II

18 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 18 SUMMARY & FURTURE WORKS SUMMARY & FUTURE WORKS We examined the abundances of 15 elements for 52 G-type samples ( PHSs : 34 ) [Mn/Fe] is high for PHSs  The more Mn & Zn lines have to be added  The synthetic spectrum with hyperfine structure [Sc/Fe] and [Ti/Fe] tend to increase for PHSs in [Fe/H] < 0  Need more samples in [Fe/H] < 0 [Ba/Fe] of single-planet system is higher than that of multi- planet system We plan to estimate abundance of Carbon, Oxygen, Sulfur  Sulfur metabolism in the early stage of life-evolution

19 The 4 th Workshop on Extra-solar Planet Search with Accurate Radial Velocity Measurements in Japan, 2009 19

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